The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 363

Stalin stunned, then quickly returned: "For the Malang? Second Pacific Fleet?"

Linhan nodded.

"As long as you pay attention, you will find that the birth of us, in fact, it is related to the warship. I am the flagship of the Beiyang Waterierie, and the German, you should know that the British is related to the British. Recently, he has been circulating, he is found by the British Navy from the big fleet. "

Stalin fully understood the words of Lin Han.

"You say, I want to get a Soviet Union, no, it is Russian crystallization, I am going to the Mashaia, go to the second Pacific Fleet." "

Lin Han answers: "You don't need to look for blindly, because many years ago, I have already met her."

Chapter 436 Real Estate

When I heard Lin Han, I was enjoying the Black Tea's Stalin, I couldn't help but a micro-slight hand, although the action was very slight, but Lin Han still noticed.

Lin Han continued: "The powerful navy is a soul of a country. When a country's navy is destroyed, the resentment of the people and the sailor will focus, the most likely produced the crystallization of this national will. About this existence, I am more willing to use 'English'. "

" ?"

Stalin nodded and said that it also endorsed this called.

"British, they usually condense, born in things related to the warships. Home-seemed warships, or warships, the items of the ship, usually can represent the 'logo' item of the warship."

Stalin rushed excited, asked with concern: "Have she born? Where is it now?"

Lin Han's reply: "In October pregnant, the time is not arriving, it is still in gestation."

"What do you mean?"

"I was born in 1929. Before I left Japan, I felt her blurry existence. At that time, she found that she was only a primitive embryonic state, and did not form an independent self-consciousness. And I felt far in the earth. On the other end, there is another similar existence has been born, so I feel the past, then I found her in Germany. "

Stalin Road: "Add hundreds of columns? The one of Germany?"

"It's her! When the Deichuan battleship began to build, the German big fleet in the Bay of Skashi," I have produced the original 'English' reaction at the time of the German Bay of Skashi, and in 1929. The economic crisis, this kind of eager to fall into the abyss, the people in the people of the people, is also more strong, and eventually produced the last thing in the built-in burst of the building. Germany declared that she is Add hundreds of columns, but she is not, she is only a crystallization of German people's consciousness. "

Stalin listened quietly.

Lin Han continued to Dualin Road: "I found it in Kili, she only had obscured consciousness, and I have a long time to mature. In order to accelerate her maturity, I created Safaros in Germany, a biminy She is a hundred columns, and I am another one. "

Stalin Road: "Safaros? This name is very heavy."

"Yes, it is Safaros. I am in the time, in order to facilitate the development of sheep in Christian and Jewish."

Lin Han confirmed this. He and Safaros have the relationship, the high levels of all countries are under their heart, and it is not difficult to find out, so he is not intended to be deceived on this matter.

"We have the existence of our people, there is a constant belief in the human source. If there is no such faith, we will disappear, die, our power also comes from human beliefs. I created Safaros, it is more absorption. Many faith, accelerate her maturity, on the day of the German, she finally matured. "

"Of course, in these days of the warship, I have not idle, I know history, so I found Hitler in advance, convince him, and then started a series of layouts, these you should understand."

Stalin asked: "The Pacific Fleet, the whole sinks in the bottom of the Mahard, what is the situation?"

"She is still not mature, because she lacks faith, lacking people's craving."

Lin Han continued to explain to Stalin: "I have said before, this existence, only when a country will come to the edge of the cliff - um, more accurate statement, should use 'easier' instead of ' Will 'to describe it to be more accurate. Because the people' s thirst is most prosperous at this time, they have the most belief that they grow up. Of course, there is still not enough, but also need to accumulate and precipitate, this involves the national nation. The historical length problem. "

"Russian universal, there is a prototype after the Japanese War, after a war, Russian collapse, caught in civil war, a lot, but Russian civil war, lasted more than three years, then end, supply her Nursing, still not too much. Not enough for her growth. Then Russia became the Soviet, Red Russia's Soviet Union and her, not much supporting, plus you denied all white Russia, she lost from the Soviet Union Opportunities in the people have got more beliefs ... "

Stalin's eyes are shining: "What you mean is, I can use people to increase my beliefs, use human way, and urge her?"

"Yes, this means this."

Linhan point head.

Stalin Road: "This, it seems that you have experience."

"On the one in Germany, I tried it, the way is very effective. But the crystallization of Russia, she is now sinking in the sea, to curse her, some trouble."

"What trouble?"

"Need to go to the place, salvage the symbol of some second Pacific Fleet, then make the coordinates of the belief, in addition, you'd better find some people, those who have participated in the second Pacific Fleet "

Stalin asked: "So, after she is born, who has a self-consciousness, who will help?"

"Who is the crystallization of the will, naturally, who is there. Germany, she is the second empire of Germany, but she still stands in the current German second people's Republic. She is before The product of the Sand Russian era, but the Soviet Union is the successor of Saulan, as long as the Soviet people can accept her, she will recognize you. "

Stalin nodded.

"How long will we take ripe?"

"This is not what I can know. Her birth, talking about the day. So far, the Soviet Union is in the rising period, to get her, will definitely need the time, will be more than walking at the cliff, Germany and the United Kingdom For a long time, after all, what you are going to do is to take advantage of this world. "


Stalin nodded to understand, and his face was rare to expose.

"last question."

He reveals: "This time, I have been going to China. I have been prepared by you. And the Soviet Union, some people have analyzed your character, whether it is a psychologist or me, I don't think you. It is a person who has too much kindness to Soviet. "

Lin Han, said, "I am already a super human existence, but I am afraid of this world secular force. I think we have the existence of us, and I have not arrived at all situations. And I firmly believe in a truth, balance I am safe and China. Although I will treat the Soviet Union as a potential enemy, I am very clear, China has, Germany has, the United Kingdom has, Japan has, and the Soviet United States has no, then there will be the worst case. ...... 'There is no', the United States and the Soviet Union join, and clean the 'there is' country together. "

Lin Han's meaning, Stalin is completely understanding, he replied: "It is true, in the future, the United States has already issued a number of US Soviet Union."

Stalin is also in this way, faintly threatened. He didn't lie, this is also a threat to the middle of China when he is the trip to China. It is only that Stalin didn't think of it, this is the trip to China, everything will be so smooth.

Finally, before the end of this conversation, he had to Lin Han Road: "When there is something needed to fish, there is still something to do, we need your help and suggestions you have done."

That night, the Chinese party invited the Soviet Union in the liberation number.

Eating is just a little thing, but more is to discuss the future, especially in the next few years, in the next few years, two strategies in the US war against the Pacific Ocean.

After a meal, a high level of talks continued to start. Since Turin is easy to get the most wanted from Lin Han, the negotiation atmosphere of the two sides has become very friendly and harmonious.

On the venue, in addition to the translation, the remaining sixteen people in the meeting were all the highest levels of China.

Lin Han speaking on the field, he hosted this talk about this talk with the identity of "future people crossed". Lin Han special trail identity, let him have an ultrastoped position at such a high-level meeting, and the two Sinova will listen to his suggestions before making a new decision.

"Americans obviously want to use the turtle tactics, with powerful industrial ability, crazy hoarding army ship. If you can't get strong support, even if you have an unope, the Japanese will still defeat."

"Japan's defeat is inevitable, but he is defeated, this is the most critical point."

Since the Japanese, Ying and Germany, I have announced the existence of Shen Ming, and now the United States has been placed in a very embarrassing position. That is to constitute this immigrant country's ideology, it is facing unprecedented impact. "

"I am here today, it is about the topic of the war of ideology."

In the hall on the liberation number, the table is surrounded by a circle. Lin Han is in the center of the table, facing the highest leadership of China and Su, talking.

Although Lin Han hates long-lasting in the forefront to manage a country's size, it really likes this kind of stood here. It is moving the mouth, which determines the game that even a few countries will come to the game, and serve as the leader of the scene. Paper fan "The character of the master is his favorite.

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