The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions Men's Crossing, Chapter 343

I know that this warship is the importance of the Japanese Navy. In the final hoisting engineering, Li Huimei also personally came to the scene as a supervision, supervising the installation of the turret. Fortunately, everything goes well.

According to Li Huimei, the Andako battleship after completion. Will be renamed "Guam" to Japan Joint Fleet. The reason why is named "Guam", is to commemorate the large sea war for the full US Pacific Fleet.

When I stood around South Dakota, Li Hua felt a little uncomfortable feeling. She understood that this uncomfortable feeling came from He Fang, which is the South Dakota himself, has formed a weak ship soul.

This has not had a soul of self-consciousness, and he is hostile to her. The US Pacific Fleet, the US Pacific Fleet, the unwillingness and resentment of the heavy battleship. All of the flagships of the captured Pacific Fleet now, and finally born with weak awareness.

As the turret is installed, the South Dakota has basically repaired, and the final debugging work will be served after the final debugging project is completed.

"Americans' resentment is very heavy, I feel that the existence of the shroud, but she is still very weak, but I am very hostile to me."

The incarnation is a big and well-smashed Li Huayi, standing on a high platform, looking at the "Guam" battleship in the distance of three hundred meters.

The person who talks to her is Hannah. She is the identity of the head of the head of the special envoy here to visit the maintenance of Guam. In the eyes of the surrounding Japanese. Even politicians and bored people in the eyes, I think this is tall, beautiful blonde. It is the "lover" of the German headed Hitler.

Although it is considered to be Hitler's mistress, there is no one dare to smoke Hanna. In addition to the beauty of the Japanese, people in Japan know that there is a very high talent in the design of the ship's design, and is one of the two designers of the two apex battleship in Germany.

After the South Dakota is captured, as an important allies of Japan, the Germans also sent experts to check the structure constructor of the ship to assess the process level of the US shipbuilding. During the repair process, the ship is also inseparable from the high-quality boiler and radar provided by the Germans.

Hanna replied: "I also feel her hostility. If the next big sea battle, you can break more American warships. Believe in the resentment of the Americans, and the sinking warship is not willing. I will gather more. A warship. "

Hannah came here to visit South Dakota, but also wanted to take the opportunity to further understand the process of making the warship soul. Just as South Dakota is completed. The two have seen a few days and have not blunt.

As a guest from Germany, "Respect Guys", Li Huamei personally came to host Hanna. On the afternoon, she took Hanna to visit the three battleships in the local Sancha Park.

Many years ago, Katsha, now and Li Huimei, I have been here, I have come here to visit three, just at the time, she was on the ship, the ability of her body was hidden by the weak ship on the three sheets. Lee, suppressed her into a mortal.

When Li Huimei and Kathawha, when I took the ship with "Dahe Fuzi", Li Hua accidentally found that it disappeared with her hostility.

She was visited with her to visit Hannah: "This is probably because I was regarded as the Guardian of Japan, and I absorb all Japanese beliefs, and she asked himself as her own."

Li Huai traveled with Hannah in Japan, just a small episode. Huna followed the German delegation to visit Japan, and the Lord continued to provide military technical support to Japan. It takes the opportunity to understand the US shipblock technology. Another task is to discuss Japan, discuss the topic of "Balawan Islands Delivery" .

Balahang Island is the secret agreement of the island to change the weapon in Japan, which is "sold" by the Japanese "sell" to Germany. After the Battle of the Philippines, there were about tens of thousands of indigenous people at the time. After the war, the Japanese in order to taste the draft of Su, Germany, in the new Philippine region, madly mining local minerals.

According to Li Hua's opinion, the Japanese arrested local indigenous indigenous in the island, and only more than 60,000 people in the island, the Japanese arrested more than 4,000 Qingzhu to invest in the Japanese. mine.

On February 10, Japan announced that Japan announced that Balawan Island sold Balawang's price to German with millions of German mark.

On this day, this day announced, it is currently being "friendly visit", a German branch of "Friendly Visit": Deutsche Cockets and Furi Jay Air Defense Cruiser, carrying two thousand German soldiers relying on Balawang Island Landing on the shore. Before the world reacted, they received Balawan Island from the Japanese.

These two thousand German soldiers, the secret of "tourists" into China and Lanfang, until recently passed through various channels, and landed in Balawan Island on the 10th.

The Germans didn't want to receive Balawang Island so early, but when Dewarn trip, negotiations in Berlin and Hitler, asked Germany asked Germany to support Japan, so Lin Han's daughter Adophanna proposed a husband to Dewey The property problem of the McGro n't.

Before a war, the Bati Islands on the Pacific is a German colonial, and these islands have been obtained by Japan. During the negotiation of Berlin, the German said that Japanese has decided to "sell" to Germany in order to compensate for the loss of Germany.

Duwei's presidential agreement, in order to change the current situation of the current world, bite the teeth agreed with the Germans to receive the requirements of Balawang Island, and as the exchange conditions, Germany stopped support for Japanese weapons.

After Willich's death, Dewey became the US president, and the Germans were in February to ask Japan as the island in February after further confirmation of the United States.

For the United States, Germany occupies Balawang Island, which is both bad things and good things. Bad things will lead to more complexity here, and recover the Philippines in the future. The good thing is that the British will be in the back, extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, Germany, it is to be the result of the two of the two of the two, for the future, the Japanese can't hold it on the Pacific Ocean, and there is a Japanese knife, and the fruit of the Pacific War is prepared.

Regardless of China or the Soviet Union, I don't want to see Americans to reach the West Pacific. Got Balawang Island, and when you lick your Japanese knife, you have a closer to the base.

As for this, the issue will trigger the problem of the United States. With the further improvement of Sude, it is now not worried about the United States to Xuan War. Whether it is Dewey or the US government, it is impossible to win the war before defeating Japan.

As for Japan's support, when the three Sude's three in the West Pacific, in the West Pacific, and the contradictions of the United States were in the same contradiction, it was not a ratio of Balawan Islands.

On February 10, 1944, the Germans received Balawang Island, in the next few years, a large number of immigrants from Southeast Asia and China, entered the island under the controversies of the German, and these immigrants have quite The quantity is "veterans" identity.

In the Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, the so-called ancient countries around the Islands around the Philippines have been China's country. China has enjoyed the sovereignty of the many ancient countries (including Balawan Islands) since ancient times, and the sovereignty of China South China Sea, which is also known as "since ancient times".

In the next few years, Zhongde two jointly developed the island, and prepared for future landing of the Philippines. Hannah understands that Germany far in Europe is not likely to keep such a large colony at the other end of the earth, and the island itself has no resource can be affordable. She costs the best to get the island and the surroundings, pure to help their heads and forests. Another reason is that these islands can be sold to China as "chips" to China in the end of the future war, and it can also take a ticket to China in Germany.

Chapter 407 China

On the last few days before the flight from China, the last few days before the US, the "Merry of the United States" is "the" United States "as" the President of the United States "as the" US President of the United States ", and the topic of the Chinese discussion, is China and the United States. Paint Japan's topic on the Pacific Ocean.

One of them is related to bombing Japan.

So far, the Pacific War has, for half a year, Americans receive them on the Pacific Ocean, only the news constantly defeated. The resentment of the people has been very deep, especially the San Francisco suffers from bombing and Hawaii to fall, this resentment has reached the peak.

In order to gas, the US military, the Naval Combat Minister Nimitz, proposed a vision of the world: the aircraft carrier, load a batch of B25 bombers, take off the plane from the 950-kilometer sea of ​​Tokyo, Japan, bombing Tokyo, Japan.

This combat plan is just a transcription of Japan Du Lite bombarding Tokyo.

However, the original historical in the past, the US Navy can bombing Tokyo when developing a combat plan, passing through Japan into China and the Soviet Union.

Just this, now the Pacific War broke out, and the two signs were obviously standing in Japan, like Yingde to join hands in the United States. Americans play a bombing Tokyo in history, it is unlikely.

But everything is in human.

President Wilky is before the disease, in order to alleviate the political pressure from the folk and political enemies, the Chinese and Japanese are Chinese.

In 1935 to 1936, the new China was founded in the Bank of China, and the US government expressed his goodwill of China. During the cactus, the Overseas Chinese training camp established by Lin Han in the help of the US president, although only more than a year was closed, but the overseas Chinese younger in these training camps have returned to New China in the war. The battle of the country. The two sides also focus on "a little good".

When Dewey visited China, it was through this matter as an entry point, and the topic of China and the United States and the top of China and the United States.

but. Nowadays, in the beautiful attitude, after Lin Han learned the huge military production capacity of the United States. The high-rise in the CCP is very clear in the Aesthetic War, and Japan will lose undoubtedly. Based on the premise of the Pothy, the Chinese is certainly will not easily promise "premature" land and the American alliance, so as not to be in the United States.

Dewey's China trip, the top of the CCP is clear to him: constantly implied to Dewei, the peace between China and Japan is only temporary, China is very trying to recover Taiwan, but it is suffering from the shortage of naval.

China here. On the one hand, don't kill the door, hint China's ability to fight in the United States, but on the other hand, because the harvest of the navy is not good, it will not be able to fight. It's nothing to say, you have to help your hand, but you must give money to the benefits - China's attitude, and the difference between the American Soviet Union.

In order to lure China's day to declare war, Americans draw their big cake to China and take the initiative. After defeating Japan, in addition to returning to Taiwan, it also supported the management of the Rankings Republic by the Japanese occupation of the Japanese occupation.

Drawing from the United States. China is certainly not easy to be fooled. Dewey did not expect this painted big cake to easily attract China to declare war. He and the scenes behind him are very clear, even two of the two sorrows will declare war on the day, it will only be in a case: in Japan, it will take the exhausted peach in the United States.

He at the time of China's trip to pursue diplomatic goals: First, China's export of Japanese material raw materials, the United States, is willing to buy strategic supplies such as oil, petroleum products, and piglets from China in Japan in Japan.

Secondly, the US wants to borrow to China.

When China's trip, Dewey hinted to the CCP, the United States plans to send aircraft bombing Japan in the future. Afterwards, these aircraft will land in China, hoping that China can help receive airplanes and pilots.

This bombing Japan is bombarded by political purposes. The US is also a blood. Dewey said that all the US planes entering China. It can be handed over to China, but also to China, but also provide a business loan to China as a bombing action.

Second, Dewey is not a whimsical day. When he visited China, he had just received an important intelligence: China and Japan have been tuned with a secret before, China puts forward the topic of Taiwan Island, but is rejected by the Japanese side, and the Tour of the top China is extremely dissatisfied. This intelligence is not fake, but he is itself interested in disclosure to the US.

As a result, Dewey two demands, the Chinese agreed before he left.

The first content, China is not fully opposed, but it means that everything can be sold according to the market economy, as long as the price of the United States can be sold to the United States.

The second part is fully agreed, even generously said that the US can notify the Chinese reception after bombing, and even agree to this action to establish a fast communication hotline between the two sides. Of course, for political reasons, these "mistaken" China's bombers, China will not be polite, and "mishering" China's US pilots, China will pine it with sin.

The top of the Communist Party is so good to speak on the second problem, but also because of the Taiwan issue. Although the upper layer has made decisions, we will send force to liberate Taiwan Island when appropriate. However, there is no effort to put pressure on Japan and try to adopt a non-bleeding approach, induce Japan's ideas.

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