The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 322

Starting from March, Japanese Ambassador to the United States has repeatedly warned the United States in the Pacific West Coast's danger to trigger unnecessary war dangers. They slammed the "Bitter" to "the US government" to recover such dangerous provocative moves.

If it is just a tough diplomatic wording, it is easy to trigger Americans, and the Pacific Fleet is not so easy to suffer.

The situation is wonderful, and Americans have decipherted the Japanese diplomatic text, and this is known in Japan, and it will intentionally. The official is very strict in the United States, but behind the diplomatic text, it is actually very afraid of the United States in the United States. It is very opposed to the United States. It is intentionally to make Americans agree that they are all up and down. " Very hard.

The Japanese, this kind of practice is very similar to the "wolf is coming", the more dangerous in the Japanese Ambassador in the United States, the harder the tone, the more the US government does not believe that the two sides will have war. Whether it is living in the White House's Willky or the commander of the Pacific Fleet, I will spend the protest of Japanese diplomats, always as a joke.

Due to the slogan of Japan, it shouted too much, too long, too frequent, even ordinary American people were tired. In June, the US National Radio Station's announcer even egg pain has been randomly investigated, asking Metong Americans believe that there will be war conflicts between Japan and America.

The answer is almost no one believes.

Almost every respondent, smirked and president, the Navy's commander is similar: "Japan Navy first attacks the US Navy? So, do they have this courage? They are enemies with the United States of America, relying on Wutian Does the mouth? "

In the past few months, Wu Tian is in front of the US reporter, and there is also an exaggeration of the United States in the National Radio Station, and it has long been regarded as a clown in the United States.

Japanese Ambassador Long Tianhao, in front of the public, is a non-critical hardcore, the speech is just a day than one day. But because "said wrong words" and quickly replaced by the Japanese side, replaced the current ambassador martial art male.

After changing a ambassador, the Americans unexpectedly found that they usually have a very interesting entertainment before lunch or dinner, which is to listen to the "Speech of the American People" in the Japanese government.

Almost every people who have heard the foreign speech of Wuda is a similar idea.

"The Japanese government, where is it from this wonderful goods."

In fact, Wu male is a man's speech. Its "toughness" is not much weak than Long Tianhao, but he sounds, but there is a kind of effect of laughing.

For example, he poses the current US President's "Greedy Democratic Party". In the United States, the Republican logo is like, and the Democratic Party is a donkey, and the meaning is the current statement of "", and President Wilky from the Republican continues the Democratic Ghana. Foreign Policy.

When Willky President announced that when he was a military exercise in Southeast Asia, he was a look of "immeasing", and the US people described the US Naval Minister, and the current Pacific Fleet's commander is "mad", "war" The front pawn of the trafficker is destined to become a "loser" cloud cloud. More claims that Wilky President and his predecessor Ghana are all "military united dogs", "the tie is not a fool" cloud cloud.

Various have a losing foreign-in-law, an outdamous performance, a full of the eyes of the whole Americans. Since the Meiji Recent, Japanese diplomat has been working abroad to maintain the so-called political and courteous people's diplomatic image, but by this person's three months of "clown", the funny performance is lost.

The Americans are first glance, then become a "relaxed" mentality of watching the clown performance.

Although in front of the media, Wuda is a man repeatedly claims that the Navy of the British Japan will define the risk of the Pacific Fleet's dangerous provocation. But he has an urgent rupture of the identity of the diplomat, and the performance of the clown style, so that he does not have much trustworthiness.

And up to three months, repeatedly repeatedly repeated these old sets of speech, no matter whether the US government is still american audience, I have long listened numb.

When Wutian Zhengnan informs the US media, it will hold a reporter reception at the embassy at 4:30 in the afternoon, the idea of ​​the meeting is: "Haha, today's Japanese clown, what is interesting performance? ? "

The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming, this wolf is really coming.

Just like the Japanese government, Wuta Zhengnan, who has wearing a whole three-month clown mask, finally in today's mounted mask.

Four points 45 points, Wu male is in front of a US reporter. After the game, he went to the front of the microphone, and he loudly he loudly

"In view of the US government for a long time, he is not willing to hear the warning of our government, and the dangerous provocation in Southeast Asia has decided that my country's government will decide, will be at 4:45 in the afternoon of US time, that is, now And your country enters a full war state. "

After the language, the scene is quiet for a few seconds, and then it is like a honeycomb that is smashed, and the whole audience suddenly.

When Wutian Zhengnan announced that the Japanese declares the news of Japan, the Wilky President of the White House was located at four o'clock in the local time, received the emergency telegram of the Navy, claimed to be in the US Navy In the vicinity of the Guam Sea, it is attacked by the English fleet.


When I heard this news, President Wilky was originally "also shocked and happy". The thrilling is true to the United States. It is a good fortune that he finally can let go of the hand - At this time President Chek, I don't know if I open a Japanese family. Because Jinmei will "misjudgment", the US military also believes this action for the British.

The huge national machine is working at this moment.

One party immediately convened the ceremonial group to discuss countermeasures. On the other hand, someone naturally summoned the British Ambassador to the United States, and inquired how the exported is not issued "officially declared war announcement". However, because there is a sneak attack of the French Navy's ugliness, the Japanese is a weakness in this area, and Americans are in doubbly believe in the intelligence of the two countries who have passed back to the front line.

Soon, the resident fleet of the Philippine Malaki Harbor has also passed the intelligence of the Japanese aircraft carrier carrier. Because of the incident, Japan's aircraft carrier deliberately takes off from the south to the direction of Galiman Dan Island to launch an air strike action. This approach is also a local US military to generate misjudgment, thinking that British also participated in this action.

This war, Japanese is a great part of the British German, but the Japanese high-level is not stupid. Under Li Huamei's suggestion, it also played some small means, and it is intended to try to sit on the wall. The British of "two tigers" also pulled down water.

The fish and torpedo troops, those English torpedo boats, which are intentionally use English paintings, hanging from the British flag - piking, and these British flags have been released, but they have made war The opponent can be seen in a clear.

In order to let Americans have more misjudgment of the British participation in the British participation. In the night attack operation, the day ship intentionally used English-English contact instructions through the clear way, and these instructions were naturally also attached to the US Pacific Fleet of the US Pacific Fleet. One of the consequences is that it is more considered that the British will participate in this action.

After the US stationed in the Philippines, after the miserable loss in the morning bombard, the sky was bright, the two B17 bombers of the US Army were received by the military directive, loaded with oil, take off from the airport, Objective is the British Malaysian British base in the south.

Before the bomber takes off, the military has hesitated. But at this time, the President of Wilky, located in the White House, has received the bad news after the "Pacific Fleet of the Pacific Fleet", including the aircraft carrier, and the aircraft carrier has been sinking, and the President of Wilky is almost heart. The illness was on the spot, and he was "an urgent and corrupt" ordered the Philippine garrison to launch a revenue "action".

The British wanted to kill people from the knife, they were good at stirring around the world, this time was splashing.


When Wutian is a man with his actions, he thought he was a "clown" American people, using public declaration of war, taking it to "thinking that others is a fool" talent is true "fool", Tokyo is still a happiness of.

On June 22, Tokyo, the sky is sunny, and there is no clouds.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the two have been parked in the Bay's Wan Wan Terminal, and the two battleships of Luo finally rely on the shore at 5 pm.

At this time, the nearby people noticed that these two battleships were not a battleship at all, but camouflage that was taken out with inflatable rubber and wood. And their predecessor is all two major coal boats.

Japanese camouflage technology, gets technical assistance from Germans. When the War of the Europe, the German successfully installed a cargo ship into a Sarn Horstet battleship. The attack of the Pacific Fleet, the Japanese received the assistance from the filmmakers from Germany, and successfully made several cargo ships into battleships, deliberately mooring in the pool of the pier, successfully deceived the US observer in Tokyo. .

As for the so-called Japanese battleship in the Hokkaido and Taiwan port, it is also a camouflacy that uses similar ideas. Since Japan can't find most of the suitable camouflage ships, some cargo ships are still Germany or even the UK to provide.

The British is so enthusiastic, except for their own interests, it is also because the US Navy is too big. When the Battle of the Battle, the Japanese Navy believes that the Japanese Navy even wins, he will be seven zero, the loss is extremely heavy, they did not think about it, because there is a warship, the Japanese is in this battle It is at all, and there is still a big profit after the war.

Chapter 375 of the British

At 7 o'clock, when the Japanese nationals got up, when doing breakfast, Japan Tianhuang Chongren suddenly released the national speech, claiming that the Navy of the Japanese Empire has been fighting in the Pacific Pacific Fleet, and currently fighting. The emperor called on all the navalists in the fight. The Japanese national education, God Taoism, also stood up at this time, convene a large-scale prayer ceremony.

Distributing the cable radio station across the country all over the country, and then started the "live broadcast" of the warming situation, this set is still learning from the Germans, thereby helping "Dahe Fuzi" brushing more Belief. And the family members of the naval officers and men, after knowing the war has been out of development, running to the local temple, running to worship the Japanese Navy's Guardian God "Dahe Fuzi", to become a believer for his family The power of contributing belief is strong.

The content of the radio station, and the specific situation of the sea battle, of course, is not a bad nose. The Japanese announcer took out the pre-prepared manuscript, and the sound painted, "Dahe", "Strong" two ships, "one ride", one ship is knocked down the "iron turtle" of American ghosts .

The Japanese people who are brainwashed by the militarism of the militarism, and the enthusiasm of the war is more on the Germans. When the sea battle in Guam is playing, the mass of the faith is also the distance between Japan's four islands. The distance between thousands of kilometers, the strong beliefs, the strong beliefs, the strength of Kato Shame, even Strong Li Hua Mei, Shen Yun in the world of the Japanese people's war, she has only only C-level chest, and because the Japanese people think that "Dahe Fuzi is a G-cup-like beauty" (by "battleship girl"), There are several cups that are uncontrolled.

As part of the US strategic spoof, before June 22, Japan's domestic young "middle school" is also the official use. On the one hand, I sent people to pick up these Chinese and second on the street. The other party did not politely dispatched the military power to force suppression. In this way, the Americans misunderstand the impression of Japan did not dare to fight the United States.

On June 22, when these are still in the middle of the middle, high school or the "middle school" of the university, he heard the US fleet from the radio has exchanged fire. The joint fleet is accounting for the "good news" of the absolute superior. I am excited to "tears". I have been dissatisfied with strong suppression, this moment has become incomparable excitement and excitement.

Whenever the announcer is excited to use the picked tone in the radio, it is excited to call the "big one." When you sink some American ghosts, the Japanese people in front of the radio and the speaker are excited. Want "Long live", and these "second" are a large group of people with the highest excitions.

These "Middle Two" do not know, "big Japanese Empire" is provisioned, what a terrible opponent is.

On the other hand, in the Japanese embassy, ​​a small wine will be in progress.

After the US media published a "shocking full", the martial arts finally got a depression of the clown and the clown of the public, and the mood was greatly opened. The staff of the champagne and the embassy celebration, celebrate The most successful performance in his life has just ended. As for the paper document to the US official warning notice, there is naturally someone else to perform. In the event of a warning notice, Li Huamei did not like the Japanese in history, and I wanted to make a scorpion and have to be a pavement. I want to play a "15 minutes ago and then I immediately started the war". The result is still playing ( Note: When the Japanese sent a book, the sneak attack, Pearl, has begun to start an hour.).

For three months, he has lost his appearance in front of the public, so that he is in front of the country, and even in front of the staff, it is Swun, and he has lost his face. But today, he can finally laugh and say to everyone: "You fucking is cheated! I thought I was a clown, it was a real clown."

At this time last year, Wudian is just a English teacher in Japan. It is responsible for teaching students' American English. In order to let students learn English faster, he has made a drama agency in the school, let students use English. Class opera performance.

Then he was seen in the Japanese intelligence department last year, after a long talk, they prepared a script that played diplomats in the United States.

Six months before being sent to the United States for the ambassador to the United States, it was originally "S.", it was sent to a group of crude, rogue, and the society of the society to "experience life", observed them. Integrate them, learn them, learn their "rough" and scorpion, to facilitate future "performances" in the United States.

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