The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report, Chapter 303

In this process, the Dutch people who have been compiled as the "cleaning Chinese racial persecution plan" edited by the British role, accusing the body is unsolicited. After the news came out, it was not only in the world, but even the Netherlands, it was also a big chaos.

For the British Japan, he disclosed this matter to the media. They successfully dressed the Dutch to become an evil contrast. Just wait for an opportunity, they can identify the "justice messenger". The banner of "Protecting Life Safety" is comprehensively "takes over" the Netherlands colony.

A feast of a Dutch meal is about to start in Southeast Asia.

Chapter 351 of the feast

The forces of Chinese overseas Chinese worldwide are never a piece of iron.

Due to the difference between life experience and its own class, the attitude of overseas Chinese has different attitudes to New China.

In 1935, the auction of their own home production and rushed back to the country to participate in the War of the New China. There is also an extremely hate that this proletarian revolution, regards new China and the Chinese Communist us, such as flood beast. The latter is the same in the middle of Southeast Asia's overseas Chinese in this time that is seriously distorted by Lin Han.

Lin Han crossed the time and space where Lin Han, in the 1960s, the famous drain event in Indonesia, in which the Chinese people in Taiwan and Indonesia cheered, not only provided a large number of weapon ammunition for the Sudata regime, but also using themselves Familiar with the characteristics of the Chinese, providing intelligence to Suharto, killing the Communist Party in the Chinese.

After the 9 · 30 incident of the year, mainland China and Indonesia were broken, and all people holding Chinese passport hid into the Chinese Embassy and withdrawn domestic. I don't want to join Chinese nationality, as long as I have been imprint of the Communist Party, I was almost sent to the Knife of Indonesian anti-China.

When the infamous anti-China incident in 1998, this guy reflecting in new China against brain, and once again cooperated with the Taiwan authorities to jump out of performance.

The local anti-China in Indonesia opened a week, and he heard the wind in China, inquiring the local Chinese overseas Chinese urgently evacuated, and sent a plane. And the Chinese anecdotes in the overseas Chinese have not believed, but they still inform the Indonesian government to claim China interference Indonesian internal affairs.

This is also.

When the large-scale anti-China atrocities have been carried out in Indonesia, these 20th centuries "the last overseas fruit powder" also did a stupid thing to challenge the lower limit of human intelligence.

At that time, overseas Chinese in the airport were resiled outside the airport. At life and death, I learned that the plane of the motherland came to pick them up. However, this batch of "The last overseas fruit powder", saw the five-star red flag on the plane, and the righteous words refused to go to the machine, claiming that we have to wait for the Taiwanese to pull us away.

Unfortunately, to Indonesia's mobs, their clothes put the knife holder in their neck, these fruit powder did not wait until their fruit powder, the plane and ship sent, so that after more than ten years, recalling the tragic things of the year. They are crying in the sky, they still don't forget to come: "I was coming to pick us up, but the minister is really unwilling!"

And in this era of Lin Han, the age of history, the monks such as the Indonesian area also have a lot. At the time of the founding of New China in 1937, a large number of domestic old warlords, capitalists, large landlords and foods escaped from China, and then they mainly gathered in Southeast Asia. This group of people added, further increased overseas Chinese anti-new Chinese people. Quantity.

In the last few months in 1941, the Dutch people secretly planned to plan the anti-China incident, because the disclosure of the information, the new China in time to inform the local overseas Chinese evacuation. However, these extremely hateful new China's parts, as well as those of the other time and space, and ink to know that the Dutch must have actions, it is ecstatic, and even more in the Dutch colonial government secretly reported.

Huang Shanren is a typical representative of these fragments.

In the 1927 North Since the North, when the army entered the big Shanghai, Chang Kai Shen Shen Shen Shen, launched four two, and he asked the capital at Shanghai, and the back of the money, secretly supported Changkan, and it was full. The blood of the revolutionary.

The result is less than nine years. Due to the crushing history of Lin Han, the Nanjing National Government is ever in advance in advance. In the red storm, Huang Shanren has blood debts on his hand. Before the Liberation Army lay down Shanghai, he packed finely, fled in advance, leaving China, and finally exiled to Indonesian Java.

With the capital that is brought, coupled with himself, and the yellow family quickly landed in the local root, and hooked together with the rich class in several overseas Chinese in Jakarta.

Southeast Asian overseas Chinese rich, people who love new China like Chen Jiageng also have the extreme anti-communist in the opposite of the brain, and Huang Shanren will soon hook up with these people.

On December 8th, when the world was stirred up by the two, the world was brought down, and Huang Shanren, who lived in the focus center, in this evening, he should invite the Dutch government, and a few Extremely refurbished in the stubborn corpus, published a speech at the local radio station, claiming that all of the new China conspiracy is the new China to return the local overseas Chinese to kill - this remark is in 1998 The propaganda of the Taiwan authorities in the middle of the Indonesian Chinese is exactly the same.

With a few failed, after the local radio station, after the speech of the Dutch washing, Huang Shanren and his peers were taken away from the Dutch.

At two o'clock in the morning on December, when Jakarta is still sleeping, some ghosts are moving in all over the city.

At two o'clock in the morning, more than a dozen residential district in Jakarta, while igniting fire.

Fire, of course, some people are special. It is necessary to make confusion in a city, there is nothing more effective than late night.

The arson is a Japanese loan living in Jakarta, and they use the soil bombed in the bottle, thrown around the local indigenous people, and will be airs.

At three o'clock, the entire Jakaida is a fire alert.

Countless people, wake up in the harsh fire alarm, and then ran to the street.

"Indonesian monkeys began to kill Chinese!"

"Robbery, grab the Chinese, grab the mother! Go to the Fugui Department Store to grab things!"

In the chaos, some people took the opportunity to spread rumors, some people took the opportunity to move. The previous Dutch is picking out the Indonesian Class of Indonesia in all sides. When you pick up the head, I have long buried the seeds, although the Dutch hanging cliff horse, emergency flame, but buried fire, there is so easy to disappear.

The night, confusing, plus the people who have a heartless person, a grand "national carnival", immediately staged in Jakarta.

This behavior is beginning to start on the 10th, but because the United States has made some "fierce" reactions in the incident in the Treasury Indonesia, I have long been hungry and hungry.

And the fire alarm in Jakarta has just responded to the British Navy base in Singapore in Ma Ya Peninsula, drove out of more than 10 warships and several passenger ships in the first time. The British who have been pretending to be sent in the evening, after receiving the information, I took the "active" "Guara Action" in the first time.

Not only in Singapore, at the same time, located in the British Navy Base in Darwin, Australia, also took out several warships at this moment, escade a large number of Australian Forces, and saved the "Guara Action" in the East Timor region of the sea. .

When the British warship droves out of the port, the Japanese of the British, their ships have long been on the way to the destination.

The British did not know that two warships of the Chinese Navy of the Vietnamese People's Democratic Republic of Vietnamese people were "Friendly" visited the newly established Vietnamese people, and they quietly left Ho Chi Minh City after eight o'clock in the evening of the eighth day. There is a "predictive" began to guard against observance.

The two warships from the China Navy are dispatched by Xisha, Nansha cruiser. The predecessor of the Xisha is the German training ruler, and the standard tonnage is 7,000 tons. When the war broke out in 1939, he was sent to the Indian Ocean and the Pacific as a camouflage attacker. During the war, the downside and maintenance is accepted in China. During the war, the ship was captured by a merchant ship, and afterwards were pulled into China, they were "handling". After the war, Hannah "Near" will sell the ship to China, Yi Xinsha.

Another cruiser is a famous female Wuzhen Cruiser Walgi, the ship is a lingering price of Lin Han, and has been sold in China after the war.

The two ships use the night to cover, leaving Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong, with its actions, there are several passengers who are used for "containeeraries". But these passenger boats are not empty, sitting on the PLA.

At 6 am on the 9th, on the ocean of the South China Sea, they met another fleet. At the seventh day, he went to the Japanese cruiser formation in the south of Taiwan.

China Navy, Japanese Navy, this old dead enemy, both sides play a photo on the sea, but there is no one. After using the searchlight, I booked a photo, I didn't know how to be in the distance of fifty sea.

The Japanese Navy from Taiwan's south of the warship, which is dispatched with a high-speed fleet that is the main force of the cruiser, including two tons of heavy cruiser. For Southeast Asia at this time, this is very powerful. The British Navy is subject to the Patients of Suide "Iceland" exercise, which is not available to the large-scale main ship. The US Navy's large-scale maincomer is also arranged in Guam, whirling is long. It is located in the Filipbun's fleet tonnage the largest two cruisers and some destroyers.

The Chinese warship follows the Japanese fleet, using the black night as a cover, and there is no surprise without surprisingly in the Nata Islands.

At 11:00 on the 9th, the Sino-Japanese "joint" fleet appeared on the ocean of the outer sea of ​​Pontiano. Here, the Sino-Japanese fleet begins to separate. The Japanese fleet continues to be south, according to the plan, they will land in the southern Ministry of Galiman Dan, forcibly "take over" Toxer Garyana.

The Chinese Navy will play a "armed guard" action in the port of Pinon, in the port of Kindian. On the 9th night, when Jakarta ignited the fire, the Chinese overseas Chinese in Kundian City, Gariiman, also started to launch the "armed uprising" on this day, announced that they will restore the past in Gariiman. " Lanfang Republic.

On December 9, under the premise of dying in the Dutch, in the intentional and unintentional, the three of the three deaths that were once happily and happy to enjoy the feast of the Netherlands.

Chapter 352 Diamond Crack

On December 9, it is a sleepless night.

When the Japanese craftsmanship in Jakarta, whether it is a ridicule, Wang Ya, who is ridicies, Wang An Wang, Wang An Wang, who is responsible for Jakarta's retreat, did not sleep.

The fire alarm police in Jakarta city sounded, as I heard the shot of the gun, and the Chinese community scattered in the city will organize it in the first time.

All adult men, according to the training in advance, the man hand a long wooden stick, the end of the wooden stick, has grown into a spine, and the other end, then I have already prepared a gun.

The long-rated clamp is just "standard", some of the Chinese people who have participated in the war, hidden around ten or twenty Mespeng pistols, and some responsible for the emergency team responsible for adopting an emergency competition, even equipped with a US Five consecutive shots. This five-gamement shooting gun is a road warfare and a tool. From the former Lin Han used the Military Library to bought a lot from the American army library with the name "abandoning firearms", all sent to China. In order to cope with the turmoil that is about to occur in Indonesia, this batch of five consecutive shot guns are also smuggled in Indonesia, and will be used by Chinese organizations.

Then, the adult male opened, and the Chinese of all localities were gathered on several Chinese services in the city according to the preparation beforehand.

Lin Han was named "Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese People's Liberation Army", Wang An Wang, the brothers, are the person in charge of Jakarta. On the night, the two brothers were scheduling at the local overseas Chinese office, and the Chinese overseas Chinese residents were retreated to the collective points through the radio command.

For the local indigenous, due to sudden death, the reaction takes time. Before the large-scale population happened, most Chinese civilians in Jakarta have been in organizational, and only the Chinese group in very few areas is far from the distance. Arrive.

In a room at the Overseas Chinese Office of Jakarta, a huge urban layout sandbox model is placed. The model is covered with many balays, which are representatives of the flags of the local Chinese overseas Chinese. As the overseas Chinese dispersed in the city continue to reach, the flag on the sand table is constantly unplugging.

These flags are different, the red flag, the representative is the pro-China patriotic overseas Chinese, and the blue flag is like Huang Shanren, the hardship, and the yellow skin, I can't wait for a skin. Brush a banana man in overseas Chinese in white.

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