The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambition Ship Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 291

"Almost this way. On this case, the French will be divided into two, become a socialist French and capitalist France, and then become the capitalist world and socialist world like the cold war in our plane. The front line of confrontation, and the future will become the most vulnerable ring of the socialist world. "

Lin Han also said: "The Law is the help of the Germans and has achieved half of the French regime. For the French people, the law has taken political power in this way, 'New Army', 'Belt Party', ' 'The taste is too strong. In the future, the socialist camp and the capitalist camp are opposite, which will become the key to the opponent attack. However, in this time and space, you can fight with us and only Americans and Half dead, British, the United States said, everyone is like a rotory, and then reminds the comrades of France. When talking about the United States in the United States, France has a high-age contribution to the United States. "

Lin Han said that he had handed over a paper, and the chief designer took a look. After reading it, I couldn't help but.

"More than 200 years have passed, there are several Americans who know that Louis XV is using the 100,000 France Navy, launched the Western Indian Islands. In the meeting, the French Navy hits the British Navy's third fleet flagship, the French army is supplementing And five times a mobilization order, more than half of the senior generals above the country.

More than 200 years have passed, there are several Americans that know that the British is not a Washington, but the French expedition army of Luo Shangbo. When the French army captured the United States, the next time, the subordinates asked Luo Shangbo, how to deal with the British army, the answer of the generals is: You ask those dogs, who arrived in the Kington, to the Narrow in Kington Shoot, there will be like this later.

More than 200 years have passed, there are several Americans that the mainland army is in the New Town, but it is only destroyed a British transport team. And Yorkdown is just part of the Yorkdown Battle.

More than 200 years have passed, there are several Americans who know that in the United States, the anti-Hero Kangna, which is popular, is fiction, truly let the British army sorrowful army, is the French emperor guard. This army uses Indians' equipment, and even the Indian instructor will guide. In New York, the Emperor Guards, alone blocked the British Scottish high-tech group (the British army only had a total of 3 Scottish high-tense), and the average of each soldier would adhere to a 25-meter position, facing 100 British elite troops. Soldiers, but the winners are still the French.

More than 200 years have passed, there are several Americans know that the Lafa leaf of the loose profile in the film and television work is the hero of the independent war. In the Saratoga team, he led the death team to copy the small road, and the night won the Teman town, and successfully blocked the British army for the US military, set up the sweat, and the Lafa leaf lost a hand for the independent war.

More than 200 years have passed, there are several Americans who know that the duration of the Sakkki Bay will only be second only to the Da Dellan's battle. In that france, the French navy hits 23 boats. At that time, whenever the gun sounded, many Maryland citizens were not drilling into the basement, but climbed to the roof, for the scene of the British warship sinking.

More than 200 years have passed, and several Americans know what the British surrender book is. Why do we only know that July 4 is independent, and does not know the British army surrender? Is it just because the British surrender book appeared many: The British Luhai Air Force and its auxiliary forces surrendered to the US French army, and the landing is: French Emperor Louis Sixteen Speech representative Army, Luo Shangbo Ejs. It is to know that the great US Independence War is one of the four major anti-British colonial warfare! It is not a light to use the loaf of the bread, only the guerrilla warfare, militia and sniper will win. It used the heavy military group and the enemy's blood! In the struggle of anti-colonial rule, Washington has a one-point anti-war, two points to cope, seven-point development, France is dead for the free and big confidant of the United States, and Washington is hiding in the enemy, but it is shameful! Washington, which hysters, will be nailed in historical shame.

I would like to pay tribute to all people who fight for the survival of the United States of America!

George Third, the world is weak, and it is harmful for more than two hundred years! "

At the end, the general designer couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Han explained to him: "This world is not only a good world, and it is also a world of rotation. If the enemy takes this to attack the law, I will use this article to check them in the future. My suggestion is the Fa 2011. Comrade, in the future, this article can join this article in the textbook of French students. "

The chief designer is shocked: "The world is a world? What is the era of your coming?"

"Of course, the whole world is in the era of rotten!"

From the current news from the current law, the law did not want to be in the power of the power, launch a unified French war. In Germany, the Germans are also happy to see French splits, so they will never worry about the threat from France. In the Soviet Union, the attitude is vague, and the situation in France is today, Stalin is also very headache. Because the French is in the help of the Germans, he is also worried that after the French reunification, such French and German relations will become "great", let Germany have a powerful allies.

The chief designer was silent, then nodded: "You are not wrong, there is no temper that has experienced blood and fire, it is easy to control the foundation, but this is a victory of the international communist movement. Revolutionary The means, not a constant, after victory, you can continue the revolution ... "

Lin Han smiled: "Is this not a letter to the statement?"

The total designer said: "It has not changed, it is a tutorial, tutorism, is to criticize."

"After the revolution is successful, continue the revolution, and only the life of yourself, but how many people are willing to bear this kind of hurt?"

The chief designer is far away.

Lin Han also said: "In fact, I am a false revolution of Ye Gong Ye Long, and I admit that I didn't know the courage of my life, I just a speculator who knew the answer."

At this time, the Eiffel Tower came to the sound of the elevator door, and the people sent two people: "Go to the car of the Laziz Cemetery is ready."

At noon on the same day, from the world's communists, a large number of colleagues were collected near the Wall of the Commune Social Cemetery of the Shenfu Cemetery in Paris, which was a singing international song. This is the last pressing of the military parade.

In history, when the Paris Commune failed, countless members were shot near the wall of the cemetery. For the revolutionaries of the communist movements, this is a "holy place".

Today, after the parade, the representative of communist movements from all over the world will also meet in Paris, discuss how to put the "new round of the new round of revolutionary revolution to higher".

At this meeting, in the power of a country, the Germany of Western European communist movement was pushed with a bayonet, and GOPER was also sent to the discussion.

Through this action, Germany under the Lin Han manipulated in March 18, officially announced to the world "to the left".

On the same day, the French Communist Party announced in Paris that the Democratic Republic of France in France was established. (First People's Democratic Republic refers to the Paris Commune, which is died in seventy years ago)

Germany, the Soviet Union, China also has Yugoslavia, announced the first time and this so-called second people's democratic Republic of France.

At 7 o'clock on March 19, the French habitually opened the radio, and fouched to the launch desk in the United Kingdom, when they heard a statement when broadcasting the "free French sound" of France, they heard a statement.

When France defeated the French, the French general of the United Kingdom, Dai Gaulle, shouted in the radio, "French people stand, fight against true France, rebellion to the red plague in Europe."

On this day, "The sound of free France", officially renamed "Free Europe", he is not just a method of broadcasting, also facing Belgium and Germany.

Chapter 337 Red Europe

At the end of 1939, China and Sudan announced that the public opinion of the Axis, the United States is called "evil axis".

By July 1940, many European wall grass countries began to turn to the station with the unlocking of the European War. For example, in Eastern Europe, Bulgaria has publicly announced alliances from Sude.

As for the Barcan gunpowder, Yugoslavia, in February 1940, the original government is inverting, and the Communist Party organized by Tieto is the top floor. With the secret support of the Soviet Union and Germany, Tiritobi has also placed the political stage of Yugoslavia earlier in history. Then, Yugoslav broke out civil war, but the civil war is soon ended. With the secret support of Sude, Tieco becomes the highest leader of Yugoslavia.

Hannah and Lin Han from the later generations know that Tieto is essentially a nationalist, and the "urine" of Salin is not a piece. Hannah is also inadvertently like another historical place, Xuentler has opened the battlefield. For Tie Tak, she not only does not destroy, but she has secretly supported the South Again, and after the Soviet Union in March this year, she announced that the Yugoslav Tiestan regime is recognized, and China has also been acknowledged. After the Tietar is on the stage, Germany announced that some loans owned by the former south regime were exempted. So far, Germany and Yugoslavia have a good relationship.

Yugoslavia is the third established socialist country in the world after the Soviet Union and China.

In March 1941, the nationwide of France and Belgium, raised the red flag under the pressure of German bayonets. As for the two German occupied countries, Norway and Denmark, Norway and Denmark, all over the world thought that Germany would be treated in France and Belgium, but also used a bayonet to force these two countries, but in fact, Germany did not do this.

Norwegian Gslin Government, Guislin in front of the Nazi, is very good, and Hannai mother and daughter, no egg pain, the Norwegian Communist Party, the Norwegian Communist Party, the Norwegian Communist Party, and then said they The mother and daughter itself are realists rather than any communist.

According to the views of Lin Han, Norway and Denmark is the biggest difference, the broad people in these two countries are rare, civilian life is relatively rich, and the class contradiction is not deep, and there is no need to force the irregularity. After the war, Germany has retained several ports in Norway and Denmark as a military base garrison used in deterrence Britain, and the army has also been evacuated from these two countries.

More sorrow is Denmark, and Iceland and Farot Islands are the overseas territories of Denmark during World War II. After the war, Germany has a strong ate these two places, but Denmark is only a few million people, and Germans after the war. The way each year is 5 million mock and some economic assistance "rent", and the two areas have been taken from Denmark.

At this time, there are still some countries that are not exposed, such as Hungary, Bulgaria, but this two countries are not bad because of Germany, Hannah doesn't want to have a lot of things. During this time, they just sent a special embarrassment to them. It will interfere with their own internal affairs.

Time entered March 1941, only one place in Europe was still burning throughout Europe, that is, Greece, which is seen by Italian noodles.

Italy's war in Greece began in July 1940, more than three months than the real history, this is the result of the safety of Librailian oil.

In order to encourage Italy to turn the target to Greece, the Germans supported the Italian branch of the British tank seized in the French battlefield and the P40 fighter seized by the Fleet.

However, in this way, the war hit the second year in July, no matter the Air Force Army and the weapon, the wind of the wind is still without harvest in Greece, but once, he once attacted the country, almost Even Albania is lost. Fortunately, Germany has also exported a group of JU87 bomber and 38T tanks that have been eliminated in Italy. The JU87 bomber and 38T tanks were exported to Albania.

The fighting power of the Italian noodles, once again, the world's big fell, and even the psychological prepared Lin Han, I also got eyes, even in the Soviet Union of Huo Hu, the same is also expected.

When Le Leningrad three giants, the three-party leaders talked about the topic of European Europe, Belgium, France, all in the programs of the time, and completed after the victory of the West Line. Greece did not work within the scheduled "Identification", but the Dalin's own heart is in the heart.

Torles and Russia are a hundred years of hatred, and their hatred has a long history, and even the hate in the middle and day. In the 1940 wars, the Soviet Red Army did the soldiers, paying a large cost, a large amount of Trust, which was strongly cut into a land of the Dadania Strait to become a "flying" to become the Navy of the Soviet Navy into the Mediterranean Frontline base.

However, Stalin is very clear that the Soviet Red Army is not strong here, and he is eyeing the European part of Turns, and the Bulgarian, Greece is connected to the Dangs region.

During the Soviet War, Bulgaria also responded to the Soviet call, dropped the stone from the stone, and won the entire east Zez, the Bulgaria and the Soviet Union collude, spit out a port of Dong Zez, and handed over to the Soviet Union as a military port.

In this end, the Channel of the Soviet Red Navy enters the Mediterranean Sea is completely open. For Tor, after the loss of Dangu, they thoroughly became an Asian country.

But even if this is the case, Slin, who is more than, is still not safe enough. Although Yugoslavia has been "expanded", the highest leader Tino is not too obedient. Stalin wants to support a socialist regime in the Balkans halftone, so he is eyeing Greece.

However, due to the rule of bourgeois regime in Greece, the Greece's Communist Party's power does not have armed forces to win the opportunity to go to the power of the political power unless the Soviet Union is directly invaded.

At this point in time, Italy invaded Greece, saying Stalin, which is a good opportunity to help me.

According to Stalin's envision, wait for Italy to invade Greece successfully, after the Greek is smashed, he will transport the army to the Greece to the Greek Communist guerrillas, and capture the Greek regime by the anti-aggression war.

However, the Italian noodles are really too faceful.

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