The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions Men's Through Chapter 278

If the British Navy insists on performing a throwing machine action, attacked the French Navy mooring in North Africa. This attack will follow the trails, and put it on the road to the French Navy to return to the UK, and sink to the Waterway returned to the UK.

If the British abandon the action plan of attacking the French fleet, and to enter the Atlantic's British boat escort, the attacking fleet will be in the Atlantic to play a long-distance aircraft carrier. He has the advantage of owns the enemy of the ship, destroying the British fleet of the gallbling in the Atlantic Ocean.

If the British Navy refuses to play, do not implement the French Navy program, then the German Navy will once again launched a breaking operation again. After the end of the Norwegian wars, the German waterfront fleet of the state in the Atlantic, in the Atlantic Ocean, a breaking operation of the Temple, so that the Overseas Material Input of the British Sanyao is shrinking for 70%. If it is not forced to insert the US Navy, the British must not support it.

At this time, the German Navy will once again staged the brilliance of the previous breaking action. At the same time, this is also a test, and Hannai also wants to use this actions to test the US response. In 1940, it was an election of the United States. The immortal of the immortal was too much, and violates the US president only two traditions, preparing for the third year of re-election, and there were a lot of disease in the United States.

Although the Republican's background also requires the United States to participate in the European War, whoever will host is a big problem, and the bucket exists in any country. The last US Navy is open to the British Ship Calendar, which has made the United States to go up and down. The German waterflower re-entered the Atlantic Ocean, and Hannah also wanted to take this to try to respond to the US Navy.

In the last month, in Southeast Asia in Asia, because the British introduced into the Japanese forces into the Malay Peninsula, this behavior has made the US high-rise to be vigilant again in East Asia. By these two years, as Li Huime is successful in Japan, with her help, the Japanese Navy's strength is very fast, plus due to its "correct development direction", this year, with several maincomers underwater, there It has become the greatest threat in the Western Pacific.

After 1940, the US Navy's main ship was arranged in the Atlantic side, and even two North Carlona-level battleships of the new water, were also arranged in the Atlantic. One of the consequences of this is to cause serious decline in the strength of the Pacific Fleet. With the high-profile debut, three new aircraft carriers join the Japanese Navy, and the United States sell four battleships to British, and now the US Navy can't suppress the Japanese Navy at the West Pacific.

Last month, Japan's high-profile three army entered Southeast Asia, and his fleet passed through the Philippine Marina, and the US Lu Sea Air of the Philippines was completely seen in the heart of the sacred heart. The news that it enters the port of Singapore, and it is even more in the United States.

On this segment, the US domestic Republicans jumped out, took out the US loans for Japan in the past few years, accused the foreign policy of the cactus, claiming that the President of Ghana has "feminine" Japanese Navy It turns into the enemy of the United States in Asian interests, with Ghana is not awkward.

I have taken into the Atlantic Ocean, I can't take care of the Pacific Ocean, I want to be able to catch up on both sides.

In such a case, if the cactus also has the courage to open a front of the Navy, play a battle in the Atlantic, playing two oceans, which is very intriguing.

Although this terrible war machine is powerful, it takes time to start. As far as the current strength of the US Navy, they are temporarily difficult to support both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.

Because Japanese forces have been infiltrated in Southeast Asia, they have triggered a large wave in the United States. Now in the United States, there is a different voice in the direction of the US strategic expansion. Southeast Asia is obviously a soft mortal relative to the power of the old continent of Suide.

The current United States, and the Democrats' Ghana President Sing the Republican Political Negotiation of the Tara Opera is to oppose the radical adventure of the cactus, think that its foreign policy is a huge military speculative adventure - I want Asia, I want to Europe Old mainland, the ambition is too big, the enemy is too much, it is not worth it.

The world war is a play, holding the whole body, and the cactus Garanga used to support the UK, selling four battleships to the Navy maincy ship, the leader, the consequence is that the strength of the US Navy decline in a short period of time. .

British self-propelled Japanese entered the Malay Peninsula, so that Southeast Asia issued "complicates" so that you can come from. But one of the considerations, that is to let Americans have to put a lot of energy in Asia.

Whether it is the British or American, they all need time, even a powerful industrial hegemony, it takes time to turn domestic large productivity into weaponry.

After the Battle of France, regardless of whether the British will launch a "throwing machine" action, Hannah will drive the German Navy to make more violent breaking operations in the Atlantic Ocean, which is set in the throat of the United Kingdom.

Don't let Americans involved in the European war, the best means is to first kick the British out of war. These months after the end of the French Battle, is the most weak in the British, which is the best opportunity to kick out the British.

Chapter 322, the sorrowful song of the British sea wolf

The Faroe Islands is located between Iceland and Scarpa Bay. Since the third Norwegian battle, the German navy occupied the nail, and the British's eyes were spiked.

The most recent islands in Faroe Islands, and its distance from Scqua Bay is less than 300 kilometers. From the bombers and fighters that take off here, you can go directly to Skata Bay.

When the German Navy successfully established land-based airport in the Faro Islands, after the bombers and fighters were placed, they were threatened, and the most important military Military Harbor Bay in the Northern British Sanyi Island almost lost their work.

In order to avoid the threat of the German Air Force in front of the eyes, the Royal Navy has to give up the use of this port "Military Port", which is placed here to monitor the large-scale battleship of the German attack fleet to avoid the possible air force attack. Scarpa Bay is too close to Farot Islands, and now the Royal Navy has only a number of people imported from the United States in the facade, even if it is a slight injury is also unbearable.

After the Faroe Islands is easy to, the British wants to recapture this archipelago, and the Germans also want to keep this an important feeder on the Atlantic. Since the third Norwegian battles were completely over-off, they lost the Norwegian sea power, for the British, I wanted to raise this archipelago idea in a short time to get a month.

Since March, the German Navy has continuously enhanced Faron's defense power, and they are based on the facilities left by the British, which builds airports, underground oil depots, small piers, etc. Then, in three months, step by step, gradually, to block several large islands in this archipelago.

In the United Kingdom, in order to let the hopes of the island, in the past few months, it is also three hundreds to destroy the actions of the Germans to the island to prevent it.

In order to add the island's defense, the Germans have invested in this archipelago to hold a stunner to hold a full-time teacher, and the Navy also parked more than two hundred aircraft to settle in the archipelago. Such huge force investment, its daily consumption is very huge.

Although the British Navy's large-scale maincomer is almost completely destroyed, it is close to the submarine force and the torpedo torque. During this time from March to July, the Royal Navy almost concentrated all the submarines in Norwegian seas, and delusted to use break-up ways to cut off the contact of the Faroe Islands and the mainland. In addition to dispatched submarines and torpedo boat engine attacks, as long as license, the Royal Air Force often comes to attack operations. Since March, the British parties in the water, the battle between the three battlefields in the sky, has been intermittent.

From March to July, the breakdown and anti-broken combat of the Market Island to Germany's native sea transport line will have never stopped.

At the Atlantic, Dunnitz's sea wolf troops are crazy, almost cutting the hostel of the British ship. In Norwegian sea, the British Royal Navy also wants to take it with his way, but it hits the nail board.

From March to July, four months, the Royal Navy sheds forty-five submarines in the Norwegian sea, so that every time the submarine is going to the Norwegian sea, he will be in the super level of the port. Be a good job in the psychological preparation of the submarine from the fleet, and there are very few results. Since the casualties are too heavy, the Royal Navy interrupted the submarine forces in Norwegian sea, and the casualties in the Norwegian troops were so heavy.

This time, in addition to the fleet to enter the Atlantic battle, Hannah has attached to ten replenishment ships, two escort aircraft carriers and ten destroyers. Six suppliers will follow them. Go to the Atlantic Ocean, and only 30 escort aircraft carriers will act as their guards.

The remaining four replenishment ships are the task of partial destroyers to returning the remaining suppliers to the road to returning the safe after unloading.

If the German Navy is breaking action, it does not dare to bring a slow supply to the boat, because the consequences of this will only be a powerful royal navy's prey.

However, the strength of the Navy's Navy is now reversed, and it has become a situation in the German Navy chase the British Navy. The German Navy launched a breaking operation in the Atlantic Ocean. When making replenishment, no need to secretly touch the thief, but can be disclosed with the replenishment of the ship.

At 11 o'clock in the morning of July 23, the Sarn Hostello Battle of the Hannah, the German Battle of the Flagship, and the waterway of the Faro Islands and Iceland, one. The British submarine found this fleet through the waterway in 25 kilometers. Before he, the British Air Force cruised the reconnaissance machine, which has been discovered first.

This is a S-class submarine, a medium-sized patrol submarine for combat activities for Nordic and Mediterranean waters. This submarine has a better performance, fast, and there are more torpedo (with six fish launch tubes), with strong survivability and attack power.

Although the German fleet trace is far from far, the yacht does not want to be close to the idea of ​​"touch". The main reason is that the anti-submarine capacity of the German Navy in the Norwegian sea in the past four months has been too horrible. The British submarine is just near their fleet, almost every time they are discovered in advance, and then being approached by the destroyer, accurately positioned deep, and then dropped the deep water bows. Included in March this year, from October 1939, the number of submarines of the Royal Navy "lost" has exceeded 60. This is a heart-threatening horror figure.

In the royal naval heart, their most red German technology has two: First, radar technology, especially radar fire-controlled shooting technology, the second is the anti-submarine technology of Germans.

It is unfortunately, unlucky British does not know, the Germans are not strong than the British, but they have an unscientific existence of such a shower, this is no exception.

"Z36 destroyer, in the direction of the southwest of the ship, there is a British submarine at about 20,000 meters. Find him, let him!"

Hanna has discovered the British submarine who was hiding in the distance early. With her order, there was a destroyer from the airline, and then took the position of the British submarine.

In order to train the German Navy's own anti-submarine ability. Hannah intentionally only reported a rough position of an opponent, and then served from the escape of escort to take the anti-submarine capacity of the actual training ship.

At this time, the German Navy's anti-submarine devices cannot accurately position the specific orientation of the British submarine. The Z36 destroyer initially anti-submarine operation is unsuccessful, and the first depressed deep-fried bow is excess of 300 meters. However, under the guidance of Hana, the Z36 destroyer used half an hour to accurately locate the opponent's specific location.

However, when the ship is going to carry out a new round of bullets, Hanna issued an instruction through the communicator on the Sarn Hors.

"It will be fixed to thirty-five meters, listen to my instructions, one piece."

In the next ten minutes, the British submarine that was discovered, before and after ate twelve deep water bods. Because Hannah intentionally "hand in hand", these deep water bombs are relatively far from the submarines when they cast the explosion, and each hit the submarine caused certain damage, but not very fatal.

In this ten minutes, the impact of huge water pressure is brought about by deep water, this unlucky British submarine is constantly ruptured, and the internal pipeline has a lot of counterculum, and after 10 minutes of underwater, Due to the serious injury, I was forced to surface out, and then I was prepared by German destroyer, it became this four months, the German Navy captured the eleventh British submarine in the Norwegian sea.

Compared to unfortunate waterfront, the "assassin" hiding in the underwater dark corner of the submarine is more tragic. There is a certain possibility to escape when there is a warship that the water surface ship is sent, and the submarine can only rely on the soldiers who will win by sneak attack, it will become a fishing of the fighting results. The German Navy's home is still too thin. In order to enhance the strength of the Navy, the Hannah, which has come to Hanna, in these four months, in the German warship, and every time I disclaimed the British submarine, I want to capture as much as possible to receive For use.

This unlucky British S-class submarine is to control the depth depth by clever and accurately, which is finally severely hurt by cleverness.

After the submarine has a water surface, the early German drive é ship will sweep out a bullet on the side, and the boatman who climbed out of the hatch will catch the cabin.

They are not cruel, but in order to capture this submarine. Because in the past anti-submarine operation, the bankman climbed out of the cabin after the submarine, and then the boat quietly opened the submarine to self-sinking the submarine. After returning the heavy submarine, they can't sneak their sneak.

After this S submarine was captured, the Germans first pulled him to Norway, the Bergen Port, and then sent back to the local to overhaul. A few months later, the S submarine for this maintenance was re-entered with the German navy.

And on the other side, when Churchill learned a huge German fleet to cross Fa Luo-Icelandic waterway into the Atlantic to carry out the news, suddenly shocked.

It is the security of Atlantic Shipping, or to continue to perform a throwing machine action, knives in the past, this has become a big problem that Churchill is difficult to choose.

Chapter 323 Standing in the United States in the crossroad

At 7:30 in the morning, July, the cactus got up in the courtyard of the White House. His secretary sent him an expedited telegram from the UK.

Aiming at the telegram, the cactus passenger can hear the sound in his belly in his stomach:

"I have time to have something to do now."

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