The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 272

In the war in the past eight months, the war begins, the German military, especially some of the Senior General of the Army, which is very opposed to Germany, and does not optimize the predecessor of the war. Even the union of the anti-Hitler, and British and French hooks.

Hannai from the future has long been known as a history of these people, and has collected a large number of derivatives related to these people's "Milky Foreign" in these months. When the timing is mature, she will delve it, while taking the opportunity to use the "" manner, then deal with a large number of "superiors" related to these "traitor".

"As for the economy, Germany's largest enterprise Ai Rici Tii Tiji, in fact, Nano's own party has reached a league in many companies from Krupp, Hunder, Mercedes."

According to Lin Han and Hannah, the economically first starts from "Small and Medium", encourages the Greater Bacon capital of Germany through "integration", swallowed small and medium room, and further drags in Germany After the large capacity, the big gap will take the domestic small and medium-sized capacity, and Hanna will further turn his face again, and the last remaining rooms are differentiated.

In the eyes of the older generation revolutionary, Hannah and Hitler will begin in Germany, but "revisionism", not the real proletarian revolution.

Not only this, in this critical point in time, the Hanna mother and daughter still did not take the idea of ​​Germany. Those German members who have been "aid" are shipped to China, and they still do not allow it to return to China.

Although the CCP has a lot of views on the upcoming changes in Germany, but in the principle of "mutual interference," also simply discussed the changes in the German National Affairs Bureau to confirm that this change is not It will affect the future policies of Germany.

The first two days of Lin Han returned home, and the topic discussed in the CCP is the topic of Europe. On the third day, the topic turned to Asia.

In October 1939, with the mutual declaration of the War, the British also started cleaning and deporting Chinese living in Southeast Asia.

In the beginning of the war, the People's Liberation Army quickly won Hong Kong, captured a lot of British overseas Chinese in Hong Kong. After the incident, the two sides were negotiated, and China sent a large number of business boats to enter Southeast Asia, "dismantishment", with a total of more than 30,000 people in Southeast Asia. In exchange, China has also released the UK nationals who were captured in Hong Kong.

By 1940, the number of Huaqiao living in Southeast Asia is far more than this number, but not all Huashi is willing to return to new China. Affected by various anti-China and anti (a total) publicity, there are still a lot of overseas Chinese living in Indonesia and Ma Ya Peninsula, and those who have retained in the Nanyang have been eating in Southeast Asia because of the factors of war. It's enough to suffer.

As for the Netherlands of the colonial Borneo, Southeast Asia, due to Zhonghe did not stop, the Netherlands did not show obvious hostile behavior to overseas Chinese, but from there, the Dutch people currently live in overseas Chinese are also vigilant. Even mobilized local indigenous or immigrants from Arab, India, Japan's immigrants and Chinese calamity conflicts.

Chapter 315 World New Pattern

After the outbreak of the 1939 War, when the Anti-Huawei incident in the Indonesian area, New China received more than 30 million Southeast Asia, and established a special overseas Chinese farm in Guangdong and Fujian. At the same time, the opinions of Linhan, a large number of people in these overseas Chinese, forming a so-called "Nanyang Overseas Chinese People's Liberation Army", preparing for the future Chinese countries in Southeast Asia.

With the help of New China, China has abroad, helping Lin Han organizes these returned overseas Chinese, kneading into a group, establishing the tissue backbone from top to bottom.

The Chinese Communist Party has fulfilled the agreement reached in the Soviet section:

To do something, it is essential to build a country, organization and cadres. Nominal Shanglin Han is the highest head of this Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese Alliance, but the part of the specific personnel, a considerable part of the new China is available.

In Lin Han, he has a bit like North Korea in Nanyang in Nanyang, or North Yue, which is extremely deeply influenced by the Chinese Communist Party of China, and the organizational "sand" is blocked.

However, Lin Han and Golden Sun are the people who are very powerful. It is even more lazy to enjoy the lazy people who only want to be the emperor, and the white paper fan masters who die for dying are Hi Valley. The limit of the content. It is not too much to penetrate for your own organization. So far, his relationship with the high-level leaders of the new China is still in the golden period of "honey oil".

After receiving the important intelligence of the British to enter the Malay Peninsula, China's high-level discussion has decided to give up on this point in time to launch the Malay Battle.

There are a lot of reasons for giving abandoning Malay.

The first is that the new China's industrial ability is too bad, from the local to Southeast Asia, the distance is too far, and it is difficult to keep up. Now that weakened car replenishment is, even if it is maintained in the Northeast of India.

Secondly, the terrain of Malay Peninsula is too narrow, and it is easy to suffer from the enemy to the way of landing on the sea, and repeated the scene of the North Korean War when the North Korean War.

The third point is a threat from the United States, and now the Americans are in person with the possibilities of the World War II. In the United States, the official is preparing for public opinion for comprehensive participation. Over the time, the most exciting anti-war speech is now hard to see in the US official newspaper. It is also because of the pressure from the United States, clamping Thailand between Malaysia and China, now is still playing so-called "neutral" route, never allows the People's Liberation Army.

In order to give China's greater pressure, the US Pacific Fleet should be invited by the British, and have sent two battleships to Singapore to implement "Guardian Overseas Chinese", which is self-evident.

Now Li Huime is successful in Japan. It has been shown by Li Huime from Japan. The Germans have many victories in the Norwegian sea battle. The Japanese people also want to have "Ship" and repeat the German Navy. brilliant.

When Lin Han discussed the strategic issues of Asia in China and the CCP, French campaign has also entered the final end.

On June 11th, the German C Group Army gave to the Rheinland, at this time, the Group A army had contracted Verdeng, and the French army was surrounded by the south of Alsace and Luolin. In addition to a few fleeted to Switzerland All is . On June 14, the French government announced to stop resistance.

At 20, June 20, signed a stop agreement between the French small towns Koni, Law and Germany. As a result, the signing ceremony is not in the famous castle in the town, but in a train compartment. After the first World War Germany was defeated, it was in the same car, Germany surrendered to the country. In order to wash this shame, while meeting the "retaliation" of the Germans, Hannai's history of Hitler is generally, and the decendants dragged this car from the museum, and served as a place where France signed a surrender book. Afterwards, this car was pulled in Germany and saved in the German museum.

According to the terms of the stop agreement, Germany will occupy the North of France and the Atlantic coastal area of ​​France. The French army will be disarmed and dismissed. France will pay the cost of the German occupying army, and all German political refugees will return to Germany.

And the history of history is that for the French land, Germany's ambition is not large, just asking for the recovery of Alsace and Luolin occupied by France. In the northern part of France, it is temporarily treated with the Germans for "air defense needs".

As for France defeated compensation, Hanna listened to Lin Han's opinion, considering the future "European integration" needs, Hannah only requested the French to pay the compensation for the law after a war after a war.

During this time, British Prime Minister Churchill called on France to adhere to Hitler's fighting in his speech. But at this time, most people in the whole top of the whole body are all "Let this death war end."

Similar idea, the Betang government is ignored.

Churchill said in a speech published on the Parliament: "If we bravely resist Hitler, the whole Europe will liberate, the world can go to the sunny broad wilderness. But if we fail, the whole world includes the United States, including All countries we are familiar with concerns will fall into a new disorder of a new dark era. "

Churchill realized that his lecture could not stop the aggression of Germans. Because he also admitted that the French campaign has ended, the British Battle is about to begin, and the survival of Western civilization is in this battle.

Despite the greater pressure than history, the British government is still a bad cow that is not looking back, and it is necessary to continue the war regarding the war.

During this time, Americans also sent special envoys to Germany to find Hitler, requiring Germany to return to the Americans from before, in advance.

In order to go earlier in the European War earlier, the Americans have begun to support the sleeves and prepare for comprehensive participation in the war.

Then, on June 22, an explosive news came out, and the world was shocked.

The British government launched a joint statement at high-profile this day, claiming to invite Japanese Army to the Malay Peninsula.

For a time, the whole world has been active by the British government's gallbladder, stimulating, is not too angry.

Chapter 316 Attacks Japanese Navy

Ma mast, smog is like a cloud, and the blue blue, a huge fleet is driving in the sea from the South China Sea, and its scale and strength are strong. No matter where there is, it will lead the vigilance of the surrounding national forces.

The big ship, the boulder, with a simple bridge and beautiful ball nose, but the most attractive thing, but the nine gains installed in the ship have reached 460 mm, this nine giant The gun is definitely the strongest naval gun in the Navy in 1940, and its launch has reached a thousand and nine hundred kilograms of pharmaceutical heavy-duty giants. It has the ability to tear the most thick part of the battleship in 20,000 meters. Armor.

The standard drainage volume of this battleship is as high as 60,000 tons, and the full-load drainage is 73,000 tons. Even if you have the bigst drain tonnage of this Planet, the potential of this battleship has not been excavated, but also retains great design, if you need to make more installation hanging without affecting design performance .

The name of this battleship is called the big sum, belonging to the Japanese Joint Fleet, and the flagship of the Japanese United Fleet.

Another standard drain tonname with him with him more than 40,000 tons of giant ships is called "Wu Zhai" aircraft carrier. In this era of serious distortions, this should be born in the battleship, and the identity has become a carrier for more than one hundred armored aircraft carrier in May 1940.

Due to the high cost of armor, the number of carrier machines is too small, the aircraft carrier is only a "two crane" that is more cost-effective.

Whether it is a big and a battleship, or a military aircraft carrier, currently in 1940, the strongest warship in the same level.

The culprit of the history of the whole non-unrecognizable, now is pushing up in the big sumptuous battleship, and standing at the top of the ship mast, looking around the stars and archway around the surrounding warships.

Two standard tons of 30,000 tons of Xiang Hei and Ruishe Navigors, two shipping machines are between 95 to 100, including the unit cost, including the martial arts aircraft carrier, these three can more than 30 The high-speed driving aircraft carrier has exceeded the big and number battleships per ton of manufacturing costs.

From the appearance, these three aircraft carriers have a strong "Qi Bolin" style. Under Li Huamei's suggestion, Japanese ship designers have gained a lot of design experience and ideas about Qi Bechang aircraft carrier at the beginning of design, and even a blueprint exchange with Germans. Although Xiang He Ruhe is the same name with the aircraft carrier of the joint fleet in history, no matter how performance is still a completely different two warships.

For these three new aircraft carriers, there are still three King Kong battle cruisers, which is the relic of a battle, but it exceeds 30 speeds to keep up with high-speed aircraft carriers.

In addition, the surrounding stars arched with the ten destroyers and four air defense cruisers, as well as ten passenger, cargo ships, and the Japanese soldiers of the entire three teachers and their equipment.

The destination of this huge fleet is located in Singapore, the most east end of the Malay Peninsula.

In the past 50 years, each of the Japanese Union Fleet is dispatched, and the mission to be implemented by the "aggression" task is the "aggression" task, but this time It is different.

They should be invited by the British government, according to the provisions of the Treaty of the Second British League, go to the Malay Peninsula to help "allies", and implement "justice" tasks of "resisting red-criminals."

Whether it is the officers and men of the Japanese Union Fleet, the "Army Red Deer" equipped on the passenger ships they escorted, they are full of joy in this task, and the high officials who know the truth in the Joint Fleet is the most joy.

Self-think of smart British, is doing the stupid thing to open the door.

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