The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 265

In France's third armored masters, the air war is continuously carried out. The P40 fighter performance is generally unable to be equal to HE112, and don't say that the German fighter team in the third armor master is the most elite JG51 team in the German Air Force and the best HE112G fighter.

When the battle was in the battlefield, the tank long Murphy was very depressed, and the plane fell down in the sky, which seems to be P40 of the French Air Force logo. (P40 is in the French Air Force, common statement is H-75A, P40 name is the war Hawk, h is the first letter h at the beginning of its English name)

At this time, the sky of Dunlike, Malssa drives the "yellow 14" fighter of the beige head, which is crazy to brush the results in the P40 chart. He's HE112, regardless of climb, speed, acceleration, or even circularity, the old-fashioned P40 has an overwhelming advantage, and today is the stimulation of the results of Li Huime, a flying fans of five fighters, Malssi's state Fighime.

For the "special machine" HE112G type prepared for the Elite pilot in the German, there is no special fire formulation restriction, and its weapons are equipped with five flowers. There are five 13 mm air machine gun plates, three gate 20 mm aeronautics version, one gun four-machine gun version Wait, completely depending on the pilot's own personal preferences - of course, so relaxed is "privilege" that the ace pilot can enjoy.

The teacher is out of the Malzy, which is used by the weaker guns of the firepower. In response to the problem of the balloons that were previously used by Li Huimei, the German military used the third-generation long-range twenty millimeter firenge, which shot from the cannon shot, which guarantees that there is a five hundred meters and 13 Timinality of mm machine guns close to. Malsso, so only the two machine gun plates are selected rather than four guns, it is to pack more bullets and make the fond of the fighters better - the bullets per machine gun can increase to four hundred Fifty hair, more than the latter.

Marceo heard from the broadcast of JG47 team in the sea of ​​Dunlik, due to unknown battlefield, the cause of hitting and injury could not properly determine, the actual shot and propaganda on the propaganda port must have a lot The gap is, but the results of Li Huimei's results are still seriously stimulated by Malzy.

Affected by this, the 18th this morning, Marcea kills over Dunlike. He is extremely good, first shot down three MB152 in three minutes, and when the P40 cluster is followed by five minutes, he left the left to stand left, and four times in ten minutes. P40, in less than half an hour, he hit the seven French planes, and finally "shortening" the gap between Li Huimei.

After returning to Ostet Airport, Marce is a welcome in the ground. It's just that it is depressed, he has not retired from the outstanding performance in the morning, and at noon at noon. He once again drive, but he heard the second attack after returning in the morning. Li Hua Mei, I lay down the "bad news" of six aircraft in the air battle.

Affected by this news, Marcha is especially brushing to more results of the goddess in the heart, and the opposite British Air China is traged.

On the 18th, Malzy took three times a day, and there were a total of seventeen fighters before and after, "advanced" created his original history created. If it is not the captain Glandard, he considers his physical strength. The down command will stop him from moving against it, and the crazy Marce is still trying to force the fourth air battle. On the day, Marksea, although I got a hundred percent of the pilot, I couldn't get the number of feds in my life, but I was still depressed - because of this day, Li Hua Mei attacked four times, one day I have already launched the twenty-one British French fighter.

The first king of World War II was very stronger, but it was unfortunately, but the "woman" he chased is a non-human.

On May 18th, due to the excellent performance of JG51 and JG47, especially Li Huamei, the non-human and Malzer, the big outbreak of the two super fiders, British and Air China in Dunl The gram is blown over.

After the end of the sky, the British Air Force Commander Ding was held on the day's war report, looked at more than three digits on the paper and the pilots than this number, and the empty person lost the list. The hand trembled.

At that time, Ding was directly called the phone to the first phase of the Tangning Street.

Because of the continuous and many days of anxiety, when I was thinned, Churchill got up the phone, I heard the debate of the Dine almost crying:

"The Prime Minister, if you play a few days, I will give it a few days to defend the British airspace."

On the same day, the British dispatched seven hundred various aircraft against Dun Bulk from the native, and the result was intercepted in the fight of German Air Forces, and more than one hundred and twenty aircraft was directly smashed over the Dun Belk. This digital aircraft is reluctant after the damage is serious, and it is resolved because of the serious damage. As for the injured, there is more than 1,40 aircraft that need to be repaired to fly, and the body is more repairing with a small hurt in the body.

From Norwegian Battle to Dunlike Air Combat, I'm up to months of continuous blood loss, and the royal Air Force who is weak, it has now been dangerous.

On the phone, Dine is straightforward to Churchill:

"Either dismissed me, otherwise I will not send a plane to Dunken in Town tomorrow."

Chapter 305 French Swan's Eleans (3)

In the airport, the "only" "" only "in front of the day, there is a" tearing "in front of Churchill, the loss is more than him, and it is even more mourning. Voices. On May 18th, in order to reduce the pressure of Dunlk, Germany's aviation soldiers are almost in the lower nest, not only most of the air soldiers have adjusted to the West Line, but even HNA also dispatched the plane to participate in the West Line. Air war.

The Tunbon Battlefield of the Fati border is just the most intense battlefield in this big air battle. On the 18th, the French Air Force was directly out of the various fighters to three hundred. At the beginning of the French campaign, the French Air Force has a three-six hundred combat aircraft, and there are more than 500 Royal Air Forces to participate directly in French local airports. Results After the air battle in the 18th, the French Air Force directly lost a hundred percent of the battle, and this is not a plane that is scrapped on the ground after returning. It is almost a battle.

In contrast, only more than 70 aircraft were shot on this day, more than 100 injured, and the loss was much more relatively slight.

That night, Germany officially said in the national radio, Gomeberg said to all the nationals: "Today's air battle, we have cut off the throat of this swan of the flanse Air Force! No. 18 Air combat is the last elegy of this French swan. "

The failure of the air war in Dunlick, which caused the chain reaction, which is also a serious action that the French Army seized the port of Dun Cup.

At 10 o'clock on the day, the German Air Force's attacking chart came to the fourth wave of air strikes, and the officers and men of the third tank division of the Military Military Military, who were approaching the Dunlock were bold, and they had unpaired first, a lot of tanks. When the German Air Force launched the fourth wave of air strikes, they didn't care about the tank escape.

This urgently adjusted the third installment of the French Army, the French Army, the French Army, and the side of the Dun Culk did not touch it, and they were blown up on the road battlefield from about 30 kilometers away. It's not a military. If there is a German army in the vicinity, as long as you launch a small assault, you can easily kill the armored armor.

On the morning, the French used the whole three hours of time, re-rushed into the tanks throughout more than three hours, and the reunion troops will continue to advance to Dun, but in the process for more than three hours. For more than 30,000 British and Legioness, it is a very three hours.

When the third installor division of France was constantly attacked to the helmet, the wolf was unbearable, the two tank armored divisions of the seventeenth army of Guadrian visited the battlefield, who was in desperate to crazy to Dunlk Summary.

Due to the too fast, the two of the two tempers of Guadean have been severely detached from the follow-up infantry. Although his boss is very uneasy to his offensive speed, but the head of the head of Hitler passed the superiors to send him a directive instruction: assault, the assault, has been rushing to Dunlke.

In these two days, Goodrian personally led two incomplete tanks, including 80 tanks and more than one hundred three tanks, and after the British and French coalition, weeded, breakthrough. The British French coalition in the defeat and chaotic state is unable to organize the troops to enable the elite surroundings that drilled into their belly.

In history, in the process of assault, his tanks have met a large number of French soldiers who surrendered to them. But Queurian anxious to "see the sea", the foundation of these French soldiers, just just call these incenses to pile up the rifle and throw it down to the tank, and then drive all them.

"Don't stop, let's open, we are rushing to hurry!"

The Goods at the time was almost said that this French soldier on these surrender.

In the routing of rushing to Dunlk, Gusherian tank cluster also suffered from the British and Airfare Air Force.

But the Britain Air Force attacks simply stop his tank cluster from high speed.

There are two reasons for the difference between the Air Force attacks in the British Fa.

First, because the fighters they escort can't expel the German fighters over the German tanks, under the threat of the German fighter, the British bomber roots are not able to reduce the height to make a threatening bombing, and they are barely fly to the German tank. Things, the accuracy of hit can be imagined.

The second point of the British France lacks a professional anti-tank attack machine.

According to the experience of World War II, the Air Force deals with the most efficient attack methods of tanks, the efficiency is high and low, and the first is a professional airborne anti-tank gun. This weapon is a real tank killer, the attack is extremely high. But this most efficient anti-tank attack machine, the British French Air Force is not equipped.

Secondly, the heavy-duty bomb using more than two hundred kilograms is attacked by low or dive a bombing. Although it is not easy to ask the bomb to live in the tank, but more than two hundred kilograms of bombs, even if it is close to the tank, it can cause serious damage to the tank.

But in the Dunlink battlefield, the German Air Force has a double advantage of quality and warfield information rights, which has always effectively pressed the British French Air Force, which effectively protects the top of the Goodrrianan Tanker group. The British bombers of the British and Air Force cannot form effective attacks in German tanks through low-altitude bombing.

The third anti-tank means of the Air Force is to use the aviation rocket against the tank, but the world's world only has a German in the world, followed by the Soviet Union, is developing a similar product, and the English and American law can't take effective. Airborne anti-tank rocket.

In the air anti-tank combat in the morning of the 18th, the most efficient anti-tank weapon is equipped with MK103, 30 mm anti-tank machine guns on HS129, as for the sixty mm aviation rocket, after the war, the German Army recycled through the battlefield After testing the wreckage of the Words of the British and French tank, it was found that the British and French tanks that were really destroyed by the air rushes directly in the air strikes were only destroyed in the MK103 gun.

At World War II, the air roller's hitting effect is not very good, far better than the airborne anti-tank. The main reason is that the hit rate is extremely pothole. For example, when the famous Falai pocket is a boy, the British and American Air Force dispatched the Hundreds of typhoon fighters to attack the Tanks of Germany with a retreat of Tanks, playing more than two hundred air rockets against tanks and cars. It is found that only two tanks are directly hitted by the rocket. Most of the tanks are actually in harming, but the tanks are grouped by the air strikes, and they give up the tanks and escape. Similar situations have also happened many times in the Sudue battlefield. )

In the French battle, the seventeenth army commanded by Gusherian has long been opened by Hitler as the opening of the A Group Army. The best tank and equipment are all prioritized.

Because of the cause of production, when the Battle of France, the German Army still could not give all the tanks to all the high-radiant machine guns, the "brain" of the Tanks in the British Fa, also bare. But Gudan hand on the tank troops, all the tanks have a high-absorbing machine gun with 13 mm.

When the third division of France used more than three hours to get collapsed, the armored cluster of the Goodrrian 17th Army, who was in the Dunxun, was desperately burst into everything, has arrived in the day of the day. Port Port. Although this work is constantly moving because of the mechanical fault, it is encountered by the British-Air French Air Force's attack obstruction, but there are still nearly 100 tanks to rush to the port of Dunlk, and the time after the time has repaired tanks. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the total number of German tanks in Dunlke has increased to more than one hundred and forty. In the process of rushing to Dunlke, these 13 mm external high-rai machine guns on the tank turret also caused a small trouble to air strikes.

The so-called time you have a force.

At this time, the Western Europe battlefield, the battle is in the face, and millions of German Army sing, from a victory to another victory. In the process of assault, the Goodrian cluster also encountered a few times of the air-legged airline, multiple tanks were destroyed or damaged. But his troops that have been out of the rear are still rushing. In the previous multi-game, the ordinary German soldiers have made ordinary German soldiers to be completely optimistic about the foreground of the German War, and under all, even if they are temporarily honest, the soldiers can easily bear, and the French army suffered The air strike is completely different.

For tanks that are damaged in the Airfricane French airline, Goodrian usually gives it directly to discard, and the roadside is also discarded for the tank of the mechanical fault.

At that time, Goodrian stood on a tank of the turret, a car of the tank on the side:

"Even if it is seized by the British, it is nothing to do. It is when it is sent, and in a few days, we will pay back from them."

Britain Air Force several unsuccessful air strikes did not affect the assault speed of the Goodrian cluster.

At a short afternoon, the first troops installed in Judery have arrived at the Harbor of Dun, successfully and the defenders here. At this time, dozens of kilometers, the French is busy taking the tank soldiers who are blown in bombing.

With the continuous addition of subsequent troops, the strength of the Dunlik Port is constantly increasing. However, due to long-term continuous marching, many tanks showed an anchor after arriving at the destination, and the movement did not. The last tank can only be used in only one hundred and twenty, and the tank that cannot be moved can only be used as a fixed gun before the repair.

At noon, this day, using the gap of the British and Air Force, the Germans also airdown over Dunlik airborne soldiers, plus airborne soldiers, and the total force of German Dunlike increased to about 10,000 people. .

Goodrian's tanks and the Hemi Marine Corps of Town, which means that the Germans have stubbornly blocked the last breath of the British French coalition. I can't take more than 10,000 tens of tans of Town tans in a short time in a short time.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the French Third Tank of French, who rushed to Dunlke at this time, and the Dow Kelke's battle immediately broke out in this battlefield.

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