The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Record Chapter 248

Churchill just sat down and stood up again. He sailed the secretary: "I will contact me the national radio station. I want to speak to the national speech this evening ..."

Chapter 284 War's turning point

On February 25th, the weather in Norway is surprisingly.

But in the old Norwegian sea, the black smoke rolled, an elegant beast that stacked in another man with modern industrial and technology, was floating in the sea, into the water, one inch, did not enter the water.

Shortly after the second wave of air strikes, the fighting spirit of the Royal Royal Navy Residual Battle of British collapsed. All the ships that are still able to turn off the boat head, and they escape.

"Decisive Battle" became a failure.

At eleventh injustice, the emergency instructions from London and the captain of the compelling of the vendor vessels were, and the most likely to keep your own ship, "I took a seed for the Royal Navy."

As for those battles that are ranking, it is sad, but at this time, at this time, it is difficult to escape. In order not to drag the remaining light ships, the Navy received the instructions received "self-escape".

The next battle became a pursuit of the German Navy to the British Navy.

Twelve five degrees, the determination is over the sea. Before you sink, a British destroy defending on the side and a German destroyer received more than 600 water soldiers from a severely tilted deck.

This savings of the British destroyer is also scarred, and the speed has fallen to twenty-six. He is rescuing his determination, the cannon of the ship is covered with gun clothes, to show that there will be no hostile behavior.

Being next to the tip of the determination number, there is another German light cruiser and a destroyer in the "onlookers", the British destroyer who saves people will surrender to the German Navy. This is also the first British destroyer who has been surrendered to the German Navy.

Since this British destroyer's behavior, the decision number is one of the larger warships in this battle.

The Nelson's battleship suffered a wave of air strikes in 12 o'clock, and then swallowed two torpedoes and multiple flights. After 12:40, left. Because there is no warship near the sun, the falling water soldier is a lot of frost, afterwards from the German destroyer who arrived at the sea from the sea, it is also the final survivor of the Nelson's battleship.

The Royal Oak Royal Oak Raffle, who was in less than fifteen, has encountered a German destroyer and torpedo attacking machine to join hands, and have eaten two fish thunders, and the latter is again, and the ship has elapsed.

Before you sink, in order to reflect the "Knights" of the German, the German destroyer Yilin Han's instructions is close to the ship. However, because the ship is too fast, finally, only more than one hundred and eighty water soldiers.

The Malaya Battle of Malay has encountered the "personality" chasing of the Sarn Horstei battleship. Because the previous new aviation bomb is too much, the speed of the Malaya has fallen to 18 knots, soon, it will be chased by the Sarn Horst.

The two sides will launch a fierce gun war, but this is an unfair artillery war.

At this time, the Malay Malayship battleship only one guns can also fire, but the opponent is a nine-six-inch gun. After fifteen minutes in the artillery, the Sarn Horstem was hit by its nine bombs. The last tower that can be used on the Malaya number was also hoarsed. Then, the han hjest was approached to 15,000 meters, and he hit its six bomb. One of the rebound libraries that made the shells run through the unwilling water, the ship was finally shed into the sea floor last 12:15. There are only six water fighters to save on the bank.

The courage of the battleship is the lightest British battleship. At that time, he hoped from 19th. Lin Han 's girlfriend's Gresen Na Battle ship is chasing behind. The ship is the British Navy thinks the most promising battleship, so the remaining Royal Navy's light ship is only covered by side.

Genonsen's Naux started with the courage from 20,000 meters, with the courage of the speed, and the speed of the speed, he has been pressing nearly 10,000 meters. In this process, the British expelled fleet launched a lightning attack, forcing the Gresen Naju twice twice to circumvent torpedo. However, Germany's expelled fleet also in color, with the same lightning strike means, the courage to steady, slow down the speed.

Although in this process, the courage is six bombs, but there is no deadly blow, only a turret is destroyed, and the opponent is also in the opponent.

Due to the fight against the British Navy, the sea battle has been hitting 12 or 30. It is completely dead. As a result, it is replenished with the ammunition and fuel to appear in the air, the Navy Aircraft soldiers began to debut. ".

Then after more than 20 fish thunder attacks and the same number of dive bombers, the courage was being hit by the four air fish thunders, and was hit by the German destroyer to hit the trium thunder, on the day of the day. Left tipped, more than 1,500 soldiers in the ship were only rescued.

When the battle hit two or a half, from Skash Bay, the British Navy's local fleet, which was still able to float on the sea.

Five battlestroisers that have been taken care of have all sorted, the residual heavy patrol ship and the light cruiser, and the water-down aircraft carrier carrier with the water-sided ship only jointly hits, and is also a place to sink into the sea. At the end of the sky, the twelve cruisers of participating in the war, only four scarred light cruisers were barely escaped. The twenty-two drove traffic soldiers participated in the battle, and only eight lives.

As for the last battleship of the Royal Navy, the Ramillis is a "longest".

Since its steering gear is killed in previous cards, it can only be turned around at sea, and it cannot be separated from the battlefield. The Germans believe that it has been the meat in the abdomen, busy with other main ships, they are only left a few destroyers, and they have not eager to sink him, so they live more than a few hours.

At three o'clock in the afternoon of January 25, the speed difference between the rotation of the left and right spiral pulps, the Ramillis battleship finally ended the embarrassment of the ground, barely able to advance the speed of seven.

But at this time, the Ramillis could not escape.

At the surroundings of the Ramillis, it has been taken throughout the fleet: two of the Sand-level battleships, the two cruisers, and the dehwats "onlookers" - less than those who are now chasing the remaining emptying other English ships.

The Ramillis is over, the planes hanging on the bile and the torpedo are coming back and forth.

At this time, the lacquered four turrets were not shaken, which was exhausted by the 406 mm ship by the De Shi Shi. It has completely lost the ability of remote artillery. Although only two hours of time from the sky, the Lamilis battleship that is far from the local latter has not been able to fade.

"I am a strong admiration for the universal battle of the nobles, considering the current state of the noble, and continues to fight. This war is the soldiers and civilians of the English and civilians. A tragedy, I have no intention to create more meaningless killing. On the British Isles, there are countless waterfarefare families expect that you can go home and reunite, and the long-term considers of humanitarian factors, giving up The resistance of the meaning is surrendered by our army. We guarantee that they will treat the Guard soldiers according to the international law. "

Three minutes, located in Churchill, the Navy Headquarters, through the radio radio, almost synchronized with the officers and soldiers in the Ramillis ship, heard the "persuasion of the Ramilli" of the front line - " At that time, the German Navy was issued to the Ramillis to the Ramillis in the way. Before issuing this notice, the "Notice of Persuades" has been sent to the German domestic country, and then "broadcast Broadcast" in the first time.

The entire British heard this persuasion notice.

In the UK Navy Headquarters, there is no lunch of Churchill's face, not only him. In fact, in fact, there are almost no lunch in the current operational command center. The Royal Navy, the pride of the big British empire, was actually broadcast to the British San Island in the British San Island in the "live broadcast" method, so "feel" "feeling", strong earthquake Everyone in the island.

From 12 o'clock, whether it is the door of Tang Ning Street, or in front of the Navy Headquarters, a large number of people gradually gathered. The Royal Navy is step by step to the abyss step by step. After hearing this news from the broadcast, where the UK's ordinary people will have this kind of torment that fatched "welfare" in the war, and organized it to the government. before.

When the book is broadcast in the broadcast, the sediments in the Navy Building are silent. The "onlookers" outside the navy building also collectively smashed, the entire British San Island, the same is also silent.

Almost everyone slammed the gas, waiting for the radio to pass the choice of the Ramillis Shipshund.

His choice will determine the future of this war.

"You must not surrender!"

In the battle room, Churchill, has been silent, suddenly jumped, and then foamed a straw like a straw, and said to the indoor staff: "Immediately contact me to latise, tell Burt Captain, he can't surrender! If he is really surrendered, the British Empire will completely lose this war. "

Churchill is very clear. The mood of the British people is tied with the fate of the Ramillis. If the Ramillis's captain surrendered, the British people's last war will also dissipate. For the British Empire, this means a thorough disaster.

"This war, if we can't end with the identity of the winner, then the day does not fall to the empire will completely destroy! Burt, he can't drop!"

Someone answered him: "We can't contact the Burt Cada before an hour! Their radio room may be damaged by the Germans!"

Chapter 285 A Times End

The war is an easy thing, but how to end the war is the most difficult thing.

In the history of the World War, after the end of the French campaign, Germany threw "peace" olive branch to the UK, but he did not hesitate to be rejected by the British, and then the war continued in the situation where Germany was reluctant until it finally defeated. .

In this era of serious distorted travelers, this Sudo is working on the war's abortment? Even the Lin Han himself, it is no longer to be grasped.

Unknown, this is the greatest pleasure of Lin Han with the biggest pleasure of a smashing history. Before the third Norwegian wars broke out, Lin Han's most wanted answer is: in the end of the Warm Battle, the British of the German Navy will lose the British of all Navy's main ship, and they will be in general, bite in history. Do you start the war?

This is a very interesting topic.

Prior to the third Norwegian battles, Lin Han and Hannah spent the trick of this "live broadcast war", which is to make an attempt to expell the war as soon as possible.

Put the British forced to fight against Germany, and the benefits of Germany will naturally be self-evident. British Germany stops, Americans have less important to intervene in Europe's fulcrum involving war. In such a European continent, there is only the last family of France, and there is no British helper, Germany push down France in a short time, Lin Han and Hanna are confident.

Before the war broke out, we must consider the problem from the worst angle. After the war broke out, we will work hard to go to the best goal.

The British broadcast, Hanna collected all the elites of the German domestic media industry, and there were a large number of psychologists to join. After that broadcast, the sound of the voice, the sweet voice of the sound. Standing is a huge team that exceeds 100 people.

The manuscript of the female announcer is a team elite for these hundreds of teams. The tone cavity adjustment and the content of the manuscript is not fancifully promoted by the German's "Herch", but is required to describe this furnish battle from "humanitarian" and "sorrowful people". In the process of promotion. The "idea" that Germany wants to fight against the British, to the British.

When the German Navy's advantages of the Airblan, the broadcast of the British Navy is overwhelming. When the broadcast of the "calm" and "sentiment" reported the front line of the front line, the results of the victory were only tailed a little, talk more, It is the most concerned that the audience is the most concerned about the family members of the war, and they are sinking and being sinking.

In the radio. The German announcer talked about the "Knights on the Battlefield", and the German Navy saved the British water troops in the sinking warship, and the British audience "good words".

From a psychological point of view, when the UK is constantly listening to the Royal Navy's continuous failure, and even the last army is covered. At this time, both the people will usually have two emotions.

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