The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Mars Ship Men's Crossing, Chapter 244

Almost at the same time, the gratitude of Osli under the big gangster, encountered the siege of the 12 ju87c, attacking his dive bomber pilot, all the elite old hands, the hit rate is as high as 50%, and the scene is pronounced The death penalty of this aircraft carrier. The "Eagle" aircraft carrier that was detonated the fuel library ignited the fire of the bears and became a roast eagle.

In the first Norwegian royal battle, the Royal Arenaircraft carrier, although after two months of emergency repair, there were still many parts that were not completely repaired, and this war was forced to take injuries.

The first wave of six JU87c attacked the "old soldier" that was injured, due to the circumstance, his luck was extremely bomb, but the flight deck was blown up a huge mouth, it was unable to Laken and landing.

The first Popli arrow in the German Navy, the first goal is the aircraft carrier in the British fleet, directly abolished their follow-up capabilities, in this wave of attack, the British Navy's main battleship is no injury.

The attacker of the second wave reaches the glory empty at 730.

This batch of Germach came from the attack chart of the second aircraft carrier formation. Amiered a dive bomber siege an aircraft carrier, two minutes of his four bombs, thoroughly cutting the throat of this hurtful blonde.

At this point, three British aircraft carriers become a hot-burning fire, and they are sinking into the ice sear at a point in the sea.

The rest of the twisted JU87C, there is no accidental land of Nelson, and the Nelson's battles suddenly sounded a harsh air defense alarm.

When the JU87C flying over the Narex, the artillery can shoot in the ship, from the six-door 4.7 inches (about 120 mm) high-powered two-purpose gun to 40 mm table tennuit to 20 mm airborne gun, all at this moment .

"How is this thin side of the left side?"

The commander of TiV slammed the fire from the shot of the gunfire.

The gun tube manager answered him: "The three-bit damn ping-pong will kick!"

"The death of the dead!"

The commander of Towei was cursed in his heart.

A total of four table tennuits have been installed on the Nelson Battle, which is complex and extremely cumbersome, and is considered extremely advanced air defense weapons by the British Navy. However, the performance in the actual combat today is a "shit", the shell of the shell is stinky, the small-onklore of the mileage of the system is endless - this problem has appeared in the last Norwegian battle, after the war The naval department has passed the report to the superior, and it is more necessary to use Bossist cannons in China to replace the gapsuits.

However, because of the cause of capacity and time, only very small ships in the entire fleet are only replaced into Bossist guns, including flagship quilts, Most warships can only use table tennuits that are connected by underlying diseases. Air defense weapon.

The Nelson's left side direction, the twelve JU87C is pondered with a harsh scream in the horror of the 85 degree angle. This screaming is sent by the whistle being installed in its head. In the Chinese intervention war, the Chinese Air Force's plane has installed this device, and the British army called "Devil's Screams".

On the sea, the Nelson's battleship has a strong body, and it is conceivable to avoid the JU87C attack route through this motor. The huge hull made a drift movement at sea, and the wavily "hit" a huge striking water wall, and its evading moves were taken by the air camera carried by the sky, and later became this sea battle. Very classic photo.

Surrounded by Nelson, all nearby frigates also entered the 12th JU87C, but once Ju87c entered a swing attack status, the air defense firepower was just a self-psychological comfort. Plus the Table Table Tennilgiver in the left side of the target war ship has a serious failure at this time, causing the air defense bullet in this direction to be too thin, and this is a snow to add.

Two two JU87C dive in sequence, in the sea, about 500 to six hundred meters to the sea, the 12th seven hundred kilograms of wearing a bomb. This garnished bomb is specially designed to the battleship. JU87C is not a non-mounting of a heavier bomb, such as the JU87R2 type used by the Navy, and has a dedicated bomb that reaches a ton of heavy. It is just affected by the length of the aircraft carrier, in order to ensure that it can take off from the aircraft carrier, the maximum weight of the aviation can only be seven hundred kilograms, and even eliminates the machine gun hand of the rear seat to reduce weight.

Twelve two hundred kilograms of heavy wearing aircraft, with sharp whistling, from the air, there is a scream that is emitted when the death of the gods.

The screams are getting closer and closer, and the Nelson's fleet is personally helming to drive the Movie commander of the motorcycle. At this time, the face has been paleble.




In the scene of the surprises, the Nelson battleship of the Narexians in full capacity is dramatically trembled.

The big sound of the three sounds, the sound is amazing, but it is the nearly lost loss of the empty, and they blew in the sea. Crossing a small amount of waterproof isolatability from underwater.

The fourth sound first is a coincidence of the metal impact. This is the painful mouth of the warship being directly hit, first is just a sound, and then the explosion occurs inside the ship.

The seven hundred kilograms of bombs in the first mating, the hit part is the rear deck, the bomb is slippery from the slope of the tower, through the back deck, drilled into the lower commander cabin and exploded there, explosion to the ship The damage is limited, but the whole ship has felt the huge vibration brought by the middle.

Located on the top of the front deck, I also ate a bomb, but the six-inch thick turret hierarchical deck opened this impact, plus the promotion premature job, the turret did not be broken, the fire was blown on the surface However, the internal structure of the turret was severely vibrated, and the hit rate was lowered in the future.

The third aircraft carrier has come from the contribution of the ninth JU87C. The dominion is the weakest deck, and the delay is released internally, and the explosion leads to a lot of the front deck of the ship. Although the situation is terrible, substantial damage is not very big.

And the same, the British ship is painful, it is a bomb that is almost attached to Nelson's body. The bomb is not enough five meters away from the Narex, blows three meters under water, this hit The huge water pressure leads to a severe rupture of the plurality of compartments of the left side.

The formal water surface gun war has not started, the Nelson battleship that is focused, first of all, the four-shot, the force is serious.

Chapter 279 Surgery of the big ship

The aircraft carrier fleet is completely over, then John Tetvi is aware that he is facing incoming, and it can't be refunded.

There is no empty Royal Navy, which is currently an extremely disadvantageous back.

John Todi commander wants to choose to retreat, but he knows this is the worst choice. Now I just just patented, and I have a minimum of ten hours from the black. With an empty mother's opponent, it is entirely possible to fight the advantages of the plane, and repeatedly attacking his fleet several rounds. During this wave of attack, the power of JU87C dive the bomber he already experienced. In such a close distance, I was biting the enemy. If you only take a look at the head, then his fleet will only be lighted at the opponent's aviation soldier.

Can't escape, then you can only fight.

Hate is that the old old war ship in his hand, the speed is poor, and it is even more embarrassing that can't be caught up. John Towei, nowadays, now I have experienced, and the battle of Bergen's battle is the pain.

"If the war can have a year, it will be fine! If George 5th level can go early, it will be fine! If last year, the three high-speed battle patrols are just fine ..."

When the command main fleet took the initiative to charge the direction of the German main ship, John Tote's commander had a lot of "if" in a row. Since the main battleship is far from the opponent, the initiative of the battle is completely supported by the opponent, and he is finally tasted.

After the bombing end, the Royal Navy's reconnaissance fleet is located, has seen the trace of the German fleet, the two devil war ships appear in the distance from the main ship about 40 kilometers, a small number of German reconnaissance ships and the British army in the front-garde position. The escort is fired by a dozen kilometers away.

Seeing the De Shi Shi Shi Shi, Johno Command, immediately ordered the main ship to open the horsepower, and rushed to the German fleet.

Ju87's bombing, it has made him understand that he can't retreat, and it is only a hope that he is full of war. The landslice airport on the recent island in Norwegian sea has taken off a large number of bombers to support, and it will arrive at most 40 minutes. He has six battleships in his fleet, six-to-two, purely to the arm, theoretically, the Royal Navy accounts for an absolute upper.

The only problem is that the opponent has aircraft carrier. This assassin hiding in the distance has been previously bombed, and its huge threat has been shown. In the case where there is no guarantee of airway, John Todi wants to choose to retreat, but he is very clear that the maximum number of battleships of the maximum speed of the ticket, it is impossible to run the main land base airport fighter before heaven. In the circle, there is only one line of life in the battle.

John Tove is ordered to rise in the flagship. At the same time, it will issue an instruction to the full fleet: the imperial fate, this battle.

With the Nelson's whistle, Nelson took the lead, courage, the Malaya, the Royal Oak, the Ramillis, the determination number, the six battleships launched a charge to the German fleet of the show.

John Todi's command can be described as a tragic breath, but his opponent does not leave the opportunity to "tragically" performance.

Six British main battleships have just shown the posture of the charge, and the German battleship in the distance immediately turned out to turn the distance.

Compared with the British ship, the German fleet has only two 40,000 tons of giant ships. In addition to the two thousand three thousand tons of pocket queer ship, the remaining is a flexible light cruiser and destroyer. Plus its overall speed is above 30, they want to go, in John Tovey's battleship, all the German ships have completed the steering, turning around.

At 7:50, when the six-British depressed look at the strength of the German fleet began to pull the distance, the air defense alarm sounded again.

From two Qi Bolin-level aircraft carriers, they took off the second wave of bombers and once again.

The whole twenty-four JU87C, which mounts seven hundred kilograms of wearing bombs, Flying on the top of the Narex, dive, bounce.

The German goal is clear, first of all, the warranty of the flagship Sieron's strongest battleship will be abolished.

The next five minutes can be referred to as "no artistic beauty".

Twenty-four fly general JU87C screamed, dive, and the hen got a twenty-four hair bomb in Nelson.

In the harsh screams, the Nelson's bulky ship is like a dog bear in the water to pass hard to avoid the waist.

Surrounded by Nelson, several hosts ships also assid to open fire in the world. However, the German fleet of the previously evacuation of "Chasing", John Order sent a batch of destroyers to launch lightning strikes to retracerate, this instruction made a certain impact on the air defense in the fleet, and around Narex The density of the friendship has dropped a lot. The german's dive bomber selects the accurate launch of this node.

The left string of Narex is, the failed Eightian Table tennuit, and only four tube artillery can be fired. The sailboats on the ship curse the artillery of the chain when the crust is desperately shot.

A JU87C is locked by the guns in the boiling ground. It was hit like a swing, swing in the air, spinning, and finally exploded into a splendid fireworks in the air.

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