The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report Chapter 223

At this time, the radar soldiers in the formation reported to the Canningan Command, and several suspected warships were discovered near the Bergen Port. The large targets were moved at approximately 14 cruise speeds.

Cunning asked: "Can you determine?"

Radar soldiers replied: "It can only be determined to be a large goal. In front of the storm, the radar is seriously interfered, we can barely confirm that the large ship is only four."

The sea is not better than the sky, the initial vintage radar in the first stage of the World War II, is difficult to determine the exact size of the signal resolution. This estimated error can only be determined according to experience, which is extremely high, and the false positive rate is extremely high. Especially in the harsh weather of such a storm, the radar signal feedback, the accuracy is lower to the point of leaving.

Cunningan commander asked: "That small target?"

Radar soldiers replied: "Can't see it! The outer situation is too bad, the interference is serious, and the small ship is small, the signal is not obvious, all of which are interfered with the signal, unable to argue."

At this point, in the command room of the flagship Narex, Kan Ningan commander's fingers knocked on the metal countertop, after taking a few times, he issued an attack instruction.

So, from ten destroyers, the remaining large ships were only followed, and his fleet murderously rushed to the position of the discovery target.

In front of the war, the message obtained from the technical department is that, in terms of the large-scale radar technology, in the harsh weather, the current technology is still not doing the effect of using radar to provide fire-controlled data to achieve precise shooting. It is, but the Germans, it is very likely to do through the Norwegian Market Battle.

This warfare, Chan Ningan, brought a full nine battleship, an exiled vessel and a large number of cruisers. The Germans even have the advantage of fire-controlled radar, but the absolute number of advantages of nine battleships is there, and the hard fight can also fight the opponent. The German navy has only three two kittens, the two Sandy-level battleships are sinking, and there is not a terrible thing.

Before the attack, Cunningan commanders sent ten destroyers and prepared to use the advantages of the destroyer radar reflection signal, and grab the macro attack before the gun.

"Those bats in the domestic technical department!"

When the eviction fleet attacked, the commander of Can Ningan thoughtfully.

Those who think of the war before the war have repeatedly claimed that the 16-inch the main gun is impossible to be installed on the 40,000-ton battleship, but also has the defense and good navigation of the battleship and the thirty-two speed of the sky. However, the Germans are hard to do these, resulting in two fantastic perfect "art". I thought that the Royal Navy was tragic by the feast of these technical departments, and the commander of Can Ningan wanted to pick up his pistol.

Prior to this attack, the proposal of the German Navy radar performance, the technical department is rigorous, but those rigorous words are guaranteed that they will not make mistakes "conservative nonsense", but there is absolutely no mistakes, but there is absolutely no halfway.

On tens of kilometers away, a relatively small German fleet is "silent" in the sea.

All the ships only have a strict light fire control, although there is a "attachment" navigation of the ship, completely can safely, but in order to train the ship's sailor coordination ability, the German fleet is still using this "more than one" means.

The mountain mouth is now waiting in the chartroom in the Sarn Horstei, now is now the command center of the German fleet. As the "Japanese Friends", he got the "German Shenming" of the ship, which entered this fleet commander, how to view the biggest advantage of the German Navy using them, in the dark Playing the British Navy.

With him to enter the sea chartroom, there are other number of Navy missions from Japan, they are elites in the future of the Japanese Warcraft.

Chapter 256 Trap

It was found that the German main ship is not the radar of the Nelson's battleship, but rushed to a radar on a reconnaissance destroyer in front of the reconnaissance, and he is approximately 20 kilometers from the Nelson's battleship.

On the radar screen of this reconnaissance destroyer, the goals of the suspected German battleship still maintained the original formation of the original formation slowly in the sea. In the face of the night attack of the British Navy expelling fleet, the Germans seem to have nothing.

From the radar screen, the target of the four suspected German ships in the exposed position is to drive from the northwest to the southeast direction in the northwest, and its line indicated in the opposite direction of the Bergen Port. Judging from the direction of travel, this suspected German fleet is leaving Bergen Port, but now it is just on the way by the British main fleet.

At this time, the radar screen on Narexia is, the snow-shaped interference point is very much, due to the distance from the distance, there is still no discovery of the lack signal of the German ship. Under the common action of harsh sea conditions and climate, the role of radar is severely inhibited, and the pre-position of the destroyer can judge the position of the vessel and the direction of travel is very reluctant, and the Narex, which is farther, I can't find anything. .

In order to prevent its fleet, the radar of the opponent is discovered that Can Ningan's intentional goals have a big goal, and the main fleet of the radar signal is slightly retained in the distance from about forty-five kilometers from the compass, but by the radar reflection signal. The weaker high-speed expelled fleet is playing.

Initially, Chan Ningan just sent ten destroyers to launch lightning strikes, but when using the searchlight, he increased this number to twelve.

Twelve destroyers quickly passed through 20 kilometers away, and quickly approached the distance of less than 20 kilometers from the German ship.

At this moment, the opposite is covered with the night, and there are dozens of red light flashed. After more than 30 seconds, the charge of the compelling fleet ship, and she rang when she fell. Screams. The expelleration fleet in the charge made countless water columns around the fleet.

"Is it exposed, is it a radar of German?"

The Royal Naval officers and soldiers who participated in almost everyone had such a thought.

The British destroyer touched the gunfire to continue the charge, and the expense fleet was clearly exposed, but the opposite deh is not forced, and the lighting bomb did not play, but the shells of the shells were extremely accurate. The German's gunwork is completely limited and interference, after several rounds of shooting, a large number of shells are tightly sticking to the destroyer of the charge, and the Lefield destroyed ship is first bounce. In a minute after the start of the shell, there were more than a minute, and the speed of the whole body was blown. The speed of the charge was also weakened. It has been forced to give the leader to the friendship.

"Is it found? But it is good to be late?"

Can Ningan's heart snorted, ordered the main fleet after retained, and the power of the German ship was completely approaching the position of the German ship, ready to grab it T-head.

The nine battleship lines are in the direction and the expelled fleet that is launching lightning strikes is just parallel, but there are about 20 kilometers away from their distance.

At this point, the British main battleship position is very advantageous, and its travel direction is just in the direction of the target ship. What is even better, although the speed of the German ship is greater than the British ship, but because they are driving with the cruise speed of the fourteen, the boiler pressure is obviously not the highest point required to fight the battle. In contrast, the boiler prepared by the British battleship is running at full speed. In a short period of time, the speed advantage is in the British. For the current position and direction of travel, speed judgment, the general of Canning Anyan can determine that his fleet will easily grab the extreme "T" strokes in the gun.

Just as the commander of Canning Security issued a full-speed command, the voice of the radar soldier from the command room.

"The radar screen is seriously disturbed by unknown factors! The trace of the De Shi is lost on the screen."

In the heart of Can Ning, he glared in the darkness of the gunfire, which was a blackening, and there was a bottomless black hole. It seems that he is swallowing his fleet.

Chan Ningan command immediately discovered an unusual thing: German did not use lighting! They are shooting in the dark, and they are extremely accurate. From the charged destroyer through the no-wire, the leading Sheffield destroyer has been hit by the opposite time in the past one more, and it has been severely reduced.

"Is Germany broken the hardships of the gun?"

Chan Ningan is in his heart, and he faintly realized that he sent a fleet and German playing night war in this snowy night. It is still an unwise move.

"Command them to launch lighting!"

The instruction quickly issued, the expelled fleet in the charge, gave a lot of lighting in the direction of the German ship, and the darkness of the darkness was lit, dozens of illumination played while blowing in the sky, like being Ignite a dozens of big lights, and the whole sea is taken.

Just at this time, the rain and snow mixed together, the visibility of the sea is not bad, and the serious interference from the rain and snow, even if there is a lighting bomb, rushing in the front destroyer, in the eyes What warships cannot be seen. The only thing that can determine the existence of a warship opposite, just the orange flash released when the German ship fire is fired. As for the ship, what is the ship, however, even if it is the expectation, it will not be a bit of traces.

In this case, the British expelled fleet will continue to charge the German ship. In this way, five in the British fleet can also work properly (there is a failure), and the collective has a large-scale snowflake, and it has not been able to play a normal effectiveness.

"The bastard of the dead technology department!"

After receiving the report of the radar soldier, the commander of Can Ningan was in his heart. The new instruction is immediately issued.

"Contact me Shakespeare, and report the situation of the German fleet, especially the existence of the two devil twin ships."

Shakespeare is the destroyer who replaces the seriously injured Sheffield continues to lead the charge. At this time, around the British destroyer who launched the charge, it is like the rain.

In this ice night, radar lost again, even if there is a lighting bomb to help, the British ship can't see the exact figure of the German ship in a short time, that feeling is that it is like a boxing punch.

The only thing they can confirm is to have a controversy, but not a visual confirmation result, but it is a highly confirmation of the water column around the waves when it was previously suffered from the shelling. When the 283 mm shells were exposed to the side of the body, the water flowers felt by the pretreated water cylinders were much more than 128 mm or 155 mm.

However, in this dark and confusing snowy night, a glass of the soldiers on the British expense fleet in the gunfire shot, reported to Can Ningan, with a huge water column, which is ten meters away, seems to be ten The result of six-inch dragonfly fireballs.

After listening to this news, some uncomfortable Can Ningan's commanders took a little in the half-air. He was most afraid of the outstanding nighttest tactics, but is like Norwegian battles, and was robbed by the other party. Actimators. Now, although the sneak attack of the expense fleet was discovered by the Germans, his main battleship has boiled boiler, and is preempting the T-head in full speed close to the twentieth. Compared to the German ship in the cruise speed, his fleet is at least an hour in the future, but also guarantees the advantage of its speed.

The boiler is boiled, and the steam pressure is accumulated to maximum time.

Battleship speed takes time.

A fleet is going to change in the sea, it is a complicated trouble.

At an hour of time, it is not enough to take the tactical steering from the German fleet in the disadvantage. This hour, it is enough for his fleet to do a lot. The cover of the night, and the advantages of night cannom can make the German navy to account for a lot of cheap, but their biggest weakness is too small, only two Sandy-level battleship can be a war, and their hands are full. Nine battleships, which also include the most powerful two ships in the Royal Navy. Although this is the product of the Treaty era, there is a total of 18 16-inch artillery in the two ships. That caliber is not a lie.

In the heart, Cunningan commander secretly tackled himself: "Just approach them, take them, then let our hexadecimal cannon can try, is your defense?"

After the promotion of the commander, the commander of Can Ningan specially studied the two German main ships known as "Devil Angels", and heard about their mythical legend.

"The name of God!"

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