Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 337

"Victory! Daily Tiantian!"

Chapter 447 - Japan to VS Yushu!

After the end of the Tiantian and Lu pills, Kakasi finally took Sasuke in the battle court. From Yuxi Bozuo, the arrogant expression, learned that the birds gave him a lot of confidence. what.

Sasuke and the fire is cold and cold, and the two have opened their own pupils, write rounds and white eyes, black and white, completely contrary to two kinds of collisions, burst out of the air Although it has not started fighting, the momentum is quite amazing.

Sasuke and Firefire started from the school. The two people are genius, and they are a genius of two hostile families. From their first meeting, the big and small ratio has not been able to calculate, the two strengths Combining, there is a winner.

With the last time in the death of the forest, the flower fire was originally hostile. Now it is endless, plus it to express himself in front of his sister and seven nights, the fire fire is the victory of this battle. But it is extremely ok.

The genius of Unechebao saga is not good, and I have been abused for a few times a few times. Now he is urgently needed to defeat a opponent to prove himself, maintain the name of the poor genius, and always with him. Natural is the goal of Unechebra.

There is a bitterness in the flower fire, it seems that there is no one to put it in the eyes, and I laughed and looked at Sasher. "Yu Zhibo Sasuke, or if you recognize it, don't be so many people Dead, you can be lost. "

White three persuaded that it is a good heart, don't want to make the opponent to lose too ugly, but the fire is purely to stimulate Sasuke, anyway, don't want money, this lady is mad, you are a bastard!

After listening to the fire, Sasuke's eyes fly over the eyes of a trace of anger, and the double hook jade is quickly turned, and it is cold and cold, said: "Do you have that thing?"

"Hey! Try to try it? Waste!" Hua fire did not show up, anyway, she had to leave the leaves soon, so the fire is not hiding her own disgust and hate that she is helped.

"Hey!" Sasuke snorted, quickly rushed to the fire.

The fire is once again taking a bitter, and there is no attack in front of his body, blocking.

Sasuke instantly came to the fire fire, a boxing, and seeing two suffering before spending fire, Sasuke, but instantly disappeared in the original place.

So fast!

The fire is in a fire, a strong blank sound came from the brain, and the fire was not thinking, he turned, and the backhand will hit the body.

Sasuke one flashes, avoiding the pain of the fire, the heart is dark: good response!


Look at the stage ...

It's so fast, it is almost the same as Xiao Li's standard speed, and ... Akai is shocked.

Follow my action ... exactly the same! Now I have to rely on the cane to walk, watching the action of Sasuke, and the heart is also very shocking.


I called a referring for seven nights. "" Use Ray Attended Chakra to stimulate the body of the body, it is cell accelerated differentiation, can you improve this speed in a month? It is also a bit clear! Flower fire, only fight !! "

Fire fire heard the sound of the seven nights, there is no doubt, give up the idea of ​​defending the attack on defending Sasuke, the full parallelism is concentrated on the defense.

Sasuke doesn't know what idea of ​​fire fire, a great whip leg sweeps the body of the fire.

Flower lifted the arm, blocked the little whip leg, Sasuke disappeared immediately, and then appeared behind the fire, a strong hand knife hit.

For the fire of the white eye, it is meaningless to help this attack, and the fire is immediately squatting down.


Hey, is he seen by him? Kakasi Luked the dead fish came to see the seven nights of the whole, and some were a little surprised.

Sasuke although the speed of Torre Chakra is practicing and Xiao Li in a month, it is still different. This speed is not possible, otherwise this world's body is not yet. died.

Sasuke this quick method and the solid exercise of Xiao Li, the difference is that although Sasuke has the same speed as Xiao Li, but there is no small-smelled physical strength, so Sasuke's speed and Can't last too long.

And the acceleration is required for a distance. It is difficult to break into the highest speed in a short distance, so Sasuke in order to maintain its own high speed, each sprint after each distance is opened, so that the consumption of physical strength is very large of.

Relatively speaking, the fire is only competent, and the physical strength of defensive consumption is naturally more than the attack, but the fire is only in the same place to avoid and resist, the consumption is far more than Sasuke, this is a long Next, the fire is gradually occupying the upper wind.

Sasuke although the speed is fast, but he is not intensive, and the fire is soaked in the soft and flexible. It is very powerful. So, what is the super high-speed body that is not able to cause firefighting? Substantial injury.

"Call ... call ... call ..."

Sasuke consumes a lot of physical strength, and it is impossible to maintain so super high-speed body, standing in the absence of fire fire, looking at her coldly.

When the fire fire saw the look at this time, I knew what the situation was, and the face showed an exciting smile. Look at this Miss I still play you!

The smile of the fire fire seems to be a contempt of him, which makes it more angry in the heart, and the hands are quickly printed.

"Fire · Feng Xianhuo!"

From the Sakuo port, dozens of small fireballs flew toward the fire, and these small fireballs were the same as the last time, hidden in the hands of the sword.

Under the white eyes of the fire fire, this attack is meaningless. The fire fire puts out the soft punching, followed by the whole body, starts high-speed rotation, from the whole body acupuncture, all of them, to form a 360 ° without dead ends, Chakra, all of them protect her body.

"Eight Diagrams · Back!"

Ping Pong! !

On the day, the absolute defense of the family will be blocked by the Fengxian fire of Sasuke, and the sword is swayed. The fire is stopped, and the smile looks at Sasher, and the day: "The absolute defense of the family, how?"

"Absolutely defense?" Sasuke read a sentence, his now, the words, only that can crack this absolute defense, but if you use the trick, you have to prepare for time, then this is ...

"The image of shadow!"

Sasuke one shark and divided into a shadow.

"Shadow?" Flower fire looked with his shadow and his eyes revealed a disdainful look.

"Fire, dragon fire!"

The shadow is scored, and a huge fire dragon flew to the fire fire.

"Back to the days!"

The body of the fire is once again rotated. It is very simple to use it back to the sky. The idea of ​​Sasuke is very simple. It is to use the shadow to use a long distance tolerance to drag the fire, and then the body is ready to use the thousand birds.

Sasuke a few legs, jumping on the tall wall, the young bird's print is very short, only five, Sasuke is complete, the powerful Torre Chakra gathers in the hands of Sasuke, a blue white light The ball appeared in the hands of Sasuke.

"Well, do you have a thousand birds?" I grabbed my hair on the afternoon. "Copy Ninja Kakasi's only original tolerance, the essentials of the murder, really good, but,,,,,,,,,, The master is amazing or is it? "

Kakasi didn't understand what it means. After the fire fire resolved Sasuke's shadow, I saw the naked Chakra light ball in Sasukeners, and the heart was shocked. The eyes look at the seven nights, seven nights to the fire point Nod.

In the heart of the fire, the left hand grabbed the right hand wrist, Chakra gathered in his right hand, constantly rotating, compressed, condensed, very fast, a light blue Chakra ball appeared in the hands of the fire.

"Spiral Pills!"

Chapter 448 - Thousand Birds VS Spiral Pills!

"That is ... The spiral pills of the four generations!"

The planner looked at the meatball in the fire. It stood up in Teng, the wave of the water gates, the disciples of our own, the aperator is naturally familiar, and the form of the form of the four generations. The Treatment Outlet is certainly impossible to know, but how did the ahead have not thought that this tentative will be reproduced in a 12-year-old girl, and this girl is still a family of family.

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