Pokemon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System Chapter 485

Note that Hiro's silence, Luo Yi looked at her, suddenly understood what she was thinking.

In fact, with Horina Xiaoyao for so long, he has already learned these two girls, Xiao Yao's mind is simple, knowing is relatively small, but people are very lively and kind, people like, and Hirona It is a good trainer, enough to be a lot of questions, just around you, is not so powerful.

But Hiroa is a regional alliance champion. At this time, he will naturally enter himself into the battle of the sky, think about how to do it to defeat the crack space.

"Do you think of a few possible ways to defeat the split space?" Luo asked with a smile.

Girona stunned, and then showed Yan smile and said: "I am stupid, just think of a kind, and this way, it is difficult to achieve."

Luo Yi exposed the expression of interest: "Talk to see!"

"That is the means of mental disturbance, affecting the god of the split space, 370 leads it to make effective responses to the environment around you in a short time, taking advantage of this time violent attack to defeat the split space."

"However, the crack empty seat itself is the beast, I am afraid I want to affect the gods of the crack space, is not that simple." Hiro said.

"And with the strength of the crack space, you want to beat it in such a short time, not an easy thing, as long as there is no instant to lose the reaction ability, then the crack space will be awake, and organize counterattack." Luo smiled and added.

Hiroa helplessly nod, the method she thought was in theory, but it was hard to do it in fact.

"Then you, what you think, must be more feasible than me." Girona looked at Luo.

Hiroa has been very clear, Luo Yi's invincible seems to be because of his spiritual strength is too strong, but she knows that Luo Yi's understanding of various elves and the recognition of the ability of the beast is far more than. .

In other words, Luo Yi Knowledge and the battle strategy are far more than all trainers.

Chapter 222 Super Dreams Strategies the Strategies of Gravity Fruits!

Therefore, she can't think of a good strategy to solve the ability to control gravity in the crack space, and Luo Yi will not think.

However, Luo Yi heard the words of Horna, just laughed, did not say his own way, and looked at the crack seat and super dream in the sky, said:

"I think there is a lot of ways, but the feasibility is better than you, but one of the ways, in my opinion, it is most likely to defeat the empty seat, and it is also very likely to use."

Hirona blinks, looks to the air of the super dream and fission seat, from the previous dream attack by the crack holder, after the means of control gravity, until now two minutes, the two elves have no to each other. Out of hands.

Super dream is naturally to consider the strategy of shooting. If you can't think of an actual and effective method, any attack is a white fee.

And the reason why the crack is not shot, Hiroa is also understanding, with the self-confidence of the empty seat, naturally, with the hand of the super dream, to find its own shortcomings.

In other words, the crack space is to see, the top of the super dream will think of what kind of way to fight yourself.

However, this time, Luo said again:

"Super dream loses ... Now the dream, use this method, it is not enough to defeat the crack space."

Girona stunned, some did not follow the idea of ​​Luo Yi, now the super dream has not been shot again, Luo Yes can be so affirmed, the super dream has been lost! ?

It is necessary to know that the strength of the crack space is very strong, and the ability to control gravity is invincible, but the fu of the super dream seems to have no upper limit, but may not have to defeat the cracked seat.

Even if Luo said herself, in front of the super dream, any elves have lost possible.

It seems to know that Hiro's doubts, Luo said with a smile: "If you change the other elves in my hand, even the beast, it is difficult to win when you face the dream."

"Even the previous fission holder, if you have been fighting with the super dream, you will lose the battle and super dream because of your physical strength, but now, the crack seat has reached a new stage for the control of gravity. If you don't think of a good response, then the crack room has been in an invincible place. "

"Say the end, this play is not only a competition, more is the competition of war strategy."

Jona revealed that the expression, from the strength, the super dream did not lose to any elves, but the battle is not a simple strength, at this time, the cracking seat uses his own ability to set a seemingly dream. Unprically obstacles, if the super dream does not find a way to break the crack space, then this battle, the super dream will be very difficult.

"So ..." Girona stared at the dream of the sky in the sky. "The way dreams really can't think of a good way to deal with it?"

At this time, the super dream in the sky has a new action, and its body starts to exudes a faint blue ray.

Seeing this scene, Hirona stunned, the blue light on the super dream, he has seen many times today, this is the phenomenon of super dream to use his own ability to affect each other.

Previously, the super-dream used the super-ability attribute to control the road Carlico, and Luolio scattered this blue ray.

Now, the super dream actually uses his ability to use his own body.

Jona looked next to Luo Yi, but found that there is no accident on the face of Luo Yi, which is obviously that the super dream will have this operation.

"This is what you think of the kind dream, will you choose to make a way ..." Herona thought that his eyes fell again in the sky.

Just a few seconds, the blue light on the super dream has been rich, and the opposite fission holder is there without any action.

Girona knows that the crack seat is waiting for a super dream attack.

If this is not this, the fracture seat is completely unnecessary to wait for the super dream to restrain his own approach, the fission holder wants, it is a full range of prove to be strong than the super dream.

Even if you think about the time of cracking, you can't find a way to defeat my way!

This is the confidence and pride of the crack seat!

The super dream in the sky finally moved. At this time, the blue light on the body, and it has almost noticed the dream of the dream, which means that the ability to impose on himself has exceeded the limit of the previous use.

Soon, the super dream made a movement of steps, the next, the dream of the dream disappeared in the original place.

After its figure disappears, people saw a blue light flashed from the sky.

At this time, huge roar has been introduced in the sky.

Hirosa's eyes turned, and he looked at the previous crack space. It was found that the face of the crack seat was greatly lighter, while a blue figure was just a few meters away from it.

Blue body shadow is a super dream!

Although the fissile face is dignified, it does not panic, the first time adjusts the gravity field, and the gravity of the super dream is to increase several tens of times!

These dozens of gravity is not as simple, gravity direction, not pointing to the ground, but pointing to the opposite direction!

In this way, the super dream still wants to close the split space, it is necessary to top dozens of gravity, such a forward pressure, change is a general god, a little bit is difficult, and the strength is a little bit, This motivation is moved in the opposite direction.

And the dream, and when the fission is adjusted, there is a pair of pauses.

But the next second, the blue light on the super dream once again broke out again, its figure, the gravity of these dozen times, continued to rush to the empty seat with very fast speed.

The following row, immediately lit, this scene and his expectations, almost exactly the same.

Whether it is a selection of super dream, or the response of the crack space has been thought of.

The strategy of dealing with the crack seats used by the super dream is to take a variety of gravity changes with its own strong super power attributes!

No matter how many gravity of how many times you put, I will break it!

In this case, this battle of the super dream requires several times the energy and physical strength, but the super dream still chooses such a strategy, it is a confidence in his strength.

In fact, in the various strategies of Luo Yi, this is also the most effective, most direct, which is a strategy that is stronger, crushing your various means.

Of course, I want this kind of strategy to play, a necessary condition is the strength of the super dream, has been strong enough to change the gravity change of the navigation seat.

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