Pokemon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System Chapter 444

Luo Yi's Shan Duo, still very angry, but this kind of angry, there are more no choice but noble.

At this time, Master Chen first opened his elves:

"Green, Shadowball!"

Master Chen's heart is not very good, he only wants this battle to end.

Of course, the way, it must be a victory in Saketo!

Otherwise, you will have an unpleasant impact on your own plan.

When I heard the owner, the green sauna is immediately smoked, and the two black paint energy balls appeared in her hands.

It is a skill shadow ball!

Seeing this scene, the people on the four weeks are all spiritual. Although Luo Yi's Shan is very powerful, but their heart, still do not think that Luo Yi can get this battle.

Master Chen's name and the record of the arrogance, no one else did not prove his Saketo strength is really powerful.

"Master Chen began to personally commanded this battle! I think this battle should come to the time." Some people said.

People around us nodded, there is a wizard that owns the owner, is completely different in battle.

On the battlefield, Luo Yi's Shani saw the other person's breeding skills, without any movements, revealing a bit of sadness.

She has written eye, she can clearly observe that opposite the green pupil, with the use of this skill, the vitality of the body is once again consumed.

This way to force the combat power is simply committed!

At this time, the opposite green sahno hand, a black shadow ball, I played the past.

At the same time, the green Duo Duo has another shadow ball that has not yet played, disappearing in the original position.

Green Duo Duo is moving with its own super mental power, and the movement of your body is moving, and the speed of moving has exceeded the limit of human eyes to capture.

However, this movement speed, in Luo Yi's Shany's eyes, it is a clear two.

After eating Sa Neuo, you have a written eye, there is a two hook jade, and it is only one step away from the writing of the three hooks.

It is impossible to make Luo Yi's Shancoma only with mobile speed.

In the eyes of Luo Yshane, clearly seeing the opposite green Dai Duo after leaving the original position, she still keeps the super high speed, and the other shadow ball in the hand is ready to prepare I intercepted her when she avoided.

Such tactics, it is extremely effective when the other party can't capture her figure, but now it is impossible to work with Shana which has written eyes.

With the strength of Luo Yishane, it is impossible to be attacked in the case of the other party's intent.

At this time, the shadowball had come to the front of Luo Yisha, but he hovered in the air.

Luo Yi's Shani did not avoid it, and the shadow ball came to her, and she couldn't move again!

This is Luo Yi's Saketo to use his own strong mental power, directly controlled this shadow ball!

But after Luo Yishane, a green figure quietly appeared, and the black shadow ball in his hand smashed the Lu Luo's Shani.

Luo Yi's Shan Duo has already caught the opponent's action with a write-wheel eye. The huge mind is turned out, and the green sagun is suppressed directly in the air. You can't move!

This is the most direct compelling competition!

Luo Yi's Shani lost!

Seeing this scene, the people who are watching the eyes must be flying out, we must know that Green Duo Du can use his mind to move the body without discovering, it has shown that his mental power is huge.

There are many super-ability properties that can use the mental power, but it can use the mental control to control the degree of this level, it is too little. ......

This also explains to some extent, what is not easy to achieve this mindset of Green Duo Dow, how is it?

But now, Green Dai Duo is actually suppressed by the other party's mind!

This scene is that they are not expected.

Luo Yi's Shaneu, even the elves of the first training masters of Shaketo achieved real crushing!

"How can this be, the kid's Shan Duo, actually crushed Chen Master's Shaneo!" Some people shocked.

The people are all identified by the next consciousness. At this time, the mood of their heart is almost the same, there is a feeling of absurd.

Is this unfamiliar and young to a terrible teenager, really want to defeat the first San Nio training master?

They have some embarrassed and fascinating, and the firm has disappeared from Master Chen.

In the back of Luo Yi, the little girl in the hands of Chen Master before, and it was shocked. As a trainer who also had a Saketo wizard, she got a shock far than those onlookers. By.

She never thought that a degree of mentality of a wizard can achieve this level of thoroughly controlling the other party.

The only calm person on the field, I am afraid that only three people in Luo Yrona.

Xiaoyao and Hiroa have formed immunity after seeing the powerful skills present in the battle before Luo Yi, has formed immunity, regardless of the strong extent of Saketo, they will think that it should be .

As for Luo Yi, naturally, it is very understanding of his own Saketo. After Saketo eats Yu Zhi's character fruit, there will be no shortcomings between them, for it is to let Sa Ni Duo faster comprehension. Some skills and capabilities of Yuxi Posch.

That is, in the communication of this time, San Neu Du said that Luo Yiyi is not expected by one by one.

Chapter 171, Saina Duo, and Yisi Hubiquet

San Nevailabrane has begun to change, her mental power will begin to change, but not only the hugeness of his strength is rapid, and the quality of his mental strength is also rising speed!

If the previous Sarketo is using the magical leaf skills, it will consume one of them for more than twice, so now Saketo, use magic leaves, I am afraid that even one percent of the mental power can not be used.

This is the improvement of the Quality of Shaketo Mission!

And this improvement is still in terms of a horror speed.

The changes in Sanketo naturally cause Luo Yi's attention, but it quickly found the reason.

The change of Saket is because of the fruit of the Yisi Posk!

Because when San Nai is using Uven skil, consumes Chakra inside the world, but San Nai's own mental power!

However, the thoughts of 13 of Sanne will grow, and Luo Yi has not found the reason, but the probably guess may be related to the blood limit of Yisiza.

Therefore, now Saketo, the horror of the emphasis, I am afraid that I will not lose to the huge giant giant giant in Luo Yicheng.

It is natural to be a very relaxed thing to deal with Chen Master.

How is the green San Noodle's mental strength, and it is impossible to be strong than now.

At this time, Chen Master, looked at the situation on the court, and the face was somewhat, and Luo Yi's Shaneu, strong strength and strong topping.

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