Pokemon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System Chapter 156

I saw Qiluian to run out of the elf ball, Luo Yixin was surprised, I would like to know that Qilui'an is the magical baby in his earlier, but with the magical baby in Luo, it is getting more and more powerful. The more powerful, Qilu Li's strength gradually followed the footsteps of Rosheng.

Therefore, Qilu Li'an has no chance to play, and Qilui has always stayed in the elves in the elite ball, very obedient.

Today, I took the initiative to run from the Elf Ball!

Looking at Qilui'an, Luo Yun suddenly glanced, and found that Qilui'an and normal steady and calm, it looked very violent, and the expression was very irritated.

" ~"

After Qilui An emerged, looked at Luo Yi, a soft voice, and a fear in the sound.

Luo Pug Qiluan, comforting Qilui'an's emotions, suddenly thinking about something, hey.

He guess Qilu Li's reason.

Luo saw Hiroa, and found that Hirosa's face was also a bit wrong, and I thought of Luo Yi.

It is a great horror that will be a very horror that will be a strong sense of it.

You must know Qiluian as a super-powerful elf, which has magical sentiments for some things, which is extremely sensitive to dangers.

The straight bear can not do it, only for the treasure, for some dangers, unless the danger has been in front of you, the straight bear will find it.

Just like the elder armor just now, if you have seen it, it's a terrible figure, and the straight bear is afraid that it will not stop.

"Nothing, don't be afraid." Luo Yisheng took Qiluian, handed it to Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao is about to be in the arms, and his eyes have some distressed.

She still saw Qilui'an so uneasy.

"Go, no matter what hazard in front, you have to go, now I haven't arrived at the lake of Menas life."

Luo said, he had already thought that this island is afraid not to be so safe, but it is not expected to bring such strong uneasiness to Qiluan.

Three people slowly move again, at this time, in the queue Middle Road Cali, Bangira, the fast dragon, cracking, biting shark, distributed around Luo Yi, to prevent any danger that may occur.

Not far away, the straight bear stopped and lifted his head, and looked at a small hill.

And the body can't stop the hair.

Luo Yi immediately noticed that the straight bear is the same, thinking about the direction of the straight bear.

In the next second, Luo Yarded his eyes, and his heart could not calmly.

At the sight, there is a small hill, on the hill ...

Is a large wizard!

This wizard is huge, even if Luo Yi is standing, it is more than enough!

But let Luo Yin head jump, this wizard is damaged on a big hole, and it can be seen from here.

Chapter 154 Super Higher Earth is showing!

At this point, it is not just that Luo Yi pays attention to the huge elfball, Xiaoyao and Hirota all shocked.

The elfball look material is like a stone, huge like a house, the top of the pit, indicating the traces of the years, obviously don't know how long it is.

Most importantly, a big hole above reveals that the elves in the Elfball have already escapped out from them.

Luo Yi face is dignified, so super huge elves, Luo Yi has an impression, an impression, in the animated cartoon, Xiao Zhi has also encountered a super huge mental puppet, and its strong is impossible to resist, last small Wisdom or the Rockets, only received the super huge mental puppet, received the huge wizard of the ancient times.

Luo Yi looked at the huge elf ball on the hill, gradually and the huge wizard of the impression overlapped together.

The same size, the same material, Luo Yi immediately determined, this is the same!

But Luo Yi knows that the ultra-huge mental puppet encountered in the animation is never here!

Just in Luo Yixian, when he recalled the super huge elf, Xiao Yao opened, and the sound was frightened.

"Luo Yi ... will not really have such a huge elf!"

Qilui, in the small farm, is more unenregious, it feels the source of the fear, is this super huge elf.

When I heard Xiaoyao, Luo Yi took a deep breath and said:

"If the elves in the elves are left on this island, then we don't want to meet it !!"

To be said, Luo Yi took out a wizard from the backpack.

The red light flashed, and a wizard appeared in front of Luo Yi. The scaff of this elves was like steel, and the golden light in both eyes was ancient storm!

This is only the ancient storm in the ancient remains, and when I saw the first time, I had a body shape in the hill, and the unsatisfactory hiring of Hiro's cracks and the shark, and I was remembered by Luo Yiyi. · Picca Chuchu successfully reversed the battle, and later was taken by Luo Yi, became a powerful force in Luo Yi.

Special is that this variant is a variety of dragons that control their body shape, which can be made into a hill size, which is like a normal body shape.

If there is anything else in the hands of Luo Yi to fight against the huge elf on the island, then just the ancient storm!

After the violent dragon appeared, looked at Luo Yi, whispered, and the voice was full of joy.

Luo Yi took the head of the ancient storm, so that the violent dragon temporarily maintains normal body shape, do not easily huge.

Before you are not sure if the super huge wizard is still on this island, Luo Yi does not want to let the disturbance of the arms, and may attract all the power of all the powerful wizards on this small island.

After the ancient Chinese sturgeon, Luo Yi thought another thing.

On this island, there is a civilization in ancient times!

The oversized elf is the best evidence!

Just don't know, there is still no one living here, or the remains left by the ancient civilization, there is no damage.

If you can find the remains of the ancient civilization on the small island, it may be the most complete remains of saving!

Thinking of this, Luo Yixin suddenly turned a hot hot, for ancient civilization, Luo Yi has a strong interest, from the beginning with the ancient ruins related to the water, find the last ancient stone carving ruins, to the current super large wizard All are the hand of ancient civilization.

That is a kind of civilization with the current science and technology civilization, it is difficult to say which kind of excellent, each has a thousand autumn.

It is worthy of being that ancient civilization has more understanding for all kinds of strong elves, even the beasts!

"Continue to advance, if lucky, there may be a huge surprise in front to wait!"

Luo said, ordered the straight bear to move forward, a few elves were followed, and Luo Yi was guarded in the middle.

Soon, the three came to the small hill where the huge elfball was, and it was finally able to observe some super huge wizards.

At this time, in the Yisan Group, Hirona showed great interest in this huge elice, and went to see some details.

Luo Yi is the lack of interest, but it is strolling around and tested this small hill and nearby environment.

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