Pokemon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System Chapter 123

Of course, he will not tell you thousands of miles, you are giving flame chicken a fruitful thing.

In this world, Luo Yi's flame chicken is unique, can use skill "Yan Emperor", only Luo Yi's burning flame chicken!

Xiaoyao and her mother, I didn't feel sad because I didn't have a hard time because of the way of the road. However, after more exciting, I also put down my heart.

"He is like this, it is important to see the elves more important than anything." Xiaoyao's mother said.

"Yeah, so Dad will become a candidate of Kings." Small head, completely agree with my mother's point of view.

However, Xiao is always a little uncomfortable, in his mind, thousands of miles is the most powerful training home, how can it be lost!

But Luo Yi will not take care of this child. When I look at the cartoon in the first generation, I have no feelings about this self-righteous little boys.

During the cultivation of the hotel, Luo Jia arranged the reconstruction work of Orange Huaidao, with a thousand miles with a lot of magical baby training, including a magical place mentioned in a thousand miles, causing the attention of Luo Yi.

According to the thousand winds, there is a mysterious bow island near the city, and the ancient ecology is preserved, and there are many other places you can't see the fossil podium.

Luo Yi wrote this position in his heart, fossil podium, ancient ecological environment, may make him gain.

A day later, Luo has always been a thousand miles, with Xiaoyao and Hiro, once again set up the journey.

There is not much time to leave Luo Yi, and if there is less than a month, when I arrived at the League Championship, Luo Yi didn't want to stay in here.

Luo Yi's next goal is Yintu City!

The location of Yintu City is in the northeast direction of Fengyuan, and the orange, the orange, where Luo is located is justified, and Luo Yi needs to do it, it is very crossed in large half-rich area to reach Yintu City.

Luo Yi saw the map, the way is straight, it will be very dangerous to the lack of this desert in the middle of the mainland. The logo of this desert is very dangerous.

Luo Yi's understanding of this desert, after reading the confidential documents sent by the Division, he knows that under the desert is a lost Dynasty, buried a kind of civilization with now.

There is often a variety of explorers who are eager to get lost civilization to the desert, but they can have something to gain.

Thousands of years have passed, the ancient civilization has long been lost in the long river of history, and the treasures and buildings have been basically weathered.

Of course, this desert is not only this loss of civilization, as well as all the elves suitable for survival in the desert, very dangerous.

Therefore, when a general trainer is driving, if there is not a special purpose, it will generally not choose to cross the desert, but bypass.

However, for Luo Yun, it is not a problem, sand storm Banglai, it is a cheats of Luo Yi crossing the desert!

As long as Bangira enters the desert, it is the king of the whole desert!

Therefore, Luo Yi's danger in the desert is not a little concern.

I have determined the route, and Luo has a small and Hinda, sitting on the same off-road vehicle as the tank, galloping with Yintu City.

However, when Luo left Orange Hua City for half a day, Luo Yi's communication was rang.

It is a researcher at Yundon, a Division, is responsible for tracking the trail of the lava and the water wavy for Luo.

"Little Master, we found half ancient stone carvings in the Desert!"

Yundon's opening is an amazing news, it is related to the last half of ancient stone carving.

This ancient stone carved, said that Luo Yi was found in the stone cave in Shi Zhi, portrait the stone carvings of Flag and Gide, Luo Yi guess, recorded the news related to the two beasts.

Only only three of Luo Yi's hands are still lacking the last piece, and cannot crack the information contained above stone.

Now, the last half of the stone carved news, finally came!

However, the next sentence of Yundon, let Luo Yi eyebrows.

"Little Master, this stone carving is not in our hands, was taken away by the lava team and the water fleet. Now the two organizations are not going to fight for the stone!"

"Our expedition staff is also missing!"

When I heard this, Luo Yi's eyes were so cold!

Chapter 124 Desert King - Bangura! !

"Our expedition, also lost contact!"

When I heard the cloud, Luo Yi's eyes were so cold.

Don't want to know, the expedition of the expedition is also related to the lava watermill, these two organizations, in order to fagare, and the Gide, what is done.

The Divin Group's expedition is afraid to be in these two organizers.

"Yundon, marked their position out, send it to me!"

Soon, Luo Yi received a map of death desert, which indicates the position of the lava team and the water tag.

The route of the crossing desert set with Luo Yi is almost over!

"You have dare to move, it seems that it is still not long!"

At this time, Xiaoyi and Hirona also realized the seriousness of things, and Luo Yi's face has explained everything.

"I will make navigation immediately, find the fastest route." Hiro said, picked up the address book.

However, Luo Yi's next sentence is let her.

"No, you ... you will do a good job."

When I heard Luo Yi, Hiro's heart suddenly appeared a bad premonition, and it seems that Luo Yi wants to do.

In the next second, Luo Yi's feet stepped on the throttle, the general off-road vehicle in the tank, immediately issued a huge roar, crazy, rushed out!

Jona and Xiaoyao only feel a huge force, pressing themselves in the seat, and it is a mess, the scene outside the window is also back, the two girls' face brushed Gum.

What a mess is not the route, Luo Yi directly found the right direction, ready to cross the past!

You must know that although there are some strange land, it is generally, the terrain is not high, the plain is dominated, in addition to some woods, is the wilderness and desert.

On the way, Luo Yi throttle crashed, behind the smoke, Luo Yi fully played the excellent performance of the off-road vehicle, there is no way to the road, directly pass a road!

I don't have time in half a day, Luo Yi has seen the shadow of the death desert.

At this time, Luo Yi's speed slowly drove down, although the performance of the off-road vehicle is very good, but in the desert zone, it seems that it is not strong.

In the desert, Luo Yi has a better way of catching the way.

Finally, the car stopped, and the two people immediately slammed out.

It is Xiaoyao and Hiroa.

At this time, the two girls' belly called a river in the sea, never did so fast!

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