Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 384 Are You Throwing Your Handkerchief Here? Go around

Can water cannons counteract thunder?

If he didn't see this scene in person, Heduo felt that the person must be telling a joke.

The power of the water cannon is certainly strong, and it can reach nearly two hundred [Big Bang] in rainy days and the increase of this department, but with the pitiful special attack of the turquoise dragon...you are the first generation, Wute No separation!

But the scene where the thunder in front of him was resisted by the giant water ball no doubt confirmed that Xiaochun's violent carp dragon also took an unusual path, and also made Black Doo shake the firm beliefs that were cultivated according to race values ​​in the past.

Perhaps... there is no harm in learning a few special attack moves?

Heiduo is thinking about this. The electric shock Warcraft under the dark clouds in the air saw his thunder be blocked by a large water ball. He suddenly became furious, even if the ground attribute bullied the electric attribute, even if you are a water attribute. set?!

Fortunately, the electric shock Warcraft is just angry and did not lose his mind. Raising his hand again gave birth to a thunder dragon in the dark clouds, and slammed down the lightning flash that guided the running flashes from the sky and attacked the carp dragon!

It does not believe that the violent carp dragon can always block!Anyway, as long as it rains, it can keep thundering!


Thunder and lightning roared in the battle field, if there were many openings in the battle field, otherwise the echo of the sound wave would kill Black Dou and Xiaochun!

The response to the falling thunder is still the rainy day enhanced version of the water cannon. The bright blue light is shining like a dream. If you look at it twice, you will be obsessed with it!


The thunder and the water cannon collided for a second time. The sound effect and the needle pierced the water balloon. It sounded like a water balloon. After the water cannon exploded, the water splashed like a fountain, and the water on the ground was raised again!

Hei Duo has a deep gaze, looking at the seats of the venue, there is a drainage system, but it seems to be made a little smaller, so that the water cannot flow to the sewer very quickly, just let the squirrel dragon spray water stay at the venue For a while!

But what's the use?

The water released by the water attribute elf usually comes from the water storage sac inside the body, but all are about the limit. Even if the rain drops in the sky can be absorbed by the typhoon carp, the water of the typhoon carp is absolutely There can be no limit!

When the water in its body is exhausted, the turquoise dragon can only attack with the energy of the water attribute, which will undoubtedly consume its physical strength!

And electric shock Warcraft?

Sorry, the electricity in this guy's body claims to be able to supply the life needs of a city!

Perhaps it is a little too exaggerated, but the electricity in the electric shock Warcraft is not as tangible and qualitative as the water in the body of the typhoon carp, and the reserve can be much higher than that of the typhoon carp!


"Lead thunder to yourself!" Heiduo shouted in the wind asking for rain. There was no difference between the seventh-level asking for rain and the coastal city where the typhoon was coming. The wind was louder than the human voice. The raindrops fell to the ground and cracked like firecrackers!

If it wasn't for Black Tuo's physique to support his voice, it is presumed that the electric shock Warcraft at this time would lose contact with him!

[Resonance] The importance of this can be seen!

The electric shock Warcraft coldly looked down on the tyrannosaurus carp below, and his heart was full of anger. This guy was very thieves, but he did not fly up. If it flies up, the distance of thunder and lightning will be greatly shortened, let alone a water cannon, You have to be electrified when you bring Georca over!

Over the head, the two antenna-like ears moved, the tail like a high-voltage wire lifted high, the free electrons in the dark cloud collided wildly, and the thunder and thunder of thunder and lightning thundered!

It seems that there will be a thunder dragon roaring down at anytime and anywhere!

Seeing this, the turquoise dragon was terrified, and he still did not rush up to the melee attack electric shock Warcraft. He has been communicating with Xiaochun in the heart, knowing that he must not rush forward, even if the melee attack can make some achievements!

Because electric shock Warcraft may not cause lightning to itself, it may also be a fake action!

Four times weaker, extremely afraid of Sky Thunder’s life instinct tells it that it can only eat at most one attack from the electric shock Warcraft, and there is no possibility that the second shot will still be strong after eating!

Looking for opportunities!Looking for opportunities!

The attack order is coming!


The turquoise dragon's eyes were glaring, and inside it shone with light, as if the square mouthparts that never closed together were splattered with saliva, and a violent wind mixed with blue and blue energy was blown out by it, whistling!Shout!A terrifying hurricane engulfed the entire site. If there were no decorations in the site, it would have to fly to the sky!

Even the bluestone bricks embedded in the ground and the electric shock Warcraft floating in the sky by magnetic force are unstable!

The former sounded like it was about to fall off, while the latter seemed to sit in a fishing boat that encountered a storm. The body kept shaking, and it looked like there was an illusion that it would be blown to the ceiling!

In fact, it is almost the same. The electric shock Warcraft is controlling the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds. A gust of wind blows underneath. It almost missed it and did not let it pass through the dark clouds and hit the ceiling!

But the turquoise dragon did not end this wind!

It turned around the remnant blue-blue wind, and began to spin wildly not far from the ground!

This hurricane mixed with the dragon's attribute energy lifted the water on the ground with the help of the mad carp dragon's crazy rotation, swept away the falling rainwater, and even the wind asking for rain has not been let go, revolving around the electric shock Warcraft crazy At the same time, a bunch of dark clouds formed on the ground, and the tornado that hit the earth was down to earth!

It is almost the same as the [Storm] used by the sonic dragon!

However, the tornado is mixed with dragon attribute energy, water flow and wind force. Compared with the storm tornado that Heiduo had seen on Sonic Dragon before, it is many times larger and the suction power is also countless times stronger!

Not an order of magnitude!

"Lying Groove! Co-authoring the batch is with you!"

Seeing such a familiar scene, Black Tuo couldn't help but twitch, and quickly backed away, leaning on the pillar on the edge of the field!

But even so, the crazy rotating tornado of the turquoise dragon is constantly releasing its suction to suck the black duo in, making it as if the black duo is playing with it!

Of course, Black Duo knew that this was the aftermath of the move. Tyrannosaurus Rex was not aimed at him. Xiaochun, who was a trainer, was similar. He tied the post on the battlefield with a whip, and easily stood firm.In contrast, Black Duo seemed so embarrassed!

Inside the tornado.

The electric shock Warcraft also found that the tornado hurricane is more than ordinary. The sonic dragon's storm tornado can easily deal with it, but this makes it impossible to use electromagnetic float to stabilize the body!

The suction power is too strong!

"Pang Por!" The electric shock Warcraft desperately resisted the tornado's suction, and did not let itself fall into it. It knew that once it was swept in by the tornado, it would definitely not come out until all the physical strength disappeared!

But why the hurricane hurricane of the Tyrannosaurus carp has formed, and the thunder of electric shock Warcraft has not fallen?

Because it is holding back!


Far more than the previous shock and muffled sound, even the howling of the wind was covered up!

The thunder and lightning flashed in the dark clouds above the head, and a thunder dragon roared and rushed far below the previous scale. It was the thunder and lightning that Warcraft had been accumulating!Crazy poured on it!

The electric shock Warcraft is bathed in thunder and lightning, and it is not hurt at all. It is like a thunder god who masters the punishment of heaven. It is indifferent without a trace of emotion.

[Electrical Engine] Features launch!

The dull buzzing sounded in the tornado. At first glance, it gave people a feeling that the machine was working!

Xiaochun stunned slightly. Although her hearing was not as exaggerated as that of Heduo, she also heard the strange sound mixed in the sound of rain and wind and tornado. For a time, she could not judge what a strange noise it was!

She knew it was weird!

[Electrical Engine] This feature is held by three elves. In addition to the electric shock Warcraft, the other two elves are all in one, and one of them is the hidden feature!

They all say that feature development, feature development, as a traversal and have read one or two fanfiction novels, how could Black Doo turn a blind eye to the characteristics of his elf?

Among all the elves he started with, he has studied the characteristics and developed the characteristics of the black duo. The first one is undoubtedly the Abo strange. This guy’s [molting] characteristics have been changed from a probabilistic cure to the abnormal state. Become 100% lifted abnormal state!

You can even use the snake skin that has fallen off to fool opponents with stand-ins!

Of course, it's not that there are no disadvantages, but it is considered by him to be reluctant to develop successfully.

So have others succeeded?

Of course there are, but only one.

Just above the head of the black duo, trapped and tornadoes may go around in circles with the wind at any time, so as to pounce on the street, but at this time the body is entangled with the thrilling thunder and lightning shock Warcraft!

[Electrical Engine] What is the original effect of this feature?

——[When attacked by lightning, the speed will increase by one level!]

As we all know, if you want to develop features, you must make a fuss on the basis of its original, like Zhi Zhi, the flaming monkey master who can inspire beyond the ordinary fierce fire.

The newly developed [Electric Engine] by Heiduo accelerates the release of lightning, thus enhancing the expansion and adhesion of lightning!

What solution?

The meaning is that the tail of the electric shock Warcraft is no longer the tail for decoration.

But two lightning whips that can be infinitely extended by current!

"Grid!" Black Duo shouted loudly. He didn't know if Shock Warcraft would be audible, but anyway, he really shouted here!

The surge of light in the tornado surged!

"Boom" was exploded, and two long thunder whips with yellow dazzling light burst from the sides of the tornado hurricane, breaking the airtight rain curtain and the violent wind, and the left and right were tied on the wall and burst suddenly. Open, forming a current web like Spider-Man's cobweb and sticking it firmly to the wall!

The hurricane hurricane can hardly impact the thunder whip that does not seem to have a thick arm. The hurricane hurricane upwards from the whip is forcibly contained, revealing that the whole body of thunder and lightning is boiling.

This guy is similar to the sleeping rope stunt in the Condor Heroes, with a whip-like tail, his body is immobile, and he looks like a shabi pen and looks at the bottom of the turquoise dragon who is still spinning there, and does not know what to turn. .

A pair of scarlet pupils are like two searchlights!

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