Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 244: Hualan Road Hall Recruiting! Can dance

"Playing in such a place? Not afraid of the ground breaking."

Heiduo eats "pie" and sees a place like a small square through the cracks of the crowd. The two elves are attacking each other.

Moon Ibrahimovic excitedly said: "Maybe people are not afraid of having money!"

Generally speaking, this guy is not interested in elf fighting, and the reason why he is so excited now is because the two elves in battle are its "family".

Water Ibrahimovic and Reib.

The two little guys were all covered with a corrugated current, and a lightning that dodged flying.

"Water attribute is electric property, isn't this looking for a fight." Whispering whispers came from the crowd, and the fate of Shui Yibu was determined in one word.

Black Tuo glanced at the man without speaking.

The audience around the man frowned, also did not speak, and did not want to express his words to waste his good mood to watch the game.

In the field, the electric current on Leibu suddenly violently ignited, and the sudden light surrounded it like a protective cover, and a thick thunderbolt suddenly poured over the water.

People exclaimed, and those who had spoken before showed such a proud expression.

But just one second before the lightning strikes the water Ibrahimovic, the water Ibrahimovic's small body suddenly melted into a clear liquid.

Thunder and lightning fell behind.

"This works too!"

Some people marveled and were obviously unbelievable that the water Ibrahimovic turned into a pool of liquid.

Then, the beach water leaped and turned into water Ibrahimovic, spraying a violent current towards Reibu!

Although the water property is restrained by the electric property, it is not resisted by the electric property.

Reybuk was waterless. Ibbe's tricky way of avoiding moves was immediately sprayed with seven meat and eight elements.

Water Ibrahimovic chased after victory, a small mouth, the colorful light was twisted into a straight line and shot out. The amazing cold attached to Reibu's body and instantly frozen it!

The ice sculptures of Reybuk are impressively shaped.

The previous water cannon became a foreshadowing.


A boy ran up from the side, looking at the frozen Reyb, worried.

The trainer of the water Ibrahim came forward without hesitation, flushed the Ibrahimovic and said, "Release it with hot water."

Hot water, as the name suggests, water with temperature.

It will not cause burns accidentally like a flame, and hot water can also burn, but it is less dangerous than flames, and it is a sharp weapon for cracking freezing.

Shui Yibu nodded, spitting a hot stream full of heat, and fell on Leibu's body, gradually rescued him.

Hei Duo looked in his eyes, turned his head to look at the man who had said before, and found that he had slipped long ago.

It is impossible for someone who wants to have normal thinking to stay in place and be ridiculed.

"That water Ibrahimovic is a bit strong." Moon Ibrahimovic is full of enthusiasm. Moon Ibrahimovic prefers that enchanting figure (?) Water Ibrahimovic to a sharp hedgehog like Ray Ibrahimovic.

Seeing the information returned by the detection system, Black Dod nodded, and the sixty-fourth water Ibrahimovic was indeed not weak.

But the elves in the pedestrian street play, do the patrols care?

Heduo looked around, and saw a place about a hundred meters away. Several patrol officers sat on the motorcycle and laughed, but occasionally glanced here or twice.

Was anyone in charge, why?

"Great! Miss Iris!"

"How many challengers are you? Strong!"

There were voices of admiration and applause from the crowd. Judging from their expressions, many people knew the trainer of Shui Yibu.

Heiduo saw Reibu's trainer bowed to the water Ibu trainer called Iris, and left without a word.

Iris glanced at the onlookers and shouted: "Are there any trainers who want to be hired? If not, please step forward!"


Black Tuo blinked, and Moon Ibrahimovic curiously said: "It seems something is wrong."

Calamus seems to find that there are a lot of new faces around it, and then tirelessly said: "Hualan Road Museum is hiring a powerful elf trainer, as long as you have the ability, you can easily get a high return."

It sounds similar to MLM.

Hualan Road Museum employs trainers, why?Hire a trainer to catch the Rockets in Golden City?

Hey, this is a good way. The owners of the justice pavilion in the north must not have too many rockets. Kanto is the home of the Rockets. It is impossible to gather all the police forces in the city to arrest the Rockets. Helped out.

He was keenly aware that Heiduo, who had flyers on the ground, picked it up, and looked at the words written in the previous life similar to the recruitment of previous generations, as well as the work content that he did not mention at all. It felt that he should be inseparable from his guess.

Good opportunity!

If I accept the employment of Sister Xia, wouldn’t I be able to get Professor Mai to justify her accessories to provide a suitable injection for marsh jumping fish?

He did not need to bother to find experimental equipment for linen.

If there is an alliance to do endorsement, I am not afraid that Professor Mai will not cooperate. For a scientific maniac, loyalty is just a word.

And for talents like Maige, everyone may ignore her and despise her when her reputation is low a few years ago.But now, as long as she surrenders, the elf association cannot give up such a elf genetics.

Whether it is a previous life or this life, talents are always craved by the upper class.

"Uncle, is she reliable?"

For insurance, Black Tuo poked an uncle's shoulder.

He was afraid that the calamus was a liar.

The uncle turned his head and saw that he was a young boy with a green face, and he said: "What is not reliable, Miss Changpu is the strongest in the Hualan Road Museum except for the master of the gymnasium trainer Xiaoxia Hall Trainer! People have lived here since childhood, and they can’t be scammers!"

The strongest trainer under Xiaoxia?real or fake?

Not even the top trainers.

Hei Duo glanced at the calamus in disbelief, unaware that the top trainers often fail to make one out of the year. The mainstay in the league is the veteran trainers who have touched the threshold of the top trainers. They are not as good as the top trainers, but they are far more powerful than seniors.

The uncle was amused by Heiduo, "What kind of eyes are you looking at, I think you can do it if Miss Iris! Let everyone know your confidence!"

His unabashed voice attracted many people's attention.

Go up on it.

Black Tudor shrugged and stepped forward to be exposed to the calamus in the moon's unwilling "Hehe" smile.

But what he didn't expect was that another person came out of the crowd and stood just five meters away from him.

It was a beautiful girl in a very capable dress. She was about 20 years old.

Next to her was an elf with two red flowers on top of her head, wearing yellow and green leaves.

[Elf: Beautiful Flower Gender: ♀ Grade: 57]

[Characteristic: Chlorophyll Attribute: Grass Trainer: Yami]

Heidou did not read it, because the words of Calamus distracted him.

"Do you both want to accept the employment of Hualan Road Museum?" Ipu looked at Heiduo and Yamei seriously.

Black Dod nodded, "I want to know the purpose of the employment of Hualan Road Museum, if it does not violate my principles, I can accept it."

You have to ask why you are hired. If it is not what he thinks, then it would be a waste of time.

Calamus nodded at the black duo, "Yes, as long as you have passed my test, naturally speaking is endless. How about you?"

She asked Yamei.

Yami thought without hesitation: "If your remuneration is satisfactory to me, no matter what the task is, I have no opinion."

No comments?The words are really full.

Calamus didn't comment on her words. Before she could get her approval, what she said was meaningless.

The one who failed will only leave in disregard like the trainer of Leibu just now.

"In that case, which of you will go first?" Iris handed the choice to the two black duos.

Heiduo did not speak, and Yami took the first step. "It's all the same, let me go first."

According to ordinary people's thinking, if the calamus does not change the elf, the latter is definitely the cheaper. Yami does this and looks very generous.

But for Black Duo, it is exactly the same as Yami's sentence, "Everything is the same." As long as the water elf does not exceed level 70, it is impossible to be an opponent of Electric Warcraft.

Especially today.

Calamus didn't care about the silent Black Tudor, watching Yami standing opposite her, and sending water Ibrahimovic.

Beautiful flowers came forward silently.

Black Tudor backed away, he hadn't pretended to be so ignoring the elf's moves.

The previous uncle smiled and walked to Black Door, "Why, afraid?"

He thought that Heduo was afraid and gave Yami the opportunity to take the lead.

"Uncle, don't you come home in the middle of the night, and your wife doesn't call you?"

What do middle-aged people fear most?

Wife's phone.

Sure enough, the uncle's face stiffened, and immediately became angry and angrily said: "Why is she calling me on the phone, I did nothing bad!"

Black Tuo shook his head. "You don't think it's useless to do bad things. You need your wife to think so."

I don't want you to think, I want me to think that this sentence is also very vivid for middle-aged couples.

Without talking to him, the battle on the field has already begun.

It is also an unfavorable game.

Yami is very clever. From the beginning, she let beautiful flowers dance and summoned colorful flowers. The dense petals made Shui Yibu nowhere to hide.

This is to force the water to melt with Ibrahimovic.

Then Ibrahimovic melted, turned into a pool of water, and moved slowly on the ground.

The beautiful flowers appear, and long thin roots grow under the leaf skirt, breaking the stone brick ground and taking root.

This is to take root to absorb the water of the water Ibrahimovic, not to let it become a frozen booster.


The opponent prepared so completely, it is impossible for the calamus to follow the original routine, and the colorful beams attacked the beautiful flowers!


With the order of Yami, the flowers floating in the air suddenly condensed, firmly blocking the attack of the polar beam.

After all, Ibrahimovic is not Liu Bo's small mountain pig. Without the slight snow, the terrifying ability to dry beautiful flowers, it is difficult to penetrate the beam under the defense of the petals.

The scene was deadlocked.

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