Pokemon Black Fantasy

233 Ma Zhishi Wants to Catch the Lightning Bird

the next day.

As always, Black Duo got up early.

To be honest, I didn't sleep well last night, and there was a ghost stone sneaking into the night shift.

Almost didn't tear the book in the bag.

"Go away after eating!" Black Tuo kicked the purple triangle balloon elf on the ground angrily. Two inexplicable claws floated beside him, connected by only a trace of smoke.

For such a thief, it is difficult for him to speak out loudly.

Ghost Stone shrank on the ground holding a large bowl resembling a dog food bowl. He didn't care about Heiduo's kick, and even smiled at him, grinning his mouth into a terrifying arc.

It is naughty, but there are some hunger.

Otherwise, you won't open the window and come in to turn over the bag.

If it wasn't for a ray of breeze outside the window to wake up Black Tudor, he would not necessarily wake up.

"So shameful!" Black Tuo turned around, looking at the Abo monster lying on the ground, hiding his head with hatred, and poked its body with his index finger. "Anyway, you are more than fifty. , Hypnotized by a thirty-level ghost stone! Are you sorry!"

Abaiguai didn't move and pretended to be dead.

In fact, it is also very wrong. Well, it's normal for me to fall asleep and wake up, and when Ghost Stone puts hypnosis on it, he thinks he will only take a nap.

Did not expect to sleep directly!

This is similar to those who gambled out, and ended up betting those who lost.

"Slightly slightly!" Ghost Stone watched the drama while holding the food bowl in his hand. His laughter was weird, like a tease.

No, this guy is just a tease. Obviously, he must open the window to get through the wall, which is inexplicable.

Black Tuo hugged his arms and looked at it coldly.

According to some reports, Ghost Stone can rely on its inhuman long tongue to absorb the vitality of others, and many books also contain records of Ghost Stone devouring human life.

Faced with this kind of elf who might have killed his life inadvertently, Black Doo usually responded with maximum vigilance.

He opened the window and gave the eviction order, "Have you finished eating? Let's go after eating."

Ghosts like ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts are not precious, so Black Duo does not need to rush to meet one and immediately grab it.

After finishing the food in his hand, Ghost Stone was not interested in Black Dole itself. After beckoning for goodbye, he flew away.

There is really no emotion for memorizing.

Moon Ibrahimovic lies on the pillow, his expression indifferent, "Send that guy away?"

It seemed to have little affection for ghost elves, and Ghost Stone remained silent for a while.

"Yeah, or keep the white rice again?" Heiduo began to pack his luggage. He was going to the unmanned power plant today.

Moon Ibrahimovic jumped out of bed and went to the toilet to wash the cat's face.

Abbot was taken back into the ball by Black Duo. The guy still saw Black Duo without a face. He always felt that the word "you" was suggesting it.

The luggage was quickly packed.

He did not say goodbye to anyone, and Heidor did not say goodbye.

He went all the way north and walked to road 10.

The goal is the loess and the dust that was picked up by the breeze.

The No. 10 road is full of large areas of rocky walls. There are no people in the desert. The autumn wind is bleak. Let alone people, many wild elves are unwilling to live here.

Mainly because of the existence of the Yanshan Tunnel and the unmanned power plant, these two buildings represent human civilization, making the wild Xiaojing here more flexible than the wild Jinhuang City.

At least they are just hungry and will not lose their lives due to the large amount of pollutants emitted.

"The dust content in the air is very high. Maybe it will become a desert area in a few years." Heiduo touched the ground that was not very honest, and could hold a handful of sand without much effort.

Road 10 is not far from the sea, but because of pollution and soil erosion, planting vegetation is very difficult.

Moon Ibrahimovic stepped on the rather soft ground, and the slightly turbid air moved in its nasal cavity. "It smells so bad, it feels like a garbage recycling bin."

Is it so exaggerated?

Heidor's nose was not as sensitive as Moon Ibrahimovic, sniffed carefully, and indeed there was a very light odor in the air.

Feeling a bit similar to car exhaust?

I don't care about this for now.

There are two routes to the unmanned power station, one is to walk from the inside of the Yanshan Tunnel, and the other is to walk outside the Rock Mountain wilderness.

The difference between the two is that one is to be exposed to the sun and the other is not to be exposed to the sun.

However, the chance of encountering the elf is the same. If Black Tuo is right, this is the place where the green and the yellow meet the army of monkey monsters.

Let's go outside, although it's been basked in the sun, but it's better than crossing the river in the mountains.

Heiduo ignored the entrance to the Rock Mountain Tunnel and walked towards the rocky path.

Moon Ibrahimovic followed him closely, and since he lowered Heidor's back, it could no longer touch the fish.


Bare mountain road.

A group of dark people, led by a strong man in a camouflage suit and yellow explosive head, walked forward slowly.

The leader of the squadron that Heiduo had seen before walked to the middle of the team, his expression a little slack.

"Ma, Master Ma, haven't you arrived yet?" He gasped, there were too many strange roads in the rocky wilderness, and even the off-road vehicle could not get over some obstacles, so they had to walk with their feet.

As a retired major, Ma Zhishi's physique is naturally one-of-a-kind, so the speed of the snail's progress is nothing to him.

"Soon, if the map is correct, the abandoned unmanned power plant should be in the corner of the sea." Ma Zhishi was wearing sunglasses, and he turned to look at the squadron leader. "Your What about Kentero? It would be nice if you let it go instead."

Speaking of Kentero, the squadron leader Jian's expression was suddenly frustrated, "Don't mention Master Ma Zhishi, most of my and my elves under my direct control were released, only a small part was recovered."

Kentero, who can command the elf and has special power, doesn't know where he has gone.

"Release? Oh, did you mean that encounter with that little devil and you lost your goal?" Ma Zhishi naturally knew that the squadron leader was suffering under the red and blue, but he didn't take it for granted.

A little clever and lucky little devil, he didn't even have the courage to take a hard hand, and he couldn't turn a storm.

The squadron leader said with a hard face: "Yes, I don't know which god-killing guy, sold it, and at least it can be recovered."

He doesn't think it's Chonghong and Xiaolan let go. The Rockets and Crimson don't deal with them twice or once. The so-called most familiar people are often your enemies.

This kind of unsuccessful lack of virtue should never be done.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter! There are a lot of strong and small elves in the unmanned power plant that are attracted by the Lightning Bird in the past. You can add it from there." Ma Zhishi smiled boldly. According to the intelligence department, the inside of the unmanned power plant Gathered a large number of elves with electrical properties, and they could just grab them all and make extra money.

Squadron Leader Jian nodded quickly, "Hi!"

If he didn't think so, how could he follow behind?

A group of Rockets leaped through the mountains.

A lot of hungry wild elves stared at them, eyes could not wait to scrape a layer of flesh from them.

It's just a pity that there are too many people in the Rockets, so they are not allowed.

From the front of the mountain to the back, the vision suddenly opened up.

The sun-drenched blue water and a hidden coast appeared in front of them.

"Unmanned power plant!"

The spirit of the squadron leader Jian was inspiring.

Ma Zhishi frowned slightly, "The air is too bad, no unmanned power plant is running, modern machinery does not need this kind of burning power generation machinery, why old antiques are not destroyed."

As an electricity expert, he is well aware that the power plants on the market now use some wind and water power. This place that generates electricity by burning materials has long been eliminated.

No wonder it turned into an unmanned power plant.

"Master Ma Zhishi, the pollution here is deeply entrenched and difficult to remove." The squadron leader Jian Bi respectfully handed Ma Zhishi a mask. "If no one improves the environment, it will soon become a ghost, only a little monster. He Guisi will come here."

The steel elf, which controls your exhaust gas or not, will be finished if you eat electricity.

Ma Zhishi said with a sneer, "Look, this is the Union, this is the place under the management of the Elf Association! The cost of demolition is too high, the cost of reasonable destruction of waste is too high, the cost cost, the money is supreme! A group of brains Fatty intestine corpse meal guy!"

As a person who once worked for the association, Ma Zhishi knew that the top-level guys were the flies and dogs. He loves money, and he loves money. He even steals elves and sells them to make money.

But he will not do such exhausting things, and theft and trafficking will always be handed over to his men, and he will never dirty his hands.Don’t be ridiculous, Ma Zhishi is indeed a principled person.

"If you give it to Mr. Sakagi, these messes will not be cleaned up, and those who have not cleaned their ass will have to lose their heads!" Ma Zhishi sneered. He is a loyal supporter of Sakagi's "Dark Forest Theory" and looks forward to the world ruled by Sakagi.

It is the same as the loyal A Ju.

The group walked down.

It may not be seen in the comics, but in fact, the surroundings of unmanned power stations are almost the same as those of the garbage dump. The smell is smoky, and a lot of waste water is on the ground and remains on the coast.

Several ghosts sucked exhaust gas tirelessly, possessing poisonous properties. Most of their bodies are gas, and they like exhaust gas the most.

It feels almost as powerful as absorbing vitality.

The arrival of the Rockets caught their attention. Several ghost elves looked at each other and wanted to change their taste.

So they threw at the Rockets.

Unfortunately, when the ghosts were halfway through, Ma Zhishi suddenly had a number of three-in-one magnets around him.

These screw heads, big eyes, and the weird elves with two magnets in their arms directly blasted at the ghosts!


The electric current twitched, and the ghosts rolled their eyes and fainted.

Several sprite balls flew out, encapsulating them.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

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