Net King: God-level player

Net Wang: God-level player Chapter 618

Royal fox god sneakers nodded, with the front dragons, and left the ward quickly.

Just left the ward.

"Double blazing, you are not curious, what will they say?"

Yue Dulong Ya throws the oranges in the hand, curiously asked.

"Nothing is why you don't go to you, don't become a problem such as youth."

Royal fox gods said that this is too good to guess.

"Hey, who is willing to go to this tennis!"

Yue Dragon, the dragon, joy, and only the instant started in the first grade.

Qing Dynasty, it is destined! Even if it becomes a person who has a vast Nanxian shocking tennis world, it has been abolished.

Even if you really have a talented person to go to you, you can change the brilliant, and you can last for a few years. "Fortunately, I followed the cold brother."

On the one side, the more foreigner, the dragon horses followed the mouth and said.

"Hello, the small is not slight, how do you have a double brother!"

I heard the words, the more the front of the Dragon, the mouth of the dragon, and the double blue brother !! "" Say, double qi, this year's national competition is coming soon "

I thought about it, I looked at Royal Fox, and the longer Dragon was said.

"How, you want to see"

Royal fox god double chopped eyebrows, said to Yue Dragon.

"of course!"

Yue Queong Ya said, "This year, small people will participate in the national contest, as a brother, can not miss such a sense of meaning."

"Okay, I want to see it."

I heard the words, and Yuhu god double chuck smoked, did not say good luck.

The brother will come to see the game, the more the front of the dragon horse, quickly clenched the fist, he will tell your brother, defeat him from the distance, absolutely won't be too long!

"Nanxiao, do you really want my face in front of the outside!"

Dragoni can have some indignant to the front of the south of the south.

Just now, the words of Nanxiao, did not give her any one-stop style.

"They are posthers, but they are definitely not outsiders."

The closing the south of the south, and then he looked at Longaki to say: "The old woman, why is younger, you will be like today, you must have an answer in your heart."

"Don't think about letting you learn to rehabilitate brilliant, you will stay in the past."

Wen Yan, the expression of Lagasaki is again stiff.

"Nanxiao, do you really give up your teach?"

"Not I abandon you, but you have been abolished."

The more you said that Nanxir said faintly. "The first grade can only take a ball, this system is too ridiculous, it is yourself to make yourself to create a look!"

"This time I will come here, but I just want to give an explanation for the previous youth. If you are still obsessed, then this will be our last time."

"Don't be bad, don't be entangled in the bow / dragon horse."

The more the neighborhood of the South Lang, but the color of Dhaysaki is instant.

Her faith really so completely? Please read the novel, please download, love to read the book.

408. The National Competition opened! (1)

August 16th.

It is officially held from the National Competition, only one day! And on this day, a message spread out.

That is the way this year's national contest will make a game with alternate behavior.

The system originally played, and then the system was converted, the conversion became alternate.

It turned into a single three, double two 2, single-handed 2, double-play one, single game order! "Sure enough."

Royal fox god double-nodded, in this year, the sequence of the competition in the national contest, really changed! "Hey, this year has changed the order of the game."

In the ice emperor, Ranji slammed his mouth and said.

"It's not bad, this order."

The face of not two weeks took a soft smile, squinted.

"What kind of game order does not matter, the final winner, only possible Ice emperor !!"

The trace department said to the side, and the look was light.

Handcuffs nodded nodded, and the light under the frame was deep.

Large in the sea.

"Is it turned to change the order of the game?"

Liu Lian twice his eyes and whispered.

"It doesn't matter, what kind of order can be!"

At his side, the true fields were frowned, and they said.

"It is a bit surprised, but this order is also very good."

On the other side, the face of Xingcun is a soft smile and said.

Many riots nodded.

"It's better to accidentally, this year, we are still likely to meet the ice emperor when the finals."

Xingcun Jing City looked at the ice emperor and said: "No matter

What results, go all out! "


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