Net King: God-level player

Wang Wang: God-level player Chapter 39

In an instant, the hair and clothes of the Equal Phoenix have been shaken.

The racket SHEN is open, pulling out a plastic retaining shadow instantly waving the purple black tennis.


When the Equal Phoenix's racket hit the tennis moment, the stirring voice spread toward four weeks.

The dust is thrown at an instant, and the walls that can't bear this horror, the impact of this horror appeared in the split!

36. The field of different sectors, the world pirate VS devil (..

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Equal Phoenix's racket instantly, and the ball with purple black rays, on the wall.

A big pit appeared on the wall.

"1: 1!"

Two scores.

The phoenix face of the Equal is slightly, but he will not think that the ghost ten launches will lose to him.

Grab the seven games to continue, Equal Phoenix serves.


A strong player is playing.

The ghost ten steps took two steps to follow, and then repeated counterattack.




For a time, only two battles left on the entire course.

The score of grab the seven games is also constantly changing.


The two have long been a score of grabbing the seven games, and now it is still deadplace.

"I didn't expect this game to become this extent."

I can't help but say that I have to say: "The strength of the two has been to the strongest, but the Equation is a bit better than the ghost."

"It's really a person who comes from 'Hell'."

Wood village also said: "The current equality is the strongest in U-17."

If you do other people in this game, I am afraid that it will not be stalemate.

The Eye of the Emperor of Royal Fox is looked at two.

Equal, Phoenix and Ghost Ten Times, Lang Yu, two breathles, sweat has already played the clothes of the two people, and the body's rapid passage is still insisting.


Suddenly, the Equal Phoenix is ​​angry: "End!"

The Phoenix of the Equal Hospital is once again bloomed in the gold!

Horror, powerful, destroyed breath, shrouded throughout the stadium, all high school students only feel covered by a gas field, and the cold sweat is flowing.


Their one army faced a face.

This ball is probably more than the previous light hit, and the destruction of this ball is several times better than before.


With the anger of the phoenix of the Equal, the racket in the hand has been paid out of tennis.


The huge burst sounded, and the golden rays shine in an instant to cover the whole half.

Light hitting!

Tennis companion

With the roar with golden light to the ghost ten launches.

The horrible breath makes some high school students can only retreat, and they cannot be close.




The gas stream formed by strong impact is ravaged on the court, which has almost forms a substantial general whirlwind, constantly blowing on the court.


Ghost Ten Tie Lang faces the light of the Equal Phoenix without a slightest, and the mouth is angry and a horrible breath is issued from him.

The purple black rays are more rich, and the whole ghost ten la la is covered.

"Finally appeared!"

The phoenix of the Equal Hospital looked at the ghost ten lakes. I suddenly remembered that the ghost ten times defeated his ball.


In an instant, a huge figure appeared in the ghost ten times in the ghost ten lanes.


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