Net King: God-level player

Net Wang: God-level player Chapter 245

Royal fox god double chuck smoked, but still looked at all players: "Don't worry."

Court on the court.

The competition is still going on.

The fifth game, the Pastoral Vine Game.

The door has a gloomy, staring at the direction to the Japanese and Yue and the .

Now, the score has arrived at the Ice Di 4: 1! Under the cooperation with the Japanese and Yue and the , the score of the Ice is always leading the husbandry vine.

This makes him and the mood of Sakama Co-acting.

The door has deeply sucking tone, saying: "Wait for a while, you will be aiming to the opposite sister's head, his physical strength will not allow him to break out for a long time!"

Sakuya tailorned a little bit! The only chance to spend the physical strength of the Japanese and Yue people! The game is now, they also see it, the more outbreak it to the Japanese and Yue people, the faster the physical strength.

Hey! Hey! Hey! The game continues.

Next time, regardless of

It is the door demonstration or Sakuya, which is concentrated on consumption to the physical strength of the Japanese and Mountain.

They don't want to win, all the serves are the farthest direction to the Japanese people, so that they will make their movements more intense.

Under this strategy, the Mu Luo will take a point again, and the score enters 4: 2! "They are consumed to have a good physical strength!"

The is whispered.

"The consumption is normal, the animal husbandry vine is from the big, but IQ probably no problem."

The trace department looks at the scene that happened on the court.

Other Ice Di players are not a deep frown of autonomous, but there is no concern.

They all believe in the judgment of the Yuhu god.

The trace department is shrugged and said: "Say, starting from the game to now, someone has not gone."

This sounds off, everyone is not from the autonomy to the Royal Fox, including the trace department, and the Handcuffs.

They are curious about the fox gods, the strength is long, I originally thought that the national contest can see the first day, wherever I haven't seen Yulux gods.

Royal fox gods in front of the game, he did not play.

"Yes, next, I went up."

Royal fox god doubles micro.

Both, all the Ice Di players are a deep lookout color.

- Finally, have you to see the strength of Royal Foxes! Stadium.

An attempt of the door demon and Saku-Yam tailings.

"For me!"

In another distant interception, he said brightly.


I nodded and exchanged the Japanese people.

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146. You don't be too proud.

Although the door consciousness and Sagaya tailings tried to break through the direction of the Japanese and Mountain.

But under the cooperation with the Japanese and Yue people, the score is fixed in the ice emperor 6: 2! There is no unexpected, the ice emperor is winning! Ice Di Maused Vine, two consecutive victories, this record, instant The audience boiled! "Ice Di !! Ice Di !! Ice Di !!"

"The Emperor is really too powerful, their opponents can be the same as the chapse of the three championship!"

"The next one will win, the myth of the animal husbandry is really ending."

"What happened to the pasta, how to feel the pasta of this year, too weak!"

"Come on, the animal husbandry !! Win! Pasta!"


The supporters of the ice emperor are excited, and the supporters of the animal husbandry vines are a face and confused.

This year's animal husbandry, how can it be so weak! Ice Di Mu Zhi Fuji, winning two games! The three consecutive championship of the animal husbandry, whether it is necessary to end in the ice emperor, "It is really too strong, this is definitely a big hot!"

The well is guarded, and the camera in the hand did not let go.

The three consecutive championships, now there is no resistance to the Emperor's play.

Moreover, when it is now, the Royal Fox is still in the face, never playing! "If he played, there will be no suspense!"

Well, watch the direction of Royal Fox, dark


"Waste! Waste! Waste !!"

Ping An Mountain is a man roaring, and her face is ugly.

The other animal husbandry players are both gloomy.

There is only the last one. If the next one is still defeated, then the myth of the vines of them will be ended here! "Next, I personally!"

Ping An Mountain a man is deeply sucking, and Shen Sheng said.

They, but the pastoral vine once !! How can I defeat this north! Mountain blow middle school.

"Two games, what happened to the animal husbandry!"

Thousands of stone clever is somewhat surprised.

Other players in other mountains are also a bit wrong.

Although Ice Emi is one of the four strong teams, it is also the four strongest team! Not saying that the animal husbandry is still the three consecutive crowns! Today's achievement, for the animal husbandry, too strong ! "The current animal husbandry vine is no longer the past, the phoenix has graduated!"

One side, with a smile.

With the pumping vines of the Equal Phoenix, and there is no pumped vine with phoenix, it is completely two animal husbandry vines! "If he peace is the phoenix, whoever, who is negative, maybe!"

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