Net King: God-level player

Wang Wang: God-level player Chapter 242

"Especially, it is dealing with the third grade life that has been participated in the championship!"

Said, the justness is confident, and the arm is very fast to the tennis.

Hey! The racket takes tennis, and the next moment is just a good moon, the tennis suddenly flew out, with a very fast speed.

This goal, it is easier to give a resolution and acknowledgment.

"It's so easy to be hit!"

"It seems that the doubles of the ice emperor are not too powerful!"

"Pasta !! Pastoral vine !! Pasta !!"

Among the audience, the sound of the Pasta Supporters quickly came.

at the same time.


"Hey, this is that the strength of the ice is so easy to catch up with justice."

The door detects.

The other players around him did not precaly.

This way is too easy.

Court on the court.

Justice and the city of Googshi men are all arrogant and disdainful.

This kind of serve is really a great way to fight! There is no challenging.

But the next moment, the justous public and the city of Googshi men are watching.


I only saw that Mr Chuan, the Ci Mark, I have already waited for the Internet! The look is lifted by the arm, and the racket moves with tennis waving and strike.

Hey! Tennis fly out, rushing out with the speed of justice and the city of Valu Shou, landing, bounce, and landing again.


The sound of the referee sounds in an instant! Ice emperor takes the lead in winning.

Suddenly, the scene, and fell into quiet.

Just and the public and the city of Googshi are ugly and amazed.

When did he go online? Before the rush of the rock, Mrsuguan, the Ci Guang, has quickly come to the Internet, but they don't have to get it.

They have taken the lead in the first grade! One instant, the migrantity and the city of Googshi are all over the water.

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143. Powerful Ice Di

The game scene,.


"Hey, the animal husbandry is actually scored first."

"It's not the ice emperor, the first grade is very powerful !!"

"Ice Di !! Ice Di !! Ice Di !!"

All the audience first is awkward, and the voice is constantly.


With the voice of the audience, all the herds of the vine players have some ugly.

"These two have not enough waste!"

Ping An Mountain a man is gloomy and low.

As the third grade of the pastoral vine, it was even better than the one year of the ice emperor! This is equal to a slap in the face of all players of the animal husbandry.

", born in the third grade, is not waste."

The door has disdain, sarcasm.

He is a year of birth, but he is confident that anyone who is more than the animal, he is a super new star of the animal husbandry! "Waste things, hurry to solve the opposite ghost!"

Ping An Mountain is a man who is awkward on the court, and the eyes are chill.

Ice Di team.

All Ice Dynasty players are light.

The .

Although there is also the same strength, although there is also a strength, I don't think too enough for Ice Di! "The people of the animal husbandry really make this uncle!"

On the side, the trace is said to the direction of the animal husbandry.

From the beginning to the present, the animal husbandry will interpret these two words to the ultimate.

All the players of the Ice Di are nodded, and the attitude of the animal husbandry, which makes them very uncomfortable.

"There is no need to be angry, anyway, it will be over."

Royal fox god squats, all Ice Di players are solemn nods.


Court on the court.

Bottom line.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Extremely rhythmic hitting sounds are endless.

Men's gracious looks calmly taps with tennis.


Justice and the city of Googshi men are full of vigilance and unhappy.

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