Net King: God-level player

Wang Wang: God-level player Chapter 240

"Let's go!"

Royal fox god double smile and nodded.

at the same time.

Large in the sea.

"Yuxun, what are you watching?

Mao Li Shou Sanlang asked in Haixun City.

"Royal fox god double blazing!"

Xingcun is not concealed, whispered.

"The breath, change!"

On the other side, the true fields also appeared, and the eyes fell on the body of Yulux god and said.

"How much is he changed now!"

Xingcun Jingshi is flashing, and the battle is boiling.

After being defeated by Royal Fox, his goal added a new one, that is, defeating the Yuhu gods! "Babi Middle School defeated the ice emperor as zero!"

On the one side, Liu Lian has said.

This year's Middle School is a good strength, and it is easy to defeat the lion music at 5:.

But compare the ice emperor, the gap is too big! And, Bicjia Middle School can be easily won, in fact, with them to victory, no means to close.

But this means, in front of the absolute strength, there will be no effect at all! BME Middle School.

"It's just that I am."

Wooden hand Yong Silang deeply sucking tone, very dignified.

Around the wooden hand Yongshiro, all the faces of the Bijia Middle School players are ugly.

They easily defeated the lion music, but this is the ice emperor! Especially this year's ice emperor, it seems to be more stronger than it !! "Whether, no matter what method, seize the opportunity!"

Wooden hand Yongshi Lang eyes flash, drink

after an hour.

The game scene,.

"Now there is a competition in the National Competition Ice Dijia Middle School."

"Please enter the players!"

The sound of the referee runs through the audience and instantly sounds.

"Ice Di !! Ice Di !!"

"Ice Di !! Ice Di !! Ice Di !!"

At the moment of near the Emperor, the auditorium took a shout.

The audio shock, the audience is from the cheers of Ice Di Supporters.

Among them, even someone calls for the name of the Royal Fox.

In an instant, the whole Middle School is silent.

"All the supporters of Ice Di."

"What is the popularity of the death, the popularity of Ice is so high!"

The Fei Yushu's face is gloomy, this kind of popular gap is too big !! It is by him.

Other players in BAC middle school are hard to see, which is too big for them! "Let them see the strength of Okinawa!"

Wooden hand Yongshi Lang sneaked, but his heart was like, sinking into the sea.

This is the ice emperor!! Compared with the dignity of BAE Middle School, the atmosphere of the Ice is a peaceful.

The strength of the two teams is too big, this game has no suspense.

"Go, hot body."

Royal fox god double chop said.


All Ice Di players are solemn, and the game is officially started with the whistle.

The first double play two 2, 6 :! The second game is one, 6:! The third single-handed three, 6:! The fourth game, 2, 6:! Fifth game, 6:! " Winning, total score 5 :! "

In front of the absolute strength, Bejia Middle School is defeated! The next two days, the results of the Ice Emperor and the results of the Bijia Middle School are all 5: Victory.

This is the third day of the National Competition.

The competition has entered the four stroning competitions, entered the semi-final! The four teams are still the animal husbandry, the sea, the ice emperor, and the four Temple.

This time, the opponent of the Ice is a vine of the past! The last champion team is also the team that is a three-game brilliant record! Kansai hegens - Pasta.

Kandong Heart - Ice Di! These two are also known as the team of the hegemon, and instantly ignite the flames in all audience.

The competition has not officially started, and the auditorium has already been unacple.

Tennis reporters have already prepared the camera, and always pay attention to the scene, one fell.

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142. Four battle

"I finally waited until the four strong games !!"

"Ice Diimu Vine, I feel a little hanging!"

"The animal husbandry is the championship between the three Lianba, this year's strength seems good!"

"The Emperor is very powerful this year, the front is a total score 5: thoroughly crushed."

"I am optimistic about the ice emperor, after all, the Equal Phoenix has graduated from the animal husbandry vines!"

The audience all people are talking about.

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