Net King: God-level player

Net Wang: God-level player Chapter 208

Bolk witnessed and landed on the Phoenix of Equality.

"Different times."

One side,.

Calm nodding.

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118. Neon National Competition

118. Neon National Competition


119. Kroy

time flies.

Two days later.

At 8:40, the game scene,.

It is still twenty minutes from the official match.

The audience is full, the French native fans fans are excited.

"France !! France !! France !!"

"Oh ! France will win !!"

"France will win! France Come on !!"

The sound is shocked, and the momentum is high.

French native fans have shout, and the momentum is very.

This is the French team! At this moment, the French native fans, and the French postal team is very excited.

The ghost ten times and the brow: "noisy"

On the side, the island repair two, smile, said: "There is no way, the host, then say that French strength is strong, exciting excitement is normal."

Other soldiers are nodded.

Mu Village Tao also shrugged: "The host is not the same."

The call of several teams, no one was more than France! I went to the river and smiled: "The home of people can understand, say, double guy"

At this moment, many army have arrived at the scene, and only the fox god is not there.

The black is smiled from the beginning, saying: "Double blazing little guy should go back"

Many army: ""

Ghost Ten Lang Heping and other hospital phoenix is ​​the mouth convulsion.

So, this is the difference between the heirs.

"However, the national contest."

The phoenix of the Equal is flashes, and the National Competition will open.

All other soldiers are nodded, and they are looking forward to it.

They are looking forward to the performance of the Yushu god in the national competition! At the same time.

The French team.

Jiaqing and others looked at the figure of Dukufu, suddenly leaving, suddenly: "By the way, come back!"

Duku paused, he turned back and smiled and said: "Don't worry."

Before ten minutes ago, the sister of Dukufu, the Kloyfu is coming.

At this moment, I was waiting for the game at the game, nearby, Dukufu side is to see Kloy.

Other French players are also a smile.

Suddenly, Phuishu said: "The game must go all out! Neon team, worthy of the real strength!"


Many players in France are in the same channel.

Now, starting from the game, only the last few minutes.

In the neon team, looked at the figure of Duku, and many of the army frowned were deeply frowned.

Equality Phoenix looks cold, looking at the direction of Dukufu.

"Hey, too arrogant, dare to open!"

Yuanye, hero, and his face is unhappy.

Other one army is cold, and it is the same.

The game is immediately starting, the French Dukuadi, is a prestigious destruction king.

I have chosen to leave the court at this time.

Have to say, this is too much to make many army.


The game officially started.

"World Cup, French team neon competition, officially started!"

The referee announced.

"Now, ask both sides to enter!"

After the referee sounds fall.

The French team and the neon team player entered the court.

At the moment of the French team, the voice shocks.

"France !! France !! France !!"

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