Net King: God-level player

Net Wang: God-level player Chapter 187

Australia's back aid team also ... no sound.

"This field, Australian University

Lia is dangerous! "

"Neon team really doesn't know what happened, the change is too big, Australia should lose."

"Not necessarily, how Caston, Edmont, is also Australia

Not that simple. "

"It's this truth and next Edmund.

Caslon should quickly chase the score! "

There are only the fans of French fans.


Bottom line.

Tennis caught more in the style, with ironic.

"Optimistic, unknown guy!"

Edmon Caston face is gloomy.

"This death! How does the neon team have such a bad guy!"


Caslon is not coming to anger in your heart.

At the same time, he tightly tightened, and his eyes were locked on tennis.

His opportunity is to get a lot of hair! This guy is too good at interception! Neon team.

Royal fox god double .

"The academic school is good at, but it is not just the snack."

He has already seen.

The 'Futurk after Edmontakon! Many soldiers are light, watching the court, then nodded.

They can't see 'Future', but they can also guess the idea of ​​Edmont Castle.

It is nothing more than to take a slogan in the clubs of the club.

At the same time, the Royal Fox God also looked at the direction of Ram and Ram.

Two women are now seriously photographing the video of the game.

In the court.

Hey! The tympanism will throw tennis high, and rapidly hit the tennis! Bring the ball quickly spread.

Step! "Go back!"

Edmont Caslon ruthless, footsteps.

The tennis will hit the tennis.

The powerful force broke out in an instant, and tennis instantaneously turned into the glow to fly over the process of closing.

Then, after the rapid brush of the wind, the wind is rejected.



Caslon finally tied.

This moment.

The Australian team of the Australian team is quiet first, and then shouted again.

"Australia! Australia! Australia!"


Caslon! Edmund.

Caslon! "

"Come on !! Australia !!"


Neon is all very calm.

Anyway, Edmund.

Caslon is Australia

There is no corresponding strength, it is impossible.

However, victory will only be more hemorrhagic.

Court on the court.

The competition is still going on.

Just as Yuhu gods, Edmund.

Caslon wants to score through the gathering of the gathering.

However, however, however, it is not only a cut! Serve, he is the same good! Hey! "Neon, score 2: 1!"

Hey! "Neon team, score 3: 2!"

Hey! "Neon, score 5: Hey!" The game ended, the neon team won the score 6: 4 !! "

After forty minutes, the referee announced.

The look of the referee is a bit complicated, falling on the body of Edmont Caston and the plumber.

In the end, his eyes fall in the neon team.

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