Net King: God-level player

Wang Wang: God-level player Chapter 12

Royal fox god double blazing is nodded by the black part.

"In the road, the classmates should introduce you U-17, then you will live here in the next month."

The black part said: "I will arrange your next training program."

"Of course, I have to comply with the rules of each person, I will arrange you for the warak tomorrow."

The shuffle war is the rule of U-17, and the coach arranges for the war candidates.

One party is a member of the 1st course to the 16th court. One party is that ordinary high school students can advance, and lose the game will be eliminated.

However, according to the rules of the shuffling war, the wafer high school students will not exceed 10 stadiums, sometimes under the 10th courses.

Washing battle?

The ..

"So now come to me, take you to the dormitory."

The black part said: "You go back to the classmates."

The more I smashed the moonlight, and then left.

"follow me."

Said, the black is the first to take the lead.

Royal fox god squatting up.

The black part of the road is given to the Royal Fox gods, such as 1 to 16 stadium.

The top 1stball, there are 8 people. There are also 8 coupons, 8 coupons, 12 coupons, 12 coupons, 12 coupons, 16 coupons, 8th courses 16 people.

The number of people in the No. 1 number 3 is average, and the number of stadiums from the 4th course to the No. 9th, and 9 people under the 10th courses have 8 people. There are 4 people. Most of them are uniform.

The 16 stadiums of U-17 can be said to be divided into two, the first echelon and the second echelon.

The first echelon is a stadium at No. 9, and the second echelon is a 10th court.

The top three stadiums are the strongest in the first echelon.


Royal fox god double qi room was on the 1st floor 010 room, after putting things, the black is covered with him to come to the outside.

Then I got the gods and the gods, I saw a person who made him familiar with.

Ghost Ten Lang, now the army no.1.

A week ago

Shot of the entire U-17 shuffle.

Equal Phoenix!

After the victory of the game, he became the strongest of the U-17 training camp.

The left cheek is covered with gauze, which is the wound left when the Phoenix in Peace is.

The same is that the ghost Ten Lang also left a wound to the Equal Phoenix.

The Equal Phoenix of the game is taken away by the three ships, in order to defeat the ghost ten times to accept hell training.

The same ghosts also looked at Royal Fox.

The three ships entered the way to bring a person called Royal Fox. This army knows that they are very curious. This is called the first grade of Yumu gods.

"This is a member of the ghost ten ladies and the army."

The black part looked at the ghost ten times, said: "Ghost classmates, the next 15 days, I am god, I will give you a god class."

"I know."

Ghost Ten Lang replied.

15 days?

When I heard the black, the words of the fox gods were together.

The black part is explained by: "Forgot to tell you, you will go another place after U-17, 15 days later."

"is it."

Yulux god double face did not show any accident, just nodded calm.

"Very good, then I will leave."

The black part was first unexpectedly looked at the Royal Fox, and then smiled and smiled.

"You just came to U-17, and the training of training continued in the afternoon."

Ghost Ten Lang said: "I will take you to someone."

"follow me."

Seeing, Royal Fox god squats.

"Who is the beginning of the birth? Let the ghost boss will take the way?"

"And or coach personally told, what is going on?"

"Here, U-17, how can junior high school students come here?"

The high school students who are training have seen this scene have shouted.

Why do they want to understand, here, it gathers the U-17 training camp of the entire elite.

How will the Royal Fox God Solit?

However, when these high school students know the reasons, I am afraid that it will be more shocked to be difficult.


PS: First Reader Great Ball Evaluation Ticket Collection and Flowers


13. Test strength, VS ghost ten times (seeking collection)

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