Naruto Mall System

Nang Shadow Mall System Chapter 646

"Shout!" Dongsong spit out a dirty air and slowly stood up.

"Not bad. I used ordinary ashes for the first time, I didn't feel it."

Based on the current physical strength and the quantity of the pulley, although the consumption of this attack is not negligible, it does not affect physical activity.

Physical exercise in the past six months seems to have unexpected effect.

Ye Han watched his hand, slightly pale yellow and health.

Ye Han now likes to do himself than the snowy skin color in the snow, Ye Han now.

Yellow people should be such a color!

Hold your fists and the power grow in a little bit.

However, it is not strong enough! !

"Dongsong, Dongsong!"

Suddenly, the forest sounded a loud and bright yelle.

Ye Han's corner was twitched. Don't guess, it must be green.

Although we practiced for half a year, Ye Han still can't directly see the fever green clothes.

After all, this is Huang Kai's shirt. Ordinary people can't understand it is natural.

"Kay, I am here!" Ye Han jumped out of the river one, steadily and land on the shore.

! ! .

Chapter 266 War began, the eagle

Outside the forest in the western fire country, Huangsha covers the sky, whistling the wind.

It is not difficult to reversely discovering, hiding in the canyon of huge duststuff, there is a tyranny military fortress.

The sandstone of the Sands of the Sand is a natural protection force. The river wild is impossible to enter such a territory to fight.

The country of the wind is useless to the river, entering such a battlefield will lose its geographical advantages.

Therefore, in all battlefields, Cornojo will always be the local defense force against the sandlin.


Glittering sandstorms ...

. !

The wind is in a hurry, and the wind is mixed with the past, as if he heard the sound.

However, it is like the iron drum in the valley.

The large black shadow statue rushed out, turned into a ghost-like shadow, soon disappeared in the dust in the dust.

The sandstorm has become the most natural protective color, and it is perfect to cover the action of the Sand Resistance Army.

Cologne camp. Western forest.

A warning line has been set up in ten miles, and there is a front position in the forest boundary direction.

Sand's intrusion attack is one of the alarm site.

"Prepare the thunder!"

"one two Three……"


, , ! !

After a series of difficulties and hardships, the repair of the rid of the spring bamboo shoots.

. ! !

The earth is dramatic, as if the sky is going down. The fortress shake, the surrounding earth wall collapsed.

The purpose of Heshamity is very straightforward.

I immediately took a base as a springboard, and then dispatched a continuous troops to attack the river wild!

. !

A large number of thunder exploded. In the First World War, Sha Yincun put a large number of force, with a heartbeat, and unintentionally won the base.

This war does not have a suspense.

However, although the number of ninja in the wooden cottage is very small, their quality is extremely high, almost immediately discovered Western resistance.

"Sand endure attack!"

"Ratming alarm!"

. . . !

War warning, the third lasting world war officially started! !


In the morning, a fresh breeze blows through the door of Makun Village.

Many sixth grade students gather here.

The agreed time is 8 o'clock, but he said graduated, most people can't sleep at night.

Through this exam, you can graduate from the Ninja School and become a ninja!

Although this is only the lowest level patience, patience is also the ninja, but more importantly, you can get the care of the Ninja!

Time is a little lapse, eight points before five points.

Suddenly, a gust has blown people.

. !

Then, as the strong wind blows, a series of shadows fall from the sky, and it is a teacher of the Ninja School.

"Everyone in our class is there?" Gu Gu Shi Island passed through the crowd to the corner of the elite class.

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