Naruto Mall System

Target Mall System Chapter 634

"Brothers? Do you want to come together, such as being asked, how many people are you here?"

"Calculate me, we have four people."

When the thin child heard the answer of Ye Han, he was very happy. In fact, he has found that Ye Han has four people here, so the following is true killer, "Hey? It turned out to be four people, we only have two people here!"

The expression of the thin man is very exaggerated. He said helplessly, "Four people are right for this task. It doesn't need so many people, if there are more people, there will be fewer returns!"

Ye Han saw that the thinness was very surprised, and guessing things did not seem to look so simple. He just followed him, some anxiously, "So, what should I do?"

"Oh, there is no way." The thin man shakes his head, but then, like suddenly thinking about what, he immediately swept his helpless, said, "Brother, why don't you do this? I will entrust this task Give you. How do you give me eighty silver coins? "

Here we are! This kind of person can often see in the initial world. This is obviously the middleman of the mission of the midman, the Warriors.

However, Ye Han did not find the truth of the task. First, he must determine if the task is true. If it is true, this trip will not be a loss.

"So, is there an authorization?" Because it is intended to lower the sound.

The thin man laughs, knowing this is a very close thing. "Of course, of course."

Once the hand is handed out, there is a ready-to-have authorization. Ye Han seems to be similar to the Master, and it also has the special sign of the Warrior Association.

"But this is your name!" The bottom of the direct authorization is a signature called "DREVEN".

"Hey, it doesn't matter, just bring the entrusted flamingo and the attorney to the mission report office behind the guild, they can also get the remuneration!"

Ye Han wants to think, although the reward can be received, but when the warrior association completed the task, the points can fall into "Dreven"!

When Ye Han proposed his question, the thin man found that the boys in front of him were not so easy to deal with. He took one of the hands and said that if he was allowed to cooperate with the task trustee replacement, he would have to pay him 20 silver coins as a loss, because if he can't complete the task, there will be corresponding disciplinary action.

Ye Han nodded, the price of gold coins can still be accepted. After being handed over a gold coin, the thin child also took Ye Han and the heat into the service window.

The thin man seems to have some acquaintances here, he didn't queue in front of the window. He is just standing on the side of the window, throwing an authorization back to the window, there is a empty slot. He seems to be very familiar with the beautiful woman in the window.

Finally, I was first signed a new authorization. Of course, this process will not let the next person lined up for a few seconds.

However, Justu Ye Han believes that everything is going smoothly, and the Master's Association in the window side said steadily, "Mr. Head," Mr. ", please complete the delegate as soon as possible. Time limit for the task is only ten days!"


Standing on the side of the window, Ye Han and hot bearing were shocked when he heard the news. They wanted to find that thin child again and found that he was not in the hall of the Warriors Association.

It is spelling!

Ye Han knocked on his head. He has seen the content of the commission, but he did not pay attention to the deadline of the attorney.

The flamingo is not an ordinary bird, is a Warcraft, not gentle, as long as no one actively attacks it, it will not actively attack humanity.

But the traces of the flamingo are very rare, otherwise it is not worth three gold coins!

If the flamingo can be found within ten days, many people will be able to make a fortune through this task, become the last wife White Fu Mei, the final wife!

Ye Han sighed, after all, a white flower gold coin is a small thing, which may also affect the reputation of the warrior guild. After all, this is the first Warriors guild mission.

Seeing Ye Han looks very frustrated, the heat is not careless, "Ye Han, we still have time, we still have a chance these days!"

However, Ye Han still is still frustrated. If someone knows the fallen of the flamingo, it will not be rounded!

Leo and Charlotte look shocked. Charlotte knows what happened, immediately said, "Ye Han, you have been encouraged us. You are not only winning again, but it is the last one, the last time, the last one of the last battle. You are not like you ! "

"Yes, Ye Han!" Leo also attached and encouraged, "Don't worry, Ye Han, if the mission failed, Charlotte will get gold coins!"

"Hey!" Charlotte is going to express the strong dissatisfaction of Leo, but when she saw Ye Han's expression, she immediately changed his mind and said: "Yes, I gave a gold coin!"

The partners said so, because he also knows that things have developed to this point, there is no other way. If this task really fails, it will be his first time in different worlds. He vowed will not let go of the guy called "Zhuo Wen".

"First, equipment!"

Following Charlotte, four people came to the street in Tianyi City, and the hawkers were selling various weapons there. .

Chapter 257

After the equipment is complete, the crowd immediately starts to the Southwest border.

The southern part of the Hydeel Plain is a broader Londan plain. However, in the southwest corner of HaiDel Plain, there is a few kilometers in the junction of the Luntetan, where there is also a dense forest. Since the other side is close to the round tamper plas, few people come here.

For Heiders, there is no, but in the human beings of the whole continent, the round Dan Plain is a penalty area.

Until noon, four people finally stood on the foot of the mountain.

This is a premium. When they saw it, they saw a continuous hill with an altitude of more than 10 meters.

What flamingo will there be here? Looking at the dense forest, Ye Han felt that it was not like the habitat of the flamingo.

Flamingo, as the name suggests, is a kind of fire. According to common sense, there is a creature with fire properties should be in the Gobi desert or dry place.

In particular, because Ye Han saw that there is all the trees here, the fireless bird accidentally triggered a forest fire, burned all the nests? !

Heat is also very confused. This is also his first time.

Leo thought another possibility, said to everyone: "But perhaps because of this reason, the flamingo is accidentally found. Some people have the same idea. Maybe we are here really have a chance. ! "

Three people nodded. The next step is to formally enter this area, but before this, Ye Hanqing has clear his throat and stands.

"Well, we have entered this forest, and we need to be placed to walk ..."

Because immediately learned a team of three people from the captain of Castel.

They have three impressions to Ye Han, and Charlotte said that she must stand up. She also knocked on the small round shield on the left arm.

The Standard Helmet of the King of Xinghai has a groove on the left arm and the right arm, which can hang the circular shield. For most people who are used to right-handed, the small round shield can usually hang on the left arm recess, and it is a very convenient design.

For the convenience and comfort of the head movement, three people wearing light armor have no helmet. In addition to the suit they have been habits, Ye Han only hangs a sleeveless leather armor outside. There is a short knife next to the long bow behind Leo.

In fact, there is an extra dagger inserted on the legs of the four people. Heats and their three are very curious. The repairman tells them that they will use it later. For the reasons, repair can't tell them that special forces are equipped in their original world ...

Charlotte walked first, but Ye Han shook his head, because Charlotte's height was too high, can't stop most of her, so he was first, then Ye Han, then Ye Han, then is Leo, final It is Charlotte.

More than 10 kilometers of the glory has become the natural boundary line between Hydeel Plains and the Template, four people's exploration of this area will be carried out from West.

When the heat is selected as the first person, Ye Han is right. The heat is in front and does not lose direction in the forest. It turns out that in order to train his son to become an excellent knight, his father has paid a lot of efforts in this field training and knowledge. He only visually observed the direction of the forest through the sun, leaves or even vegetation. This skill has left a deep impression on Ye Han.

For such forest adventures, although these four people are 16 or 17 years old, they didn't feel panic, because the forest could not hear insects and birds.

Because Peace has lasted for a long time in Ye Han, the most active group in the years is a mercenary or an expedition. As a result, the rumors and stories they have been naturally organized into books or dramas called by the bard.

For exploration, this is the teenagers in this era nen not familiar with and familiar. Unfamiliar is unfamiliar in their place where they have never been involved. The familiar place is, just like Ye Han's feeling, most of the scenery or forest scenes they see are similar to some of books and sounds.


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