Naruto Mall System

Target Mall System Chapter 557

Speaking of the Wang Reserve, he is the next Queen of St. Tia.

The world here is very similar to the original world of Wang Lihong, but the world's pattern is very different.

Although Saint Tia is a country, Busha is in the west, Valencia in the north, Bai Yan in the southeast.

In a big country with powerful power, St. Tia is just a small country that is very concerned.

But even so, St. Tia has been established for more than 300 years. The Tianchao citizen life is rich, and the national conditions are stable. For many people, this is a country in a dream.

St. Tia is the most typical monarch constitutional country, with the tradition of hereditary thrills.

This generation named Bai Meng zero has been recognized nationwide.

The external conditions are naturally not to say, the focus families are not only beautiful, academic is also highlighted.

It can be referred to as a role model of human women and a role model.

It is such a collection of excellence to one. Her husband turned into a real harmful horse and soft rice king.

Wang also searched for the memory of the original owner, realizing that the original owner is also very clear that his existence is only a stain in the brilliant life of Bai Mengling.

So after getting married, the original owner Wang did not have a finger that touched the white cute zero.

Not only that, the original master king can't do anything, except for free spending money.

It feels like someone forcing him to become now.

on the other hand.

Wang also knows the reason he just in the fountain.

In the afternoon, Wang also returned to the palace from the outside and was attacked by Assassin. The person who attacked his obvious training, and the trip to the king as a means.

Wang Gang is walking on the normal road, it is knocked down. Later, he may pretend to drown in the waterproof fountain.

These people did not directly stab the leaves twice, but he threw him into the water after he was put.

After Wang also climbed out of the water, he did not find anyone around him. You can imagine that these people may not be expected to live at this moment.

No, maybe in other words, they succeed, the original king died. .

Chapter 164 Try the risk of crossing the trip)

The current king is no longer the original king.

After clarifying the situation, Wang Zhen couldn't help but shook his head.

What is this fucking?

In this way, if you assassinate him, if you find that he is alive, you will kill him.

Wang also suddenly felt that his rebirth was just for fun.

God specially made him experience the happiness of being assassinated?

This is too fucking.

As long as you think -

The system detection host reaches the specified plane.

"Now start attribute synchronization, performance synchronization, function scanning ..."

"9 ... 30 ... 73 ..."

Xiao Wang is also stupid to look at the interface that suddenly appears in front of him. The progress bar readings are 100%.

Then there is a sweet mechanical female sound after the brain.

"Welcome to the Movie DreamWorks Life System. I am a smart customer service person. The host has a power binding system.

As a modern person, the king quickly accepted the facts in front of him. To be honest, he just panic, but now it is.

Having a system is like having a gold finger.

How does no gold finger cross?

Now, the king can only look forward.

He is preparing to talk to Xiaoyun to talk about his life and see what system and how to use it. But at this time, a group of soldiers rushed.

Seeing these people with weapons, the first one thought that these people came to arrest their own.

I didn't expect that they received a message that Wang is also accidentally drowning ... go to help him.

Although the leader is very smooth, Wang can see that they are to collect the bodies for themselves.

However, the body did not receive it, but there was a living person.

The king is still the husband of the prince, is actually a royal member.

Since the king is fine, it is natural to return to the bedroom appropriately.

To be honest, if it is a little king, he has long diges the memory of the original owner.

He thought he would scream loudly to the palace in front of him.

Your sister, enough!

It is taken to the door of the room.

The light is a big door. After entering, it is more brilliant.

The people in the palace are even called the room.

This makes the king, a hard struggling young person who is edified by the high housing prices of modern society, how can we extinguish the soul of the heart of burning?

How good is the trough!

I am embarrassed in my heart.

Wang also began to walk in his room, not familiar with the environment.

He didn't have a shopping, some people were looking for him.


Listen to a familiar sound.

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