Naruto Mall System

Nang Shadow Mall System Chapter 441

The entire Datang army will follow Xue Guiren and go to Siam granary.

At this time, the emperor of Siam didn't expect that he did not have a granary in Xue Guiren.

The Siam Army under the rule of Siam is now more than 70,000, but more than 50,000 people are deployed in the palace and protect it around.

More than 10,000 people are allocated to all kinds of work.

However, on the other side of the granary, only about 10,000 soldiers guard it.

After all, Siam Emperor feels that he is the most important, and the granary has arranged a 10,000-person army to defend it, which is very attractive.

It is important to know that more than 10,000 people are scattered all over the country, actually in guarding Siam officials.

The number of troops guarded the granary is equal to the number of other Siam officials.

In addition, the emperor of Siam also felt that when the Datang army entered Chiang Mai, they must first wanted him to take him.

As a result, all of Datang did not go to the palace, but went to the west of granary, and quickly surrounded the granary.

The Siam army guarding the granary thinking that they will not directly face the Datang army. After winning the Royal Palace, they can take off the armor and throw away the weapons. They will no longer be Siam officers and soldiers.

This way, you can save your life.

As a result, it is unexpectedly, the Datang army hundreds of thousands of troops have flocked to them, and they have already surrounded them, and the whole granary is full of people, they can only see a lot of people.

Officers who have a granary are also very afraid. The whole person was frightened, they fell into the ground and was lifted out of the chair.

"Everyone in Datang, everyone, everyone, big small and small and small, is responsible. Do you have any questions? Do you have adults?"

The official is poured on the chair, panic, forehead the sweat, and talking to Baba, it can be seen that hundreds of soldiers are surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.

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Chapter 42-Ancient Race

Seeing this, the black-haired hammer is smashed, and drinks to Yan Alicen:

Look at my big hammer.

In fact, Maori Black wants to voluntarily. After all, he also knows that he is not the opponent in real life.

However, he is difficult to change from slave as a citizen of the Roman Empire. Therefore, anything cannot be mistaken.

If you have any problems, he may be slavery again, live a new life.


After raising a large hammer, the wind became big and fierce. The amount of energy carried by the hammer is also very heavy. However, this is not enough to see it in front of Yan Min.

I saw that the black gross margin has taken the initiative, and Yan Min also said that it flew directly, from a pair of sings, it was extremely flexible to go in, followed by a foot.


There is no accident. Black Maori was kicked by Yan Min to the tournament table.

Seeing this situation, these foreigners are very scared:

"What is going on? Is these Datang people really so powerful? Only one sword passer is coming over, have you lost him?"

One is kicked, which is actually equivalent to kicking our face.

"Yes, if someone is defeated by his sword, then, it is so fair, and now everyone is kicked out of the tournament. What is this?"

"Maybe, Datang only needs a swordsman, are we not opponents? Is Datang really so powerful?"

"We have long heard that Datang Wushu is prevalent, but we didn't expect it to achieve this level."

These foreigners saw that people who participated in the competition were taken away by Yan Min. They also feel very embarrassed, even lost their confidence in the tournament again.

If those who go up will be kicked by one step by step, I am afraid that they will become a big Tang's laughter when they come to Datang in the name of the tournament.

From now on, Datang people will laugh when they are talking about them.

As for other Tang Tang audience on the stage, they also feel thousands.

Lu Gong, Cheng Jin, also sighed and said:

"This generation is uncertain than us. The big black man takes a big hammer, can be as good as my brother-in-law, but he is easy to suffer from Sheng Shan."

The Duke of Hubei shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, it is said that heroes appear from the chaos. I think that under the leadership of Your Majesty, this prosperous era will create more heroes. Any Li Xun, or the son of the son of Xue Yuanshi, will be able to Time to take the lead. "

Wei Guohu Li Jing also sighed and said:

"Yes, it is said that once we entered the boom, martial arts will gradually decline. This seems to have never happened in Datang. Our Datang still has a prevailing martial arts, and there is no decline at all."

Xue Guiline listened to the words of their three old nationalities, very shook his head:

"Three civil servants, you are not completely correct. Although we have no civil war now, we still have foreign enemies in staring at us. In addition, these foreign enemies have strong power than our previous enemy. Therefore, if we Datang The military style is not strong, then it is certain. "

Wu Zhuangyuan Wu Yuan also nodded and said:

"Yes, in the face of such a strong foreign enemy, we must be more powerful than them. For the battle, defeat those enemies who dare to challenge our great Tang Tianwei, is our unshirkable responsibility."

This old, middle, young three generations Tang Dynasty, and looked at the black gross profit of Yan Min, and said.

After the black gross profit, he also shouted foreigners.

"Your foreigners are not very strong. You still don't like to listen to me, so I will not fight with you. Let others come up."

After that, Yan Min took directly from the tournament table.

After the tournament ended, in addition to the first lost David felt very interesting, all other competitions of Beng Ming were very bored, so he lost interest in the tournament.

Seeing that Yan Min should step down, Datang's other young people began to try, they wanted to climb up.

Seeing this, Li Zhi directly said Li Yun:

"Champion, you can solve these opponents as soon as possible. Don't entangle them for too long."

In fact, after I know the strength of these foreigners, Li Zhi is not interested in observing them. Even Li Zhi did not plan to arrange more than 100 people and one place. Only by Li Xun is enough to suppress all young handsome foreigners.

Li Zun listened to Li Zhi's arrangement, nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will live up to the expectations of the next."

For Li Zhi, Li Xun is holding a long gun, step by step, and looks at a group of foreigners, saying:

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