Naruto Mall System

Tiri Mall System Chapter 416

In the face of this attack, there is nowhere to hide, even if it is a big sea, it is no good. "It seems to be a winner." Ye Han said with faint, then there is no need to retain any power.

Ye Han opened, the snowflakes in the sky began to gather in Ye Han head, and the champion of a huge ice and snow appeared, and the opposite of the other's fireballs, confrontation, as if the ancient myths sun and descendants same. In the air rotation of the ice, the penetration, increase the penetration, and almost no control of Ye Han after the inertia of the rotation.


"Snow Dragon Gun!"

Apollo and Ye Han have their own moving names, and the small sun falls from the sky. The hot temperature makes the air like a steam, as if to give the entire sea to evaporate.

Ye Han's snow dragon gun exudes the cold against this burning, and it is also shot at the small sun falls, and that looks like the sun is shot.

"Boom !!"

The sun and the ice gun collide, the two powerful power is constantly impact in half empty, the horrible destructive power seems to be coming in the end of the world, the terrible waves are impacted everything around, the sea is tumbling, the waves are roaring.

"Ah!" The shock made the bloody, this paper itself is already a big ship's piolid, and the time from time to time, it seems that the waves are shocked to half empty, and it seems to be flooded by the waves.

"Grasping, don't be taken out!" Obama shouted loudly.

Everyone was attracted to this terrible confrontation, Robin also reacted at this time, not when they were in a daze, immediately shouted: "Fast out! Raise all sails!"

"But the vice-director so the shock is broken!"

Robin said: "Even if the break is rising, the ship will be destroyed!"

"Yes!" Everyone immediately understood that the vice guy Robin would mean what it means, the sail, the sail will be destroyed, but it is not necessary to rise, it is more important than the sail, if The two power broke out completely, and all in the rounds will be destroyed. They must now take this time to escape the destruction range.

"Devil's fruit power will be able to release the power of boat protection!"


When I heard this, the people on the boat began to work. No demon fruit power will start to raise the ship sail, and steady the body of the devil's ability, and the power of evil fruit is to use their own devil fruit. Start to protect the body. .

The 357th chapter gives me death!

The things you can do, "Hey!" The sail has been held by the wind, the hull suddenly accelerates, "Wow, ah!" The girl of a nine-snake island did not stabilize the body by this shock. Outside the ship.

"Thirty rounds of flowers open!" Robin saw that this scene quickly used his own power, and the arm took this girl with his arm to red.

"Hey!" The mast has a crack. Several devil's fruits will fasten the mast to fix the mast, and the rope of the evil fruit is also pulled down on the mast, preventing the mast from being broken.

The boat quickly drove in the distance, "Ready! The last shock is coming!"

Ye Han and Apollo were stunned to the final stage, "Hey!" Ye Han's snow dragon gun has cracks, the seventh intermediate and seventh paragraph the wake-up level of evil fruit is not only one grade.

"Hey!" There are more and more cracks on the snow dragon gun, and finally can't hold a thorough broken, small sun falls to the sea.


On the sea, it seems that the nuclear bomb is broke out. The horrible explosion will set off the sea, and the huge waves of the hundred meters are swollen to the outside. The terrible power is like destroying everything that blocks everything in front.

"Hey!" All the masts of the bloody were discontinued by this air waves, and the hull also had a crack. Everyone was screaming, and the things that grabbed the body can catch it, prevent being taken out.

After a while, the sea was calm down, and Apollo was boring, and it was covered with sweat. This trick almost consumes his strength. He didn't think that it would be forced to this point by a little ghost. If he is not his burning fruit just restizes the evil fruit of the other party. If you want to kill each other, it will be very difficult. It is not a successful chasing, if the other party really escapes, he is not very good. Method.

Apollo turned his eyes to the bloody, and his strength was less than one-tenth, but it should be no problem, the sea thief should have no problem, the sea is vast, I want to go back to the boat, Apollo is bloody Fly over.


The person on the bloody is seeing this recovery of the calm sea, the face is full of horrible power, even if the captain is powerful, they are not confident, the bloody is so far close to the state of scrapped, If you want to continue to sail, you need to make a big trim, then the boss that is attacked will be impacted.

Suddenly, some people saw the black spots flying in the sky, "Not good! Vice captain! The guy came over!"

"Damn! Kill him to revenge for the captain!" "Yes! This guy is definitely consumed! We can also kill him!"

Nicoconbin looked at the front. She didn't want to believe that Yu Zhihui Ye Han was killed. Unexpellio Yehan is her most important person. It is clear that so many dangers have passed, but now suddenly killed. What should she do?

"Boom!" Have a gun against Apollo in the sky, but all of these artillery passed through Apollo's body, and natural demon fruit elemental power allows physical attacks almost no effect.

"Launch!" The orange decline has reached the launch command, " !" Jiuben Island girl got together, Apollo brow wrinkled, these attached arrow domineering arrows, he still didn't want to be encountered.

"Hey!" The flame sprayed, quickly lifted, and immediately turned around to fall from the sky.

"Boom!" Fell on the deck of the bloody.

"Bastard! It is you kill the boss! Give me death!" A few pirates rushed to Apollo, and there was a flame in the hands of Apollo.

Obama has become big, a huge king has appeared, and it is a good point against Apollo, Apollo is born to fire, escaping Obama.

"Caesarian claws!" "Thorns!" "Bubble bomb!" .....

"Spark!" The boat suddenly made a lot of flames like fireflies, "Not good! Fast defense!" This attack they have seen.

"Strong!" Every group of stars fell around the ship's Shanghai thief, "wow!" "Ah!" .....

Even with armed colors domineering defense, the explosive power of the spark is still out, the whole ship is shocked, the explosive smoke is scattered, there are not many people standing on the helpless group, most of them are exploded to the wave. The injured fell on the boat.

Obama's body has been fried and black, blood is flowing with the wound, and a drop of a drop is on the deck. Everyone still wants to die ... "When this is said, Apollo is ready to continue to release the spar to solve everyone.

Suddenly, "!", The sea is from the sea, a figure suddenly came out next to it, everyone saw this figure and stunned, the conspicuous dress color and the familiar body shape, not they all I thought that the death of the captain Ye Han Ye Han.


"Hey!" The two cold ice did not shoot in the hands of Ye Han, and Apollo quickly evaded.


"Ah!" Apollo's shoulder suddenly was shot, flowing out of blood, pain, Apollo grinned.

"I was hurt!" The people on the boat saw that Apollo was hurt, but soon understood that the consumption of the other party is definitely not low, and now such an attack is not open.

"Hey!" Ye Han's body fell on the boat, quickly rushed to Apollo, I want you to live, it is difficult to catch the opportunity to give the other party, Ye Han's hand holds two cold ice Bitter, there is a front of Apollo between blink.

"Give me death!" Ye Han was angry, and Apollo saw Ye Han so soon, there was a change in his face in front of him, and he had already consumed a lot of physical strength. He has become very heavy. There is no way to avoid it. So fast, the body elemental needs to be temporarily avoided.

"Hey -!" Ye Han's cold ice has been rosked on the flame that is scattered in Apollo. "How can I!" Apollo was shocked, how did the other party catch him? Truthfulness. .

The 358th chapter wins the fruit

"Wow!" Apollo flew out from the flames, and there is a blood mark on the body.

Ye Han did not avoid it directly, broke through the barrier of the flame, kicked in the abdomen of Apollo, "wow!" Apollo's eye convex, pain made him can't help but make a miserable call, Ye Han Armed tall domineering, there is a real capacity of evils, and the ability of writing wheels to see the true body, let Ye Han's attack is impact on Apollo's body.

"Boom!" Apollo's body flew out, smashing many things on the deck, Ye Han did not follow, Ye Han's legs appeared on the wound burned, just now Breaking through the defense of the flame is also exchanged with the cost of your injured.

"Call ~!" There is a flame in Apollo, the flame begins to burning, Apollo's body stands from the flame, and the face is very gloomy: "You don't die .... Let you die with your crew! "

Apollo gang, the flames on the body are obviously prepared to start what the big trick will give all the people on the ship and the ship, Ye Han sees the bite to the teeth, all the spiritual power is all concentrated on the write-wheel eye, illusion Send it to Apollo.

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