My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 792 of the One Piece.

And the big snake's mouth smiled, did not answer, and turned and left.

"For a blood song, do you have such a teacher? ??? For a boy, do you deserve to do this?" "The three generations of flying could not help but sigh.

At this moment, the fire country border is a dense wood! A shadow is driving between the trunk and jumping!

He has a red-haired long hair, and the bismuth is like a vast star, it is unpredictable!

"Hey, congratulations to escape the leaves!"

"Hey, because the host is now a lonely battle, so the system starts the peer mode."

When I heard the system, the blood song stopped on a huge trunk of a big tree, the companion mode? What does it mean?

"Peer mode, this is the new model of the system. It is when you fight for you, but when the enemy is too much, you can summon the same class." The system introduced fine in the blood songs, "Of course The companions you introduced should have existed in this second priority world. But this is no longer in this world. "

"I understand, I am now in the world of Naruto, I can summon the strong people who have already died in the history of Naruto," blood song thought, frowning smartly wrinkled.

"Of course, there is also a condition that if there is a strong force that is reborn, it can't be summoned."

"I understand." After listening to all the introduction of the system, the blood song muttered, "it is the thousand-handed, thousands of hands, and Yu Zhibo sphere will be reborn in the future, I will Summon can't.

"What should I call?" The blood song is already meditation, self-speaking.

What is the strong in the end of the Ninja? ? ? ?

The general grade ninja, the blood song does not need!

"Yes." Suddenly, blood songs were flashing, and finally thought of that guy! His strength is not a super shadow! But absolutely over the general shadow. Even if it is the legendary three tolerance for the guy, there is a width awe.

Chapter 765 Huadia, Chapter 46, Wood Leaves

Chapter 765 Huadia, Chapter 46, Wood Leaves

Naruto Chapter 46 Wooden Leaves

"Summon, wooden leaves." The blood song said. These days come, the blood songs that are constantly chased by Ninja, are also bored. The youngest S is the older in the history of wood, which attracts too many Ninja's attention. The photos of blood songs, characteristics, all written above the list of major ninja villages.

These days come, the blood songs have encountered a lot of people who chased him, of course, those people have a full of blood songs, it is nothing to do.

But when you are eating, you are bothered, being born during sleep. Blood songs, just feel a boring!

If it is a strong, then the blood song is still a battle. You can bother him, but it is always flies.

The new capabilities of the system are also very happy. Wooden white teeth, this is the ninja who wants to summon, the wooden leaves, the name is flag wood, the flag wood Zo Yun is the legendary "white teeth of the wooden leaf" in the legend of the leafy village, using a Chakra short knife, strength It is even more than three tolerance [and even three tolerance, I have to admire Zo Yun three points, which can be seen high. In the late stage, Zi Yun once made a decisive violation of the two difficulties in the face of the task and companions (the process of the Ninja executive task, the provisions are not allowed to abandon the mission in the middle of the way), therefore caused a loss of the village, which It also led to the crowd of everyone, even the companion that was rescued was also blamed, day after day, Zo Yun didn't commit suicide because you can't afford everyone.

At the next moment, I finally appeared in front of the blood song. One silver hair, and still long hair (tied up), the old man appeared in front of the blood song, although it looks very old, but not The temperament unique to "white teeth".

Wooden white teeth slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the woods around. "Where is it? I am not dead??"

"You used to die, but now I have been saved." Blood songs open. At this time, the woody white teeth is noted that he still stands a teenager in front of him, looking at the teenager dressing, the woody white teeth is slightly flying!

Because of his life, clothes don't seem so beautiful!

Blood songs look at the wooden leaves and smiles, then tell the leafy white teeth.

"What do you say? You are s gradation?" After listening to the blood song all, the woody white teeth widened the eyes to watch the blood song.

The eyes of woody white teeth are very sharp, while blood songs are not afraid in the woody eyes, such as the white teeth.

This is also called the woody white teeth sigh, and it is a genius! No wonder the group, the two guys don't want to let him leave!

"Someone is coming." Suddenly, the woody white teeth felt what, the cold opening said. The blood song nodded, and his opinion, heard that someone came, it should be a bounty hunter!

In this world, in addition to Ninja, there is a professional bounty hunter! ! ! Of course, most of them are ninja, very little is a warrior.

After all, in the world of Naruto, the so-called Samura has been behind. Blood songs can be used to see the color you domineering that there is a bounty hunter coming, and the woody white teeth also knows that this is a little shocked.

"Because of the air"! Woody white teeth looks at the blood song and laughs. "I have no research, I have been walking about the martial arts, the flow of the air, I can judge the other party."

Great! When you hear the woody white teeth, the blood song nodded. Of course, this is called blood songs, and the blood songs are asking him to do anything.

"Really, what is this ghost wood? We have been looking for so many days, the two people have not seen it." A big man holding too knife slowly came out from the grass, while walking, one side I can't help but snorted.

"We will bear it!" The other bamboo pole is cold and cold. Once again, it is promoted. "

After the big man, the bamboo pole men's body, it was a rush to walk out of more than 100 warriors holding a weapon.

They come from the village of the Horses.

One of the Ninja Villages, which appeared in animation, the original "Naruto" created by the famous end of the mandarin, which is good at manufacturing and use, and the ninjone of all countries is supplied by them, and there is a wild family four Tianxiang people, intend to resurrect the five major countries of the Qingming and Ninja, and catch my love, but in the end, it is still in failure.

"Call" suddenly a white light burst, the warrior still can't see what is in the end, five of them have been cold by the white light, and the last soft died on the ground.

"Everyone is careful" The big man pulled out too knife and watched the front.

"Big Brother, just white light is so powerful, what is it?" "The bamboo pole asked with the big man. The big man's brow is deeply frowned. "I think it is a white tooth in the legend of China!"

"No?" "Wen Yan, the bamboo poles also have ninety five warriors are incredible. Wooden white teeth, early death! Anyone else uses that white teeth?

And reached this kind of murder? ?

"Do you think I am really dead?" Subsequently came out slowly.

After the blood song stood behind this figure, this is a wooden or white teeth.

"Wooden Leaves", the big man is recognized, but it doesn't dare to say it.

"Big Brother, we have sent it, that boy is blood song, as long as we caught him, the leaves will be traded with us. As for the man, it looks too weak, we kill it directly." Bamboo pole excited Say. Ninety-five samurai is also excited to nod.

Only the big man who leads the lead is very shaking. Potholes, woody white teeth, isn't it dead? ?

He is not coming to hate in his heart.

"It's optimistic, my swords." Woody white teeth looks at blood songs.

"Well, you kill me look at it." Blood song smiled. Wooden white teeth is basically not, but it becomes a character that is boring in the three tolerance.

It is conceivable that the swordsmanship of woody white teeth arrived.


Woody white teeth goes out towards the gang of the big man, but the whole person between the blinks will not see.

Blood songs also carefully observed this scene, blood songs determine that the woody white teeth will not be stealth, but the speed is fast, this speed is blood songs, it is better to be a slightly.

Chapter 766, Huadia, Chapter 47, the strongest sword

Chapter 766, Huadia, Chapter 47, the strongest sword

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