My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 242 of the One Piece.

The Navy's part, the green cattle lost to blood songs, the Buddha's Warring States hands were shocked, and fell into pieces.

But at this moment, I saw the blood songs in the screen indicated that the three major will be one person, and the Buddha's Warring States mood is better, knowing their strategy, finally completed.

"Warring States, you seem to think that he is a three major generals will lose." Kapu looked at the Buddha's Warring States Road.

"Can you be unbeaten?" The Buddha's Warring States flora, the fist was grazed.

Three major people will go to the horse, with the strength of the three people, will it lose?


The 275th chapter of the king's battle, the world's attention

"No? This teenager is a blood song? He wants to be three major people in a single person?"

"The three major people are absolutely powerful."

"In addition to the four emperors, the new world can do this?"

The blood song named the name to be three major people will be together, and the people in front of the world are surprised.

After all, the three major will be the main battle of the Navy!

"It's crazy." The red huge pirate boat, Xiangks who saw this scene in front of the small screen did not frowned.

He does not think that the character of blood songs can be in the new world.

Immediately, the red-haired fragrance is looking at the class Bakeman. "Yes, you take Jesus to come."

I heard the words, the class beckmann nodded.

What is red-haired incense? Ban Bakeman knows that red hair wants to be an old man.

Blood songs, can't die here.

Three major will not die here.

Blood songs died and fought the naval.

The three major people died, it is the power of blood songs.

This is not a red-haired Xiangx wants to see.

"This little child, actually wants three major orders, do he think he is in Xiangke?" Jesus is standing, huh, "Let's go, the deputy captain, when the kid is hit by three major times I came out again. When we advised the two sides, I would like to help rose the power of our red-haired pirates. "

I heard the words, the class beckmann nodded.

But is this really like this? Class Bakeman who has seen blood songs, faintly feels that this thing is not easy to succeed.

Ban Becman took a small wooden boat with Jesus.

"What do you think old?"

On the white sailboat of the White Beard, the huge screen was carried out by two small pirates, white beards and team leaders looked at the screens in the screen.

"How do I see?" I heard the question of the son, the white beard mouth overtilled a shallow smile, full of overbearing, "Malco, you talk about it, your opinion."

Without the birds, Malco, always like a guy who has not woken up, heard the white beard's question, the old sleeping eyelids are also open, "This boy is very mad, I didn't expect to come to new The world, the first thing is the three major orders, is he now reaches this step? I don't think it? "

"Not necessarily." White beards shook their heads, and the eyes were complicated, no one knows what white beard is thinking. White beard continues to "blood songs, it is obviously not a arrogant person, the other fleece is arrogant, no strength, but this kid, not this."

Seven years ago, I have given a tenth year old blood song.

Four years ago, Huamei Bisada defeated the 13-year-old blood song.

So how much strength is there?

White beard is a deep color.

Although white beards don't believe that blood songs can grow to three generals with one person.

But white beards have a feeling, and blood songs will not stop here, and his road has just begun.

"Saqi." White Bearded at this moment, the Member of the White Beard One Piece, Saqi, the captain of the four teams, "You lead your four teams to go."

"Yes, the old man." Wen Yan, Saqi standed up, nodded, and turned around.

"Battle! The new world has already slept for a long time, it needs to be bloody. Blood songs, let me know your strength, I hope you don't die there, actually dare to challenge me, then come to me, I am in the new world, I am in the new world Deep, waiting for you. "White beards stared at the picture, waiting for the beginning of the war, and at the same time, it could not help but secretly.

The new world is on the initial sea area.

Blood songs have been together with the three major battles.

In the Pluto Warders Control Room, Bergamo made this scene to the world.

"Can a person really can?" In the control room, the white star's palm had been grasped, and the face of pretty face was worried.

"Bai Star Sister, no problem." Xiaoli ran to the front of the white star, "big brother, that is very powerful."

"Yes?" Bai Star looked at the cute little sister Kiri, asked.

Xiao Lu is sure and nodded.

At this moment, the blood song stands there. At the same time, blood songs have already used a little bit of Dragon emperor. The momentum of whizzed, very light, ordinary people can't feel.

Air has changed.

And who is the three major? The peak of the general, the green, the yellow, and the green cattle suddenly face.

They felt a burst of depression.

I haven't started fighting yet, they feel that they have been suppressed.

How is this going?

Green, yellow and green cow, I will see you, I want to see what is going on! Even the tyrant is domineering, there should not be such an effect! Sufficient time is so long.

But seeing the color domineering, they found that I didn't use it.

It seems that it is general!

"At the beginning we were taken the opportunity." The bloody voice is dull.

"What should I do?" The green cattle who fails once can not be defeated! It is nothing to face.

"What do you panic? This battle victory is definitely us." Youth Cool Tao "does not count anything! The battle of the battle lies in fighting, we will fight with him, will it lose? "

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