My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pirace, Chapter 1455

"Let me go with me." Blood songs extended to Mirajie.

Although Mirajie feels that blood song is a guy who loves to eat girls, but this moment, Mirajie feels that blood songs bring her never had a sense of security.

"Good." Miraji slowed his hand in the palm of the blood song. Among the reality, the blood songs will disappear, while Mirajie has slowly opened his eyes.

Note that the blood songs actually hugged her, and the name of Mirajay was not one of them.

"You take me cheap."

"No." Blood songs opened Mirajie. When the blood song is loose, Mirajie feels weird, it seems to lose anything.

The devil was disappeared.

Mirajie also got a receiving magic, but Miraje didn't like this kind of magic. Because the devil has killed a lot of people, Miraji hates the devil!

The battle in the church has also attracted the nearby villagers, and the villagers are all smelling. When they come here, they are scared after seeing Mirajie in the devil form.

Blood songs extend their finger head on Mirajay, Mirajay is the smooth relief of the magic, but the villagers are always afraid of Miraj.

Fearing Miraje will kill them.

Then, the villagers are scared to escape.

"Let's go to eat." Blood songs are taught, and Mirajie left the church, walking on the road, the villagers are still pointing to Mirajie.

"I used to feel that this girl is very quirky."

"I didn't expect Miraj to be a devil."

"God, I always feel that she will eat us."

The villagers face each other and they have discussed. And I heard the whispering whispering of the villagers, Mirajo couldn't help but low, I feel particularly uncomfortable.

It seems to be a sharp blade cut in her heart.

Looking at Mirajie, the blood songs don't know what to say, I can only shoot Mirajie's shoulder "Remember, you have to be strong."

Suddenly, the side of the street came to a figure, staying with orange big face, and little bin. Dressed in ink green windbreaker. Seeing this guy's first eye, blood songs couldn't help but think of red hair in the One Piece!

It seems that there is only a red-haired fragrance to have such a gas.

But the blood song knows that this guy is definitely not red-haired, but the magistrates of the demon tail.

"Do you have a tailor?" "Gildarz looked at the people of the organization, then laughed, said," You write an apology book, apologize to us, this, you can. "

"If I said no?" "Blood song smiled, he was trying to see, his reception magic, how strong it is.

"Name: Gildarus"!

"Magic value: 90!"

Magic Type: Super Level Destroy Magic - Crash (Crush)

Description: You can shred a four-point five cracked in an instant, if you use the organizer, if the effect is in accordance with the meaning of the organizer, it can make the opponent to the dust or become a hundred small bids (it is not good at Hand is your hand).

Evaluation: The ability is already comparable to the San Ten University Magist.

After seeing the system's analysis of Gilda, the blood south is smiling, it is going to Gildalz.

"See it, I have to give you a little lesson."

Chapter 961, the tail of the demon, the eighth chapter Lisa Na

Chapter 961, the tail of the demon, the eighth chapter Lisa Na

Fairy tail eighth chapter Lisa Na

The demon tail is very loud in this kingdom, almost few people don't know the demon tail, do not know Gildas.

The villagers heard Gildaz to teach the blood songs, and immediately, the villagers are cheering, at this moment, Mirajie is demon, and Mirajie is walking together, wearing black Robe, where there is a guy of the red cloud windbreaker, is absolutely not a good thing.

"Oh, the boss, let me to deal with him." Seeing someone to provoke, flying to the segment, hurry, and the hair is recommended.

He just learned to receive magic, and didn't know how much this magic was.

> Collap? 8? Fatty Emperor's pretty mu of charge! 65533;

"But you also kill the flying segment." Blood looked at Gildarz.

Kill you can't die? ? ? Gildass obviously does not believe in blood songs, this world, is there anyone killed? ? ?

In addition to the legendary one.

Gildalas has standing in front of blood songs, "Now you want to be single, or group ??"

"If you want to die, you will die very hard." Didara is also called it, and it has caught a large clay spider.

"You, I'm going to learn the new power can you." Flying Segments looked at Dida kids.


"Of course, is a single-handed, your opponent is me."

"Okay, then I represent the tail of the goblin, teach you first,." Gildalz's mouth pulled a smile, dealing with a boy who didn't see the passed, in which there is no need to spend too much time, the foot Stealing, the ground is suddenly moving.

Blood songs know that Gildar is ready to use magic.

"Decomposition." Gildar came up with the most moving moves, while blood songs were immediate use to defend the defense.

Decompose, this is one of the capabilities of Gildar, rearrangement of the structure between the substances, no matter what magic can decompose, the use of creatures will make it split into many mini points to make the opponent lose the war.

It is necessary to break down, become a small need for one by one, and spread it.

"I didn't expect this world to have this kind of power. I can break away. I have to be able to do it." Yushuo wizards positioned one side, one of his strongest moves must be And the power of blood songs is similar, and it will be solved by this Gildarus.

"Your ability is very special, but no matter what, I can decompose it." Gildalse continued to go through the blood song, "In addition, the decomposition is just one of my three major magic, then I will Let you know ... smashing!


[The model is changed, no magic array is presented, with a wide range of impact wave or guarantees 65533;


[Transpared "is changed and no magic array is rendered, in order to release a wide range of shock waves or flying places, no matter how hard the external structure is hard, due to the definition of crushing magic, it is interrupted from the interior, so as long as It is a tangible object (unless it is most immunomorrhable dragon scales) or magic (except for the ineffective magic of the Magic Essent), it can be pulverized with the will of surgery, but the biological contact is splashing blood. So Gildaz does not often use this magic to fight people, and change it.

"Fighter kingdom domineering."

Gildalus's magic is just appearing, and blood songs are the use of overlord, and Santa Gilda is in the heart of the head.

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