Marvel: Become the Demon Buu

Mourning: Opening the Ben Bench Ben Epis 213

Because Lin Fan then the changes in the body, it turned out to be the light of the double-eyed, became the more and more bright, like there is a star to rise slowly!

Just ... but it is green, like a jade, a star!

In the faint approximate, such a green rays, such as the same time, a general eye, it seems to be more similar to that time gem!

Whether it is from the luster or a texture, the same is true!

Lin Fan felt his own mind and began to have a special feeling!

That feeling is ... Lin Fan actually looks more to the time in front of the time of the gemstone!

It is like the kindness of the confidant friends who have been met, and it is unable to worry about it. Even if they live and die!

Gradually, under the eyes of Lin Fan, floating in half-air, hidden in the past time, and actually start flashing bright light!

Chapter 301 starts gems! (two)

When the gem is accompanied by the same frequency, when Lin Fan's pair of green eyes flashed, it is basically proved that this time is basically no big. suspense!

Because Lin Fan is obviously above some degree, it is already a beginning to resonate and the time of time!

Such resonance seems to be a mark for .. Time gem makes some tag, wait until the tag is completely completed, Lin Fan is equivalent to directly locking the time of the time in the long run. The exact location.

Then you can penetrate all the time, in the long river in the chaotic time, the time to take the time to take it out, and really take back to your own hands.

Such a process, if it is unable to get the gene fragment that the strange doctor has, it is possible to spend hundreds or even the time for hundreds of years. It is not a thorough study!

However, once it is a gene fragment that can be perfectly used, then, then ... time is compressed to the time that it is only just a few seconds, it is possible to be perfect!

This isother ... Lin Fan is experiencing the problem!

Obviously, Lin Fan and Time of the Time Running Among the happening ..... Already increasingly tending to perfect, Lin Fan is already able to feel able to feel, appearing in front of himself This 1-time gem is approaching this time in one second!

Wait until the thorough appearance is within the same stream, Lin Fan can easily get the time gem!

... On-site, what is happening, and the response is accompanied by Lin Fan and time gems, and gradually become quiet!

All super hero looked at Lin Fan and his constantly flashing in the forefront of the strange rays, which was in the state of nothing, and it was clear that the situation was not clear. What exactly is going on!

Especially Tonystak and Siki, at this time, there is also a special light in the eyes, it seems to have to use this opportunity to try to make something!

However, the expression on all the faces of all superheroes gradually became gradually: when it is strange, suddenly, a shadow wearing a dark red armor is already in the throne of Lin Fan!

Like a very high wall, it is directly isolated from all people with different emotions!

Herone is Yuxi Boss!

Originally, after coming to the command room of this air-level warship, the existence of Yuxi Boss has fallen a lot. It has always been a silent standing in Lin Fan, as if it is a silent guardian. character of!

But until this time, when Yu Zhibo is standing again!

He is also very clear to declare a thing toward all super heroes. His Yuxi Bourace is also a powerful existence!

Chapter 302 begins with time! (three)

When Yuxi Bouse was at this time, I chose to stand up. Like the goddess in front of Lin Fan, I act as a presence of a caregiver in the process of capturing time gems.

Basically, it is already announced, and all the super heroes present is the idea who wants to take the opportunity!

Because, although Su Zhibo sphere is not like Lin Fan, it has enough to make the scene, all super heroes feel the strength of the desperate strength!

With the common cooperation of so many super heroes, it is not enough to fight with the current Unexpected bumper, and even beat each other, it is not able to say that there is no more than anything else.

However, despite the superhero for .. Yuxi Bou spots have a certain victory chance, no matter what, there must be enough time to consume enough time!

In this way, Lin Fan has sufficient time, go slowly to get the time gem, and then go back to the head again, and suppress the audience as before.

So, as long as it is a little bit of a little bit, it will inevitably choose to do this!

It is because of this, all super heroes contain various information and emotional changes, they are gradually converge, and they will never see any unusual appearance!

Even if Dynasty and the most close position of Yuxi Boze is the neighbor of Silent, it is already silent, and I chose to wait for Lin Fan to complete the process of capturing time!

Although they all know that the unlimited gem accompanying gems fall into Lin Fan's hands, Lin Fan will bring unstophable horror pressure to them!

Now Lin Fan is already enough, not to say that Lin Fan after 6 unlimited gems, must absolutely have a more pressure to be more stressed compared to the original, and there is no such thing as a result. Say!

However, no matter how Toke is already a protocol that is barely to Lin Fan, so they don't have any more opportunities to repent.

Besides, if this superhero wants to repent, it is the most losing party for them!

Because it is already clear that the members of the Gods Group will not let go of their allies, they have chosen the excitement of Lin Fan's temporary allies, then ... for their destiny, I don't know how bad it will be, saying that the abdomen is suffering from the enemy!

If the scene, who is the most want to interrupt the things that Lin Fan is doing, then I am afraid that the ancient mage is left, but it is a pity that the ancient martial arts is already seriously injured. It is an intellectual and powerless!

..... ultimately, in all superheroes of the wait for the wait, Lin Fan's green eyes flashed out, and it is already a ray that is completely and the time in front of the time. It has achieved complete synchronization!

After such a situation, Lin Fan's hands finally appeared new actions!

I saw Lin Fan raised his hand, and once again, he stretched out!

Chapter 303 Time! (One)

With the rays of the glitter of Lin Fan's eyes, the rays that have been glow on the time of the gemstones have completely reached the degree of synchronous consistency!

Lin Fan has finally returned to the palm of his hand again.

This time, accompanied by Lin Fan's palm of the palm, naturally ... again attracted all the attention of everyone!

Because, at this time, all super heroes are obviously in the event of a final result!

Although the current situation is that Lin Fan will make him could not ............ The power of resisting him is more comprehensive and powerful!

Especially in the complement of the time given by the time, it is possible to greatly enhance the full strength of Lin Fan. At the very least, it is not necessary to worry about the remaining people with time, and return to the way through the time. In the past, Lin Fan who had been weak at the past was killed!

Just, although some people don't want Lin Fan to get more infinite gems, it is also a person with another part, I want Lin Fan to get this unlimited gem ... or More correctly!

Is it not ignored by Lin Fan ... get this unlimited gem!

Because in some unresponsible people, the strength of Lin Fan is already a kind of one that belongs to a completely invalvation!

Even if it becomes more powerful, it is already a matter of nothing, and at least it is a matter of nothing to do!

It is like it is.. The average person, a billion and 10 million significance are almost numbers, which is equivalent to the level of astronomical numbers, the number of countless numbers!

This part of the superhero feels that Lin has become more powerful, but it can help to fight those members who have confronted those who have not counted them!

Naturally, representing the rate of human beings, more ..... huge!

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