Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 759

Looking at the female'sex' who seemed to be unsatisfactory, Mu Hantian said, "Well then, because I work at McGraw there. Come and eat when you have time."

"The one over there...ahh, the one in front of Hatagaya Station." Looking towards Mu Hantian's pointing direction, the woman nodded as if she understood her sex.

"By the way, if I'm there, I can secretly increase the amount of potatoes in the exhibition." Well, Mu Hantian is actually selling it.

"I know, I will definitely go. That..." The female "sex" straightened her posture and looked directly into Mu Hantian's eyes.

"Umbrella, thank you very much." With a firm tone, he bowed to Mu Hantian.

Although her smile did not blow away the dark clouds that made her mood sad, it was as beautiful and dazzling as the sun.

"Be careful on the road." Mu Hantian gently raised his hand and waved in the rain, never looking back.

The signal light at the crossroad turned red again, and the female "sex" didn't leave that place until Mu Hantian could not be seen.

In terms of results, the first place in the promotional product area failed to reach.Because it was past lunch time, a frying pan for fried potatoes suddenly broke down.

It took two hours to wait for the repairman to arrive, and it was within these two hours that life and death were decided.

The rain that had fallen so violently also stopped in the evening.Fortunately, there is no need to borrow an umbrella from the store, but the rain will undoubtedly affect the arrival and exit of customers in the morning.

Didn't reach the goal, except for heavy rain and frying pan failure, are there no other reasons?Mu Hantian, who was thinking about these all the way, passed by the crossroads where she lent an umbrella to women in the morning.


It was already late at night.The restaurants were closed and the lights dimmed.Only the lights outside the house and the light and dark signal lights illuminate the crossroads without pedestrians.

From the shadow under the eaves of that restaurant, there was a shaky figure, which was not noticed because it was mixed into the night.Isn't that the "sex" of the woman I met when I went to work?

"Huh? You were at noon..." But Mu Hantian stopped talking halfway through.I always feel weird.

The female "sex" was silent, staring straight at Maou, what's the matter with that cold gaze?

She should be the owner of a rainbow-like smile in the courtyard in the rain, and her current expression is simply the glacier of the North Pole where the sun can freeze.

That's right, she glared at here now.Mu Hantian swallowed drooling under the pressure of that sight.

Why don't you say anything while glaring at this place?Mu Hantian, who couldn't bear this kind of atmosphere, immediately tried to say hello.

"After that, is it okay? Go back without getting wet, right?"

"Isn't it okay?"


Her voice was as cold as it was when it was cooling down in the deep winter."Today, I went to your shop."

"Hey, then, that's it, thank you." Mu Hantian said "fuck" in a marketing conversation.But when the counter was open, I didn't remember that she had been there.

The female "sex" took a step here, and Mu Hantian fell down as if losing his balance.He hurriedly jumped off the bicycle, this time with a completely different meaning from the morning, and put the bicycle between the two.

"Always observe from the opposite shop."

"Observation? Shop?"

Opposite the shop is a bookstore across the road.I have been watching the shop from that kind of place. Is it the person who suddenly came to monitor the shop after hearing the rumors?

"No, it's up to you."

"Me, me?" Mu Hantian became more and more confused.

"The appearance has become very different, so I started to feel very sleepy "confused". But soon I noticed it."

"Doubt my own feelings and guesses. Although I know it's around here..."

"It's just that the only magical power in your body cannot be hidden from me!"

"Satan the Devil! Why would you work at McGraw in Hatagaya!"

Smooth black hair, beautiful and transparent skin, eyes that can’t be ignored by magical “sex”, is this woman...

"You, you are... the brave Emilia!"

The name of the brave who recaptured Antan Isra from the Demon King's hands was Emilia Yustina.

"I am Emilia! Do you know why I am here!"


"I am chasing after the demon king Satan and the remnant of the Four Heavenly Kings, Alcheel, who was almost freed by me, have traveled through time and space! If you leave it alone, the world will be shrouded in darkness again. Before that, I will defeat you!"

"Wait, wait, Emilia! I don't understand until I say it!"

"Questions and answers are useless! Devil, realize!"

Suddenly, the brave Emilia took out a knife and slashed at Mu Hantian.Mu Hantian jumped back, avoiding the blade stabbed through the bicycle between the two of them...The car that fell without support made a protest noise at the sudden harsh treatment.

"Wow! It's dangerous!" Mu Hantian patted his chest in fear.

"Don't hide! Let me kill you obediently!"

"how is this possible!"

Jumping over the bike, and hitting the blade pierced into the chest for the second time, he also avoided at the very moment of his death.

"Hey, hello, Emilia the brave."

"Why, pray for your life? Now that the talk with the enemy is useless!"

"What happened to your holy sword."

The other party was speechless.Just took a low breath.

"I have that knife too. I bought it at the 100-yen shop in Sasazuka."

"Why, why do you want to say this!" Emilia showed a great shake.The knife in his hand was illuminated by the red signal light, gleaming with a faint light.

"You...could it be that you have lost the holy magic energy? No, even if you haven't lost it, you can't waste it?"

Emilia's gritted teeth showed that Mu Hantian's words just hit the point.

"But, but, isn't this the same for you? I can feel that in this world, your magic is gone, right."

Maiden, you guessed wrong, I am not a person in this world, magic has always existed.

Although Mu Hantian complained in his heart, he was still calm on the surface.So simply follow her words and nodded." is true..."

"That's right, even if there is no holy sword, it is not enough to make me afraid of the devil who loses his magic power and earns a living by working! Realize!"

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