Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 752

Let the ice fog float around the body and avoid the attack by observing the changes of the ice fog.This is the method Parker proposed, and it is not impossible to do it with his own strength.

"And, it will be solved by close combat soon." Emilia whispered, and the ground touched by her toes was stained with frost.The ice covering the ground spreads with Emelia as the center, turning the ground within a radius of 20 meters into frozen soil in an instant.

The touch under my feet brought back memories.She grew up in that forest, and skating on the ice is her specialty.

"A little trick of this level! Little trick! Little clever! It is equivalent to a useless struggle in front of my love!"

Emilia accelerated to the limit in one step, and the madman looked at her and roared.

After that, the oppression was "approaching" with the roar, and the ice mist floating around was pushed away one after another.However, every time the invisible hand lifted the ice mist, Emelia's body was no longer there.

Amelia glided on the ice, drawing a huge circle with the madman as the center, so as to "disturb" his accuracy.After copying before and after, avoid every attack.The frozen earth expands wantonly, and Emilia is in it.

"Although I can understand your feeling that my self-satisfied daughter is "fascinated", I refuse to be pests."


Upon hearing this inexplicably lazy declaration, a thick wall of ice stood up around the madman, besieging him.Then, the ice wall gradually changes shape, and the ice pile is shot out from the inner wall to the center.

There is no way to escape, the sudden kill attack.

The prey in the ice wall will be directly hit, stabbed into skewers, and even the blood flowing out will be frozen and crushed without any remaining drops.

Contrary to the cute appearance, Parker's attacking style embodies his innocence and cruelty to the extreme.but……

"Too weak! Too weak, too weak, weak, weak... too!"

The cry came from the ice cage, and the next moment, accompanied by a crisp sound, the ice wall shattered.The shards of ice glittered, and the man who got away was intact.

At the moment when the ice pile attacked, he made a shield with invisible force inside.The ice wall could not withstand the reaction force from the inside when it attacked, and it fell apart immediately.

"If you can defeat me with that kind of attack, that would be laughable! The trial is not easy..."



However, just as the madman was steadily standing on the ice, Emilia kicked him out with the momentum of sliding.

Emilia's sliding was silent, and her kick hit the unsuspecting madman's heart.In this combination of speed and inertia, the man's body was unexpectedly kicked easily under the powerful kick.

"This time it was finally...Huh!?"

Predicting where the madman would fall, she started to use her magic power first-Amelia, who used the blooming ice flower combo to strike, couldn't help but doubt her eyes when she saw the scene in front of her.

The madman who was beaten up, drew a parabola, stopped in the air, and flew out in another direction.It is as unnatural as being caught by something while hanging in the air and forcibly thrown in another direction.

"This usage..."

"Woohoo, giving up thinking can be described as laziness! Apply! Use more! Use it further!"

Seeing the madman flying in the air pointed her finger at her, Emelia immediately formed an icicle and attacked her.However, during the flight, the icicle seemed to collide with something, broke apart, and failed to attack the opponent.

On the other hand, the pressure of "approaching" from the madman has not diminished. The sliding Amelia "fuck" on the ice, creating a slope in front - and then using the inertia of sliding. , Leaped into the air in one breath.

Chapter 880 down?

Both Emilia and the man came into the air, and their eyes met.

Madness and indignation intertwined in an instant, and it was Emelia who launched the attack first.The large number of circular ice flakes made this time flew to the man in an irregular trajectory.

The circular ice flakes covering all directions up, down, left, and right are not an attack that can be avoided in an inoperable air.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

However, the flying disc was avoided by the madman with unnatural movements and unreasonable ways.

He twisted in the air with irregular movements, and with an uncontrollable spinning movement, he escaped outside the attacking range of the disc, making a cry of excitement.

"What, is this...what?" Emilia moaned because of his disgusting action.

"It's love!" The madman gave an answer that was not an answer, and then exuded the majesty of a salute, and the killing intent on his face made Emilia's white skin tremble.

The madman slammed his hands together with a war spirit worthy of her vigilance.

"I love Jieyin! The baptism of beloved! Accept! Just try it, come on!"

Feeling the ice mist penetrated, Emilia showed a stiff expression for the first time since the battle began.Because she perceives that invisible violence is coming from all directions, blocking all retreats, leaving herself nowhere to escape.

Being in the air, unable to move freely.This is the return of the previous blow, and it is inevitable.

Then, in fact, his attack was directed at Emilia's chest-piercing her heart center, piercing it cruelly.

The force of destruction penetrated the chest, and a hole was opened in the chest.Seeing the blow almost penetrated the body, the man's eyes widened.

"This is the end of doting! The result of my love! The witch has responded to the evidence of my love! But there is no need to sigh! Even if you lose your inner life, this container can be used by us—"

The man's declaration of victory was interrupted again, and a blow from directly behind kicked him out again.

The attack launched from the blind spot was completely beyond the madman’s expectations. Compared to the damage he received, the madman couldn’t understand the situation at hand. In front of him, Emelia slapped Parker’s meat ball and came with him on the shoulder A silent high five.

At this moment, the ice sculpture of Emilia that penetrated her chest was turned into powder.It was Amelia who even adjusted the "shooting" of the light, and could even "chaotic" the real.

"That's not okay, how can you look at other places while fighting. You will be made small moves?"

With his body flying in the air, the madman who was spinning violently had no time to take care of his surroundings.It was easy to be fooled by the fake Emilia that Parker had prepared, and she exposed her back unsuspectingly.

The preparations have been done to such a degree, Emilia is not a person who will fail.

"This time I won't let you escape."

The madman who fell straight after being kicked into the air had his hands and feet locked in icicles.Sealed the action ability, sealed the opponent's means of resistance, and then Amelia completed the entire combo.

The moment the man fell to the ground, the limbs covered with ice fixed his body to the ground.Emilia in midair was right above him, aiming at the madman and falling straight down.

The distance between the two quickly shortened. The madman looked at Emilia's approach, widened his eyes, and sneered: "Woohoo, this is really - hardworking, too!"

"Thank you. So let me kill you honestly!"

Emilia landed in the middle of the sneered man's body, and stepped deeply into it.

Under the power that the bones would be crushed, the madman struggled to groan in pain.However, that was only a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the ice seal spreads with the position where the soles of the feet stepped as the midpoint, and the parts other than the limbs of the madman are all stained with frost white and are completely frozen.

The madman didn't even utter a scream of death, he lost his life forever as part of the blooming ice flower.

This is the result of the battle between Emilia and the madman.

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