Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 532


The two might just feel that Mu Hantian suddenly disappeared.However, in the next instant, the two school badges made a crisp sound and split in half.Mu Hantian's speedy slash flashed, as if passing between two people.

"The game is over! The winner, Mu Hantian & Juris = Irexia von Risfeet!" The mechanical voice resounded through the silent venue.

It was as silent as a blank.But after a short while, the venue was immediately enveloped in cheers like galloping horses.

"This, this is really incredible! It's too late to live! Unexpected, unexpected speed! Unexpected strength! Can't think of other adjectives besides overwhelming!"

"Oh, it's amazing."

Amidst the excitement and enthusiasm of the audience, the two of Carletovas still stood there.

Mu Hantian returned to Uriss with a smile, and Uriss gently raised his hand to welcome.

"Hehe, really amazing."

Uriss "showed" a satisfied smile, and high-five to celebrate with Mu Hantian, and then the two walked off the stage.The game time is actually less than ten seconds, a veritable instant kill.

"There will be interviews with the winners later. No matter what they ask, they just want to be perfunctory." On the way, Uriss repeatedly told Mu Hantian.

"I know, but you didn't even start your weapon."

"Please, the setting-type ability has long been ambushing, and it is foolproof. If the opponent really steps in, it will be'boom-'." Ulys opened her fist to signal the explosion, "showing" fearlessly. Smile.

"Well, Uriss, in short, we'll just keep it like this, and it's up to you next time."

"No problem, I won't let you down." Uliss responded to Mu Hantian with a smile.


"Huh, we are back~"

Mu Hantian and Uriss, who returned to the lounge, sat on the sofa with a tired expression.

"Huan, welcome back! Congratulations to both of you!"

"Why are you so tired? Isn't it a spike?" Qi Lin and Saye who came to greet them looked at the two with a puzzled face, and Mu Hantian had to answer with a wry smile.

"No, the game is indeed a spike, but the next interview will be..."

"The media outside is really annoying. The reporting department of our academy is not so annoying yet." Uliss looked tired and drank all the drinks that Chirin had handed over.

"Hey, thanks for the compliment." Suddenly a voice came from the wall.

"Oh, Eishiro, are you here?"

"Congratulations on your victory in the first battle." Ying Shirou said with a smile, while taking pictures of the two with his mobile phone.

"I will remind you again, I just said it's not that annoying. It doesn't mean that I have a good feeling for you."

"Okay, okay, the princess is still the same strict." Facing the sullen Uliss, Ying Shilang shrugged exaggeratedly.

"Then, what's the matter? You won't come and cheer for me, right?" Mu Hantian asked with a smile.

"Haha, opponents of that level don't need me to cheer. My goal today is-the third round."

"So, Alecante?" Jules nodded in understanding.

"Hearing the speech at the opening ceremony made my reporter's soul boil. Anyone can tell that it is aimed at the two Alecante. So I immediately went to their lounge to interview."

"Have you heard anything? Ye Blow." Sa Ye walked up to Ying Shi Lang without hesitation, staring straight at him.

"As a result, I ate a lot of closed doors. The guards were so tight that they couldn't even fly in a fly and was kicked back."

"What is it!" Saye fell disappointed.

"Don't panic either, the third round is about to start anyway."

As everyone looked at the screen carefully, the other end of the wall suddenly rang loudly like shaking.

"Wow!" Mu Hantian and the others couldn't help looking at each other, but immediately noticed the true face of the loud noise.

——It's cheers.

"Oops! Has it already started?" Ying Shilang hurriedly opened another space screen.

The shaking cheers seemed to be inexplicable. They were more excited and fanatical than Mu Hantian and Uris's vivid appearance just now, and they also felt the audience's surprise.

What appeared on the space screen, as expected, was the figure of two robot dolls.

Chapter 566: Autonomous Modeling

Two dolls standing on the stage of the Sirius Dome-one of them looks like a combat simulacrum.But it is two times larger than the usual mimics.He was more than two meters tall, and his body was armored, and he looked like a mechanical knight.

The other doll is just the opposite. Its appearance is almost the same as a human-and it is almost the same as a human female.It has a flawless and correct look, and its slim body is covered in armor like metal clothing.

Both puppets wear the school badge of the Alecan Institute "Faint Xiao" on their chests.These two dolls are self-disciplined mimics that were reported by gossip.

Mimics-This can basically be treated as an artificial robot, although it is quite different from a real robot.

And the self-disciplined mimicry, which means that the robot has self-awareness, this situation is relatively rare in this world, and it is the first time that it has appeared on the stage of the Xingwu Festival.

Generally speaking, this self-disciplined mimicry should not appear on the stage of the Xingwu Festival, but this time the Phoenix Xingwu Festival is an exception.The operating committee decided to take this Xingwu Festival as an attempt to allow the self-disciplined mimics to replace the contestants, which means that the self-disciplined mimics are recognized as personal weapons and can participate in the Xingwu festival.

With the appearance of the two mimics, the live broadcast was introduced.

"According to this information, Datai's name is the self-disciplined mimic ar-d, commonly known as Aldi; the female "sex" type of self-disciplined mimic is tried rm-c, commonly known as Limshi."

"After all, it is an agent to play, or is it better to add the word'player'?"

"Haha, is that the case? Don't mention this, there are many other interesting information. For example..."

Confronting Aldi and Limsey are two students from Rewolf Black College.

The battle began, but Aldi and Limsey didn't move at all, allowing their opponents to attack for a minute, but there was no damage.It's amazing.

And a minute later, the two of them started to kill their opponents directly, without the slightest chance of fighting back.


"Really, the game is completely one-sided." As she said, Jules turned off the TV and sighed deeply and sat on the sofa.

Qirin and Saya still "show" incredible expressions.

"Well, today's headline news must be this. If it weren't for them, it would have been the princess." Even Ying Shilang's expression could not hide his inner surprise.

"If you play against those two, you must be quite a formidable enemy." When Qi Rin whispered in a slender voice, Uriss slowly shook her head.

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