Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 530

About thirty-five years old.The operating committee of the so-called "Star Wu Festival" is essentially the person with the highest responsibility for coordinating the "Star Wu Festival".Of course, he must be a cadre of the unified enterprise consortium, and it is more certain that he is younger than Chirin's uncle Okaichiro.

He has a sharp appearance, a jovial tone, and exudes a kind of leisurely calmness.Looking at the past, he can also see a perfect body that has been tempered. He is obviously the'Star Vessel Generation'.

"Madias Mesa is a graduate alumni of our Star Guild Hall." Ulys sighed with an expression of'please remember this little thing.'

"Forget how old he is, but I can be sure that he is very young, less than forty years old. He is still a leader who once dominated the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts' as a student."

"So that's the case, no wonder." Even if he deliberately suppressed, he could fully feel the calm and thick powerful star power.

"As the chairman of the operations committee, I am also quite talented. I remember that I took office a few years ago. He established a new system as a reform leader, and successively changed activities and rules, and every reform was highly evaluated."

"Since he is our graduate alumni, does it mean that he is a cadre of Yinhe?" Mu Hantian continued to ask.

"Well, it is in name."

"In name?" Mu Hantian tilted his head at this sentence, but Ulith replied uninterestedly.

"I heard that after Matthias Mesa won the'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', I hope to join the operating committee after graduation."

"Oh, even this wish can be realized."

"Of course, that kind of world can't do anything by squeezing in, but I heard that he has opened up a lot of joints since he was a student. I have seen him a few times before, but he is a very powerful role. It."

"Hey..." Mu Hantian stared at Matthias.At this moment, Mathias stared at Mu Hantian.

"However, talking too much will only affect everyone's interest, so at the end I will announce an important rule change to you. Of course, we have already notified the schools, and it seems that some news has been leaked." If Yas continued to speak without incident, he might just have been careless.

"Existing huang-style weapons do not impose restrictions on this aspect, but with the advancement of technology, some regulations become out of date. Specifically, it is whether self-discipline mobile machinery should be regarded as weapons."

It was Saye that immediately responded to this sentence.Saye, who was still "bewildered" and "bewildered" just now, stared forward with a serious expression.

"The basic idea of ​​our operation is to provide venues for everyone to maximize their strength. But if they are ignored, it will happen that individuals carry multiple autonomous mobile weapons as weapons. This is not fair to others... Of course, if This is the ability of a'witch' or a'magician', that's another matter."

Matthias is indeed a good speaker. After a moderate pause, he continued to explain further."But we will not limit the number of weapons. The easiest way is to prohibit the use of self-disciplined mobile weapons, but as just said, we don't want to set restrictions lightly. Restrictions will cause stagnation and eventually lead to decline. So, I hope you understand. This disposition is only for reference after the next competition... Only for this competition, it is regarded as a form of'agent participation'."

Suddenly, the audience began to "commotion".Not only the participating students, but the audience also became nervous.

"I hope you can understand that this regulation is not to benefit a particular school, but to ensure equality in the near future. Please believe that we will do our best to arrange the most beneficial rules for you. "When the "commotion" in the venue calmed down, Matias further explained and opened his arms to the audience.

"At the same time-please look forward to everyone who loves and supports the'Xingwu Festival'. This new regulation can take the'Xingwu Festival' to the next level. The'Xingwu Festival' will always be the best entertainment in the world. , The birth of a stage of immense excitement and emotion, it is the supreme fighting performance that shakes the soul!" With his loud declaration, there was a wave of grand applause from the audience.The spectators all hold the idea that as long as they can stir up the atmosphere of the game, any regulations are fine, so any new attempts are welcome.It seems that Claudia is right.

On the other hand, the reaction of the contestants was much colder.This requirement is troublesome after all, and it is no wonder that the contestants lack interest.

After Madias finished his speech, he smiled and waved down the podium.After that, there was another boring ceremony, and it was not until noon that the contestants were finally relieved.

Chapter 564 Preparation

"The opening ceremony of the 25th'Star Martial Festival' and the 24th'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' has come to an end. Participants from Zone A to Zone I participating in the'Phoenix Star Martial Festival' today, please be within the specified time Go to the playing stage inside."

"Uh~ Our venue is the main stage, shouldn't it be moved?" Mu Hantian slowly left the stage while listening to the venue broadcast.

The first round of the game will last four days. Mu Hantian and Uliss' first match will be on the first day, which is today.

"Well, but there is still a lot of time before the game. Let's go to lunch first."

"No problem, Uriss, with Saye and Qirin... Huh, strange?" Mu Hantian looked around at this point.Saye and Qirin, who were here just now, are nowhere to be seen.The first battle between the two should be tomorrow, so they won't leave the venue.

"Where did they both go?" Saye and Qi Rin are both petite, and it's not easy to find them in this crowd.

"Found the cold sky."

"Wow!" Suddenly someone hugged him from behind, and Mu Hantian couldn't help but exclaim.

"It turned out to be Saye...Don't be scary, okay. It's always like this!"

"There are many flaws." She hugged Mu Hantian's waist tightly, "exposed" a somewhat proud expression.

"Where did you go? We are looking for you."

"No, sorry, we just went to the locker to get this."

Mu Hantian looked back, Qi Lin was holding a large object in her hand and standing behind Saye with an apologetic expression.

"That is?"

"Hehehe, don't be scared when you hear it-it's a lunch box." Let go of Mu Hantian's Shaye, and said with a small chest.

"Bento?" Ulith looked back at Saye with a look of surprise.

"It's actually like this. I talked with Senior Sister Shashagong before—no, I talked to Saye classmates... This is made for both of you at the same time... No, if you don't dislike it, please try it. !" After speaking, Qi Lin flushed her face and handed the lunch box in her hand to Mu Hantian.

"Oh, is this specially prepared for us?"

"Actually, I have nothing, no, I should say that I have almost no cooking experience, so I asked Saye to teach me...ah, but it's really simple cooking!"

"Oh, but Shasha Palace, is your craft good enough to teach others?" Uris glanced at the increasingly proud Shaye, opened the lunch box and saw that the rice balls were full.The shape is crooked and twisted, the appearance is really not good-looking, but it seems that the producer's wholeheartedness can be felt.

"No, sorry, I'm really clumsy."

"No, I'm very happy. Thank you, Qi Lin." With that, Mu Hantian gently "touched" Qi Lin's head.

"Ah!" Qi Lin couldn't help but yelled softly, looking even more shy.


Seeing this scene, Shaye pulled Lamu Hantian's sleeve.Said: "Han Tian, ​​also look at what I do."

"Well, good." Mu Hantian then opened the second layer of the bento box, which was also filled with rice balls.The shape is much neater than Chirin's, and it looks very delicious.


"This rice ball... is really big." Uliss, who looked at the contents of the bento box, whispered with an indescribable expression.

In fact, the size of Saya’s rice balls is nearly three times the normal size.The airtight stuffed tightly into the bento box looks really amazing.

"Anything big or small, is my motto."

"It doesn't matter if it's big... But isn't this bento box all onigiri?"

"No way?"

"No, I just admire you a little bit. This alone can claim to teach Chirin to cook."


"I first declare that the sentence just now is not a compliment." Uriss said while pressing her temple, but Saye didn't seem to care at all.

"It's okay, since there are so many portions, everyone can enjoy it together, isn't it great?" Mu Hantian said indifferently.

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