Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 522

"What's wrong?"

"Well, it's okay, so please lead the way."

Recently, Ayato has become familiar with asterisik, but it is almost confined to the interior of the Star Guide Academy.The urban part only knows the part introduced by Uris, and has never been to other places.

"Okay." On the other hand, Qi Rin suddenly became energetic and her eyes were very serious.

"Ah, before running...Is the senior using weights?"


"'s this thing." Qi Lin took out the soap-like thing from her pocket and handed it to Mu Hantian.

When Mu Hantian took it over, he felt very heavy.It is probably difficult for ordinary people to even pick it up.

"At our speed, it's okay to run inside the campus, but it can't be like that outside."

"Oh, yes, this is really dangerous."

In this world, the "Star Vessel Generation" can run at a speed comparable to the legal speed of a vehicle, and Mercedes-Benz can't even catch up with the car.If you hit an average person at this speed, the opponent would definitely be seriously injured.

Even if it is not careful, if the'Star Vessel Generation' harms ordinary people, if there is no special reason, most of them will be severely punished.

"If you wear this, you won't run too fast, and at the same time you can exercise."

"That's it."

"I have prepared for Hantian senior, please use it."

"Thank you, then borrow Luo." Wearing it on the body, Mu Hantian's current body does not feel at all. This is not to say that it is useless, but it is useless for Mu Hantian.

"Then let's go." After Qi Lin finished speaking, she ran ahead to guide Mu Hantian, and Mu Hantian immediately followed.

Chapter 557 The Enemy

"You seem to have a very good relationship with Kirin Doto lately." Mu Hantian was standing in front of the meal ticket vending machine in the northern cafeteria, thinking, when he wanted to order, a voice suddenly came from behind him.Looking back, the girl with bright rose "color" hair sullenly stood behind Mu Hantian.

"Oh, it's Uriss, are you going to have lunch now?"

Ying Shilang is short of money, and Saye is late for class because she overslept, and Kuangzi is arrested to preach, so she is rarely alone.

"In that case, do you want to eat together?"

"Yes, is it? Well, since you said that, it's not impossible to eat together..." Even though Ulis turned her face away, she nodded with a happy expression.

"Okay, let's eat curry today." From the space window displayed in the front of the meal ticket machine, Mu Hantian chose a curry with a large piece of bone-in chicken and pressed it down.

"Ulith, how about you? What do you eat?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Hmm... I don't know if the Bang Pasta a set meal or the c set meal with dessert is better, I should choose......"

Uris supported her chin and stared at the space window, but then suddenly raised her head and yelled at Mu Hantian angrily: "That's not the case! What I want to ask is you and Kirin Toto!" As a result, Uris's. With a strong wave of his hand, it hit the space window.



With a bang, the meal coupon spit out by the machine read'Extra Spicy Curry'.

"That's it. This is a well-known dish in Beidou Canteen. It's super spicy. Can you do it?"

"No, it's okay! I wanted to eat this anyway! Okay, I'll go take a seat first, and you can get the meal quickly!"

"Oh, okay!" At the urging of Uliss, Mu Hantian hesitated whether to do this or not, and at the same time served two curry.At this time, I have felt the destructive power of spicyness. Although the appearance is no different from ordinary curry, I can even smell the spicy taste.This dangerous fragrance made Mu Hantian hesitate whether to take it away.

"Han Tian, ​​here. Hurry up!" Uriss, who occupied the table seat by the wall, raised a hand to greet Mu Hantian.

"Waiting for a long time, Uriss... but are you really okay? This is very spicy!" Mu Hantian put the tray in front of Uriss.

Uliss's expression was delicately pulling her face."No, didn't it mean it's okay? Also, I want to ask Kirin Toto and you!"

"Well, but it's nothing, it's only practiced together in the recent morning." Mu Hantian honestly said that there was nothing else between him and Qi Lin, and Uriss was a little relieved after listening.

"By the way, Uriss, you haven't even eaten a's okay, right?"


Jules's spicy curry has not diminished in the slightest.She only moved the spoon and didn't put a bite into her mouth.

"If it's too spicy, just leave it. Now you can order more."

"Big fool! How could it be so wasteful!"

As a princess, she was reluctant to waste food. She was really influenced by friends in her own country.While Mu Hantian was thinking like this, Uriss was putting the spoon into her mouth with a look of consciousness.

In the next moment, Jules flushed, then turned blue.

"Don't, don't do this, Jules! Don't force yourself."

"Um...I, I'm fine...! This is nothing...!" Uliss' tears rolled in her eyes, but she replied tremblingly, and then she grabbed the cup and poured it out.She didn't look okay at all.

"Then, do you want to exchange with me?"

"Wh, what!" After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Uriss opened her eyes in surprise.

"My curry is also a bit spicy, but it should be better than yours. If you don't mind, just eat mine."

But Uriss froze in place like a statue, motionless.

"Ah, it really is because I have eaten it, so don't you like it?"

"No, no! It's not like that!" Ulith shook her head vigorously, denying Mu Hantian's words.

"I, I don't care about this, on the contrary..." At this point, Ulis suddenly fell silent.

"No, no, since this is what I ordered, I have a responsibility to finish it. You can't let you eat it for me."

"You are still the same." Mu Hantian admired her a little bit when she was so strong.

"But, we are partners, so..." Mu Hantian said, swapping their curries.


"Well, eat mine!" After speaking, Mu Hantian put the special spicy curry into his mouth. It was so spicy that he almost fainted, but he managed to finish the curry during the break.


In the morning asterisk, there will be a short period of time turning into a white and white world.

Due to the temperature difference between the lake water and the air, it is easy to produce fog. Although the fog will disappear for a while after the sun rises, the foggy scene is full of fantasy beauty, attracting a large number of viewers. However, today the fog is thicker than usual.

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