Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 503

"bring it on!"

'Black Furnace Demon Sword' and Mu Hantian stared at each other for a while before suddenly attacking.

Mu Hantian quickly avoided the magic sword that rushed towards him, squinted his eyes to face the abnormally high temperature, and stretched out his hand to grab the hilt.Just as Mu Hantian was about to catch it, the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' suddenly changed its direction in the air, slashing towards Mu Hantian's body horizontally.

Mu Hantian hurriedly stepped to the floor and pulled away, but there was already a burnt mark on the uniform.

"I want to ask the school for compensation." Mu Hantian said half-jokingly. At the same time, the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' flew high to the ceiling in an instant, and then fell rapidly from the top of Mu Hantian's head.

Although the Demon Sword attacked from a completely dead angle, Mu Hantian shrank as if he had expected it long ago, and reached out and grabbed the hilt of the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

"Damn, it's too hot!" Although it was precautionary, the hilt of the sword was hot beyond imagination.

"Sorry, it's over!" As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Hantian "plugged" his sword into the ground, and the heat that filled the room suddenly disappeared without a trace.The'Black Furnace Demon Sword' also suddenly stopped, as if the loss of control just now did not exist.

"Really, it's too much trouble." Mu Hantian said lightly, panting slightly.

"It's really cold weather you, too powerful-what is the fitness rate?" Claudia responded first, clapped her hands, and said.

The staff of the Equipment Bureau didn't seem to know that the second half of this sentence was to himself.A group of people stood there in a daze, and then they reported as if they were waking up from a big dream.

"hundred percent!"

"Oh, Han Tian, ​​it seems that this sword is for you." Claudia nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, maybe!"


"Okay, that's it." After applying the anti-inflammatory "medicine" and wrapping the bandage, Claudia gently let go of Mu Hantian's right hand.

"But is it really possible not to go to the health room? I should be able to receive further treatment there, right?"

"Thank you, but this is enough." Mu Hantian shook his right hand, no longer the pain.

"It's okay if you think it's okay."

Mu Hantian and Claudia returned to the office again.Due to slight burns while holding the'Black Furnace Demon Sword', Claudia pulled him in semi-strongly in order to help Mu Hantian bandage.

The two sat on the sofa for meeting guests.Although Claudia's body consciously or unconsciously made Mu Hantian feel uncomfortable, he still asked the important questions first.

"But, can I really use it?"

After the "commotion", he finally lent the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' to Mu Hantian.However, the registration procedure takes two or three days, so the magic sword is not in hand yet.

"No one will have an opinion on the fit rate 100%. Or do you have any dissatisfaction with the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'?"

"No, I just think it's too easy."

"Oh, easy..." Halfway through Claudia's words, the office door was opened.

"Uris?" Mu Hantian was taken aback, why did Uris come here.

"I'm looking for something to do with you." Uliss walked straight to Mu Hantian and said.

"Find me?"

"Yes, are you free on Sunday the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow? Well, I should be free." Mu Hantian hadn't been very busy just after transferring to another school, but he might encounter unexpected situations.

"Okay, then as I said before, let's show you around the city blocks. After all, it's an appointment."

"Well, please."

"Also... there is something I want to confirm first. Didn't you ask me to show you around?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"So, this... this time I don't want anyone to bother me. Ying, I should say that this will "disturb" my pace..." Ulyss seldom talked, but Mu Hantian knew what she was going to say.

"I don't think you should worry about Saye."


"Because the teacher said before that she asked her to go to counselling on Sunday."

When Mu Hantian said this, Uriss clapped her hands.A little excited."Oh, yes... Well, it turned out to be like this! That's it! I'll be out of company first, and I will contact you again for the detailed time and place!" Uliss nodded in agreement, and then suddenly raised her hand. Walked out the door.

"Ah, Hantian, why don't you let me show you around?" Claudia asked aloud when Uriss was gone.

"Well, since I have asked Uliss, I should keep my promise. That's it, I'm leaving, and I will train NVC in the afternoon." Mu Hantian finished speaking and left.

"Really, I wanted to..." Seeing Mu Hantian's leaving back, Claudia muttered to herself.

Chapter 642 Visit

"Master, can you start?" Mu Hantian and Lei Shida stood together in a training room.

"Well, you can start. Listen to me. Your strength is very good, but your speed is not good at all. If your opponent fights a protracted battle with you, you must be the one who suffers, so the first thing we have to train is your agility. "Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Master, rest assured, I can accept any training." Lei Shida patted his chest and said firmly.

"Very well, let's start, you can't use the'star force' to hide." Mu Hantian pointed to the tennis shot device beside him. (ps: It is the kind of machine that can quickly shot the tennis ball. , Is the thing that Zeng Xiaoxian used.) Said to Lei Shida.

"No problem, Master."

"Do you think it's simple? No, this machine is ten times faster."

"It's okay, I can do it!"

"Well, let's start!" Mu Hantian finished speaking, put the tennis shot device beside him to a certain distance, and then activated it. Lei Shida took the tennis racket and stood opposite.


Throughout the afternoon, Lei Shida repeated the same actions, and during this period he couldn't help using the'star force', but was immediately beaten by Mu Hantian.

"Lestar, your speed and strength have improved a bit, but it's not enough, but it's so dark today, come back the day after tomorrow, tomorrow I promised Jules to visit the city with her."

"I know."

"That's it, I will put this thing here, you come by yourself tomorrow, and we will train new ones the day after tomorrow." Mu Hantian glanced at Lei Shida and said lightly.



the next day:

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