Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 349

Origami didn't answer, but raised his face in silence.At the same time, the two giant cannons on the left and right turned towards Jessica and the others.

"Goal changed! Ready to fight!" After Jessica let out a harsh cry, she pointed her muzzle at the origami.

However, in the next instant, Origami waved the laser knives with both hands, and then "shot" the blade of light, directly hitting Jessica's laser cannon.

"What!" There was no shock.No sparks were emitted.But Jessica quickly realized the sense of violation.Right hand, can't move.

Looking to the right, he found that his right hand was entangled by the belt of light, which hindered his actions.

"This kind of thing! Damn it." Sending instructions to the brain to locally strengthen the random area.Want to disperse the belt of light.But at the same time, Origami has once again turned the magic cannon towards Jessica.Panic drove the propeller to escape there.But it was still swept into Jessica's random area by the light of magic.

"What are you doing! Shoot it down! Hurry up!" After Jessica yelled, the dazed subordinates finally came to a sense of relief.Expand the formation to surround the origami, and constantly fire missiles and laser cannons.

The huge body "whitelycoris" centered on origami was submerged in smoke.

"Stop shooting!" Jessica shouted after the concentrated artillery fire lasted for 120 seconds.The subordinates and the'bandersnatch' stopped the shelling.

But as a result,...

I heard the embarrassing voices of the subordinates constantly coming from the headphones.Jessica frowned and held the headset with her hand.

"What's wrong!"

"Another random area has been imposed around the body, and the body can't move at all!"

"How is it possible?" At the moment when he finished speaking, the white smoke that was originally drifting in front of him suddenly disappeared like a whirlpool.

In the middle of it, you can see the figure showing hundreds of origami bullets against the elven warheads, with all the rear weapon storage unfolded.

"Hurry up," Jessica shouted.

But it was too late.Simultaneously "fire" a large number of missiles from the armory, flying towards the fixed magician and the'bandersnatch'.



The screams of the subordinates kept coming from the headset.Several team members and the equipment of the'bandersnatch' dropped white smoke to the ground.

Glancing at the sensor projected on the retina.The biological response has not disappeared, but it is impossible to return to the battle.After the shelling just now, nearly half of the members were shot down.After smacking her lips fiercely, Jessica gave instructions to her brain to switch on a new communication circuit.

"Emergency! Request for reinforcement!"

However, the communication that responded after a while gave an unbelievable reply: "Ah, this circuit is not in use now. Nishibuyao cannot go to the scene because of the order from the upper level, so please confirm before communicating. "It was obviously the voice of Liaozi.

"What are you still playing around at this time! Your subordinates are now violent here!"

However, all that responded to her was Liaozi repeating the words just now.

"That's it, you instigated it. You remembered it for me. I made you unable to eat and walk around!" After Jessica said viciously, she closed the communication circuit with Liaozi and opened another one. Channel.

Although I didn't want to use this originally, but now I can't help it.It is better than defeat in battle.

"This is adeptus3! It's in an emergency now! Please send reinforcements right away!" Jessica shrieked while avoiding the flying missiles.

Chapter 486 Victory

Cheers from the audience came from across the stage.Then the heart started pounding as if echoing this.

It moisturizes the dry throat due to tension.By the way, took a deep breath.Mu Hantian and others waited for the show.

The jazz band of the previous school finished their performance and saluted the audience, and then there was applause from the audience.

Mu Hantian glanced behind him slightly.There were five people, Aimei Mai, Yakushiya, and Yuxian who could not see any tension at all.

The performers of the previous show had already left the stage, and the staff began to set up the drums.At this moment, a sound like an alarm sound came from the earphone in the right ear.

"Qinli? Did something happen?" Mu Hantian asked.

After a moment of unnatural silence, Qinli replied: "Nothing. Brother, you have to concentrate on the stage now."

"I know."

"Really. It feels like you are nervous now."

"It's not nervous, it's just a little excited. I haven't sang like this in a long time. After all, I haven't released a record or held a concert for more than a year, so I'm a little excited.

At this moment, the staff on the side of the stage sent a signal to Mu Hantian and the others.It seems that the preparations on site are ready.

The speakers set up on the stage began to broadcast the following program: "Here is the band performance of Dulilai Zen High School." In response, there was a round of applause from the venue.

"Then, we are going to go!" After speaking, Mu Hantian began to walk forward.Yai Meiyi Mai, Ye Juya, and Yuxian followed closely.Then he entered from the side of the dimly lit stage to the stage that was "shot" by a large number of lights.

Among the dark venues, the only stage illuminated by light.The auditorium filled up.The much-anticipated sight.Make Mu Hantian feel happy.

"It really doesn't feel like for a long time." Mu Hantian muttered to himself as he watched the audience.

"Then, next is our performance time at Zen High School. The name of this song is Fairytale (Fairy Tale), I hope everyone likes it." After speaking, Mu Hantian signaled Ye Juya and others to accompany it.The latter nodded, so, amidst the pleasing accompaniment, Mu Hantian's magnetically pleasing voice entered everyone's ears.

"The dream that I put down as a child

Now comes to mind again

As if singing carefully

The sentiment of the green grass in the heart

Sentimental for my fairy tale

Nothing will end

I have known this forever

But no one will mention it again

Our story

Just leave a kiss

Where are you going

Holding a light

Disappear in the direction of the forest

Disappear into the darkness

Walked far in front of me

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