Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 146

"Are you listening to the big giant?"

These two major hidden villages have the highest people, at this moment, the expression is particularly serious.

"Time and space cracks are odd, and now the giant, it is really not dare to drop light."

The two sides discussed the especially late. The ordinary giant injured were already scary, not to mention the huge existence of 60 meters, and heard that this giant is not cut on the back neck, the leg is still recovering.

Yun Yincun Village still doesn't know the situation of oversized giants, but the fog hidden village has cooperated with Yan Yin Village to make a large wall.

Due to the giant, everyone thinks, all the walls, after all, looking for a waters to defense requires special geographical positions.

This day, I will open the system this day:

[Order Silver II]

Leg bone increase 300

Foot muscle increase 300

Muscles of the legs to the foot 400

Arm bone booster 300

Arm muscle increase 300

Wristness increase 200


His physical quality is improving in these three years. It is also a degree of elite tolerance.

Chakra has reached 4700

Not only that, under the quality of the strong body, eight-door armor can also open to more than 5 doors. In theory, the 0-year-old man is already close to invincible. He originally intended to build an entertainment king's idea, suddenly drilled out in the giant At that moment, all is shattered.

At night, this thought can calm down.

However, there is a giant of the giant during the day, and the black space crack begins to have severe fluctuations, and the night value of sandy village is in the village, and the Asma and the Saxi Red in the village.

"It's a giant, the giant came out again."

Under the night, countless ninja is again tight.

I saw those giants during the day, and when I was a night, those giants were more horrible, like a monster.

"Everyone uses fire -"

Then all kinds of firms are burning, and it is to use endurance, hands and swords and all kinds.


The ninja was screaming by the giant, and then it was taken.

"The nest is too close to the middle of the wall, don't rely too close."

"I have to hold the back of the knife and attack the giant !!"

A grand battlefield of a slaughter giant appeared, the wall is very thick, after all, the ninja, which will be done, is being transferred here, doing a city wall with a length of nearly 0 meters wide, 50 meters high.

Originally, the night attack of this giant will fail to fail.

Ow -

Suddenly the horrible screaming and long-term shots.

Countless ninjas are all shocked. They are wide and unbelievable, and there is a big giant that is like a skin in the spatial crack.

"Heaven! What is it?"

The original 50-meter-high city wall, fighting the ordinary giants, can also hit the attack, but when seeing the 60-meter super large giant appears, all the Ninja in the city wall is striking this moment.

All Ninja almost all forgot the attack.


Just one hit, the huge city wall is a huge cavity.


Countless ninjas are screaming.

"Flowing sand waterflow -"

Suddenly, when there were countless ninjas desperate, I loved it, although I am still very small now, but he is also saved by a young man, at this moment, it has a high strength, and can perfect use of the body the power of.

Have a tail of Chakra, I Ai Luo can control countless yellow sand to make the ability to destroy nature, countless Huangsha swept to the super big giant swept.

However, the strength of the giant is too powerful.

It forcibly breaks the countless yellow sand, the super large giant also has wisdom, he knows that my love is not easy, but it turns open to my love attack.

"Don't -"

"I love Luo -"

Night fork pills, handcuffs, and Jiu Lang are coming, can't bear to see such horror scenes.


Just when everyone thinks that I love to be killed, he is ~

The same is a huge beast sound, shocking, I saw that I loved directly released a tail guard.

Different from the original drama, the guard crane in the original drama and I can't get along with my love, only when I love to sleep, it can come out.

But here, I love to fight against the guard.


The oversized giant is fighting against the crane, inside the broken wall, every hit is like a ceiling.

"Day, this level of fighting, we have no way to intervene."

"That is a tail guard in Sandy Village. I didn't think that I loved so much monster, it is terrible."

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