Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Totter Cat Chapter 723

Because the other party not only has a man named Yu Zhibo, there is a lot of powerful ninja, but also a few tail beasts.

The existence of tail beast has always been a secret weapon by major hidden villages, as a deterrence.

In this case, there are five or six in the other part, and that kind of deterrent is not said.

"Right, troubles you will talk about the information and identity information of those people who attacked your village." The people said again.

I heard the words, and several people were opposite the eyes, and there were no people who were so embarrassed.

In the end, I still said: "This attacked our foggy village, is the sage of our foggy village, the ten hidden, and the leader of the tissue, the useer of the round, but Ten Tibet has been killed by us, only round-looking users are taken away. "

Some people open first, and others have nothing to cover.

"Attacking our sandy village, is also the s gradation of our sandy village, Red Sands and burning leaves!"

The house is a little surprised to him.

Two s sarcasars? !

The Red Sands of the Third Generation of the Shadow of Sandy Village were killed, and the burning leaf ware of the position of Luo Sai grabbed the fourth generation.

As for why the Ye Cang will be rebellious, then I can only ask the current fourth-generation wind, Luo Sand, it is estimated that as a victorious Rose Sand wants to remove her, take the opportunity to be treated and the absolute will be fooled.

Since the oranges and Luo sand are open, then the wild wood and Ai also don't have anything good.

Among the people of their two hidden villages, there are few more and have the rebellion of their village.

No way, if you don't have a tie in the hidden village, it is not so good to be in the village's defense.

In general, it was in the group weaving, gathered the rebellion of major hidden villages, but it was because of the gathered of so many rebels, led to the basic situation in the villages, and did not know the organization. .

The goal of oneself is too big, in the opposite eyes, like there is no secret, but the one who knows the other party is not much.

Just when everyone thinks about the next plan.

The people suddenly picked up, and slammed directly from the chair, causing the chair and the ground to rub the harsh sound.

With his movements, everyone's sight is concentrated on him.

However, quickly their sight moved to the sight of the people and transferred to the middle of the conference room table.

A white figure is slowly rising from the table.

Chapter 326, Fourth Treatment


It was found that someone suddenly entered this inseparable conference room, as a three ships of the organizer of the organizer immediately.

As a warrior, the three ships have put their hands on his shank.

However, he just took a step forward and he was reached out of his hand.

Looking at this slowdown on the wooden table, it is exactly.

This miserable look, the people know that this is definitely dedicated to the deck of low-key and cautious personality, it will never do it.

At the same time, the people also see it, this white is not one of the trees he knows, just a critical existence.

Sure enough, after the white appearance, he looked at the people in the secret room without any feelings, but only slightly sharp sounds.

"My representative of the organization to declare war to the summit of five hidden villages, starting from this moment, belonging to us and the fourth time."


If you haven't finished it, you can't take the five fingers who have opened it directly in your hands.

Then, the other palm is put on this vane.

Human road!

A misstanting is a thin, the virtual shadow is in the hands of the people, belonging to the memory of the white.

Listening to him nonsense, it is better to read him directly.

Originally, the people who have to write the power of the eyes, but this time, the people who look back in the eyes, solve this troubles easily.

Soon, I have finished reading this white memory, there are many of which have a broken memory shred, can only see some things.

This is a memory fragment belonging to this white body.

White is in the Warring States Period, the god tree controlled by the co-tube Hui Hui absorbed the creatures that others converted, and they have been winning as a gods torso, which is the outer road of the ten tail.

Nowadays, there is still a lot of tail beasts, and it is finally able to summon the white quantity of the hidden in the outer road. At this time, the people in the hand are just very ordinary. One more.

However, this is not the information he needs to know from the white, just what he needs, just where they appear.

At the same time, I know the way the outer magic is located.

He has a round-e-eye, and can also summon the vaginal magic image, control the magic of the outer road, or the other party has passed some special means to block the outer road magic, and it will come out.

Everything about the other party is built on the control of the outer road, if the people can know the vision of the outer road, then control the vaginal image, then, if it is the resurrection of Yu Zhibo, the people are not very embarrassed. he.

Sure enough, after using the round-e-eye mana, the religion successfully got what he wanted.

Will thoroughly lose your vitality and throw it on the table.

The housekeeper looked at the other people in the room, Shen Sheng: "You also saw it, the other party has placed the warfare in front of us, no matter how you decide, our wooden leaves have to be shot."

Said, let people look at the three boats and nodded him.

After the three boat hesitated, he still nodded immediately to open the room.

The house took the waves to the door, leaving the remaining this film sitting in the room.

"Right, remind you, the position of the other party is now in the country, if you want to do it, make your fate to others, then look at it."

After finishing, I really turned directly to leave.

Sitting in the side of the secret room looked at each other, looked at the white body lying on the ground, and then looked at the location of the people who were disappeared.

The orange is standing up and puts up on the table represents the body of the shadow, wear it on the head, and go outside the door.

"Four generations of water shadows, what do you do?" Asked Qiwu.

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