Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 707

"This time isn't it, this time I will integrate these precious materials, all of them, name is called intimate heaven!"

I heard the name of the intimate paradise, and the people have shock.

Although the publication may be and now some are sorry, but as long as you know the people you know, this is the top of the wooden leaves, which is a classic that helps Kakasi walks out of the shadow and let him love the classic.

At the same time, it will also be famous in the creation of the entire endurance in one fell swoop in one fell swoop.

"Well! Just heard the name, it feels very promising. This time you must publish it, your old-nin ghosts are not enough? Do you want me to fund you? As long as you can share it, you will be enough." People are busy.

I saw him so enthusiastic, and I didn't react again.

"Hey, have you believe in me? How do I feel so difficult to trust?"

"That is very trustworthy, you are a good colorful cacto!"

"Good color cactus? This name seems to be not bad, then the pen name of this book is called this!"

"No matter what to say, let me see the material you collected, let me help you put it. ..."

"Oh, everything is here."


after an hour.

After appreciating the masterpiece, the house is even a pair, I must have to fund your appearance.

In the end, the two were finalized, the people were funded, and they also provided materials. All the benefits of the three seven books, the residence of the money accounted for 70%, and the past also accounted for 30%.

Anyway, it is necessary to get another publisher, and you can only get so much, even less.

It is better to print directly from the Ministry of Public Information, which is founded directly, and the money earned, regardless of how it is a wooden leaf.

Some people helped out their books, and they are of course happy.

However, he may not think that this book that is ready to publish this book, may sweep the whole tolerance, plus the full propaganda of the house, and the effect may be very surprising.

After two people finalized these matters, they all exposed a satisfactory smile and felt that they earned.

It's just hope to go to the book, and the people just think about making money, and the two take the required.

"Okay, the unimportant part is over, I am so anxious from the battlefield this time, there is still an important thing to find you."

"Well? Important things? Is there more important than this matter?"

It is also slightly sessions that have become slightly serious.

Seeing him, the people will not joking and slowly converge.

"This is the case, you should know that the psychic snakes of your teacher come from the dragon floor of the three major holy land?"

I heard that he said that the dragon cave, the people faintly guessed what they would say to himself.

I nodded: "I know, I don't know the dragon cave, I also know that the Tonglin of the Outline is from the wet bone forest in one of the three holy places, and the old high-color ghosts are from the legend. Wonderful Mountain. "

"Yes, my spirit is from the Miao Mountain.

Also, there is a strong . "

Slightly pause a moment, continue to say: "This big fairy, despite the big age, listening is not very clear, but it has a very powerful ability, that is, dream."

The forehead has a few black lines.

I also saw the black line of his forehead, immediately explained: "You don't think this is a very simple thing, you have to know, you will dream of dreaming during sleep, the whole endurance is only one Just.

And its dream is not a general dream, it can dream of the future.

At the beginning it, I gave me a prediction about me and about the entire endurance.

Daxie fairy has dreamed that I will encounter the prophecy to save this world, and become his teacher, helping him lay the foundation. "

"So, have you encountered the story of the legendary prophecy?" The people asked.

I also rubbed my own chin, "I thought I met, but with time, I am more and more uncertain.

Don't interrupted me, I haven't finished the event.

Just a few days ago, when you sign a peace agreement before and and Yin Village, Daxie fairy once again summoned me again, and told me that you must bring you to the big fairy, it dreams about it. Your prophecy.

So I am so late from the big team. "

I heard it, and I was got.

"About my prediction?"

Location, I have nodded seriously, "Yes, and I see that the appearance of the big fairy fault seems to be a bit, which I have never seen it in the big fairy fault, so you'd better take me now. "

Seeing him is so anxious, the resort is slightly sinking and sinks. "Okay, then we will go now."

He has never been to Miao Mountain, and I don't know what kind of place.

Late the expression, immediately remove the huge reels carry on the back and open it.

"Are you ready?"

The house is nodded.

"Reverse Psychics!"

A smoke disappeared, and the two disappeared in the fire office.

When you open your eyes again, you will feel a bird-speaking, warm sunlight and a breeze.

The environment here is compared with the entire endurance, it is simply the peach source that everyone dreams of.

It is a variety of plants that are different from the endurance, not only the growth is very exaggerated, but even a faint different from normal plants.

Most importantly, the insects in these plants are quietly volts, and the body is very large.

At first glance, a insect cub, about a house, a rack of arms.

In such a place, if you are old, it is absolutely a very good place to endow the old.

Of course, the premise is that food is normal.

"Okay, here is Miao Mountain, let's go, let's go see the big fairy."

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