Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 681

However, for sandy village, for my love, the people really don't have so much energy to manage, how about it, how about it, this time I endure the exam, I still have to How is an attitude towards Yun Yin Village.

Is it a resumption of peace or a collections, or continues to fight or even expand the battle, or like a misty village, use the control method to secretly control Yun Yin Village.

However, Yun Yin Village is different from the misty village, and it is not as simple as the control.

"According to our group, I will help me let me be a perfect column force."

"Then you should wait until I love to use itself to use your own Chakra, and have enough self-awareness, now he is just a small baby, do you want him to be a perfect tolerance? ? "

The house uses the idiot of idiot to look into Luo Same.

Unfortunately, Luo Sand will not see the discouragement in the eyes.

"Because the seal of our sandy village is not strong enough."

Thirty-sixth chapter on-site construction [ask monthly ticket]

Through the simple conversation with Luo Sand, the people also understand why didn't receive a little information, and Luo sand, the body of the fourth generation, actually came to the wooden leaves.

It turned out that I loved the column of the tail, and because the sandy village is not strong, the young, my Alogen is not afforded to be aware of the consciousness of him.

"I know, wait until this time I endure the exam, I will go to Sandy Village in the first time to help you solve this trouble." The people finally promised to Luo Same.

Since it is something that I promised from the beginning, then the people don't have a resignation. Anyway, now Sandy Village, there should be no many people can stop him.

In front of time-space, the number is sometimes not able to play a role.

Luo Sand nodded, "In this case, I thank you in advance."

After finishing, wearing the wind shadow of Sandy Village, wearing the wind shadow of Sandy Village, and stopped when walking to the door.

"Yes, can you ask how you are going to deal with and Yun Yin Village?"


If you smile, I don't want to talk to Luo Sand in this matter.

Luo Sa is not surprising. After all, this is about the opponent policy after the leaves, and it is impossible to say it.

He added: "It doesn't matter, you don't tell me.

I want you to know, this time, no matter what choice for your leaves, our sandy village will choose to stand on the same side of your wooden leaves, and when it is a few failed, we succeeded Lesson, "

Said, Luo Same is no longer hesitating, open the door and go out.

It is a chamber of the conference room, watching the figure of Luo Sand disappears in the space, suddenly grinning his mouth smile.

"It's really a sense of knowledge, Luo Sand."

If the people didn't think that after several lessons, there was a decision in the heart, although the facts proved that this decision is not a bad thing.

Wait until Luo Sand left, the waves and Nara deer took back.

What the two talked about Luo Sand and the people didn't care, or said that this is not what they should care.

Luojing said in a transparent glass ball and sit in front of the people.

"Is there anything I need to pay special attention to this person from all walks of life?" Asked the people.

Since Nara Life is responsible for this to endure exam, then in order to make the leaves better, naturally, it is a series of investigations, and the information that came to participate in the internal tolerance is a large part. .

Nara Luli did not hesitate, and the reached out, and he hugged the crystal ball, showing a personal shadow.

"There are not a lot to pay special attention, of which this is from the misty village. It is necessary to pay special attention to the peach, it is said that when he graduated the graduation assessment in the fog hidden village, he participated in the graduation assessment with him. A total of all slaughters don't have, thus causing the entire fog hidden village to change this bloody policy in blood mist.

This is a need to pay very attention.

and also"

Luo is introduced one by one, most of which comes from all over the village.

Although they are endurance, but true strength, it is not more than some, and even in which they are outstanding, it is not necessarily an opponent.

"Yes, in addition to these, there is a very strange person, from Chuanyin Village, Sichuan Province." Nara Luli suddenly remembered a relatively special, also paying attention to him.

Immediately, crystal balls, showing a head of Sichuan hidden village, his eyes closed, wearing a white and a large robe, only the hands are revealed from exaggerated cuffs.

Have a pale skin and blue white long hair, slender willows, it is not very cold weather, but the neck is surrounded by a brownish scarf.

It can be seen that this person is not small, probably should have a hexadecimal or even greater.

Such age, in this intermediary test, it is already a large number of people, of which is only seven or eight years old.

I saw this person's appearance, and I looked at the eyebrows.

I don't know why, he always feel that this person seems to be a bit more familiar, but he is sure that he really has never seen this person.

"He, what happened?"

"It's actually there is nothing.

This person seems to be a little bit, even because his eyes seem to be blind, so in the crowd of the exam, it is in the inferiority, this is also very common with the ninja of Chuanyin Village, Sichuan. meets the.

However, there is nothing, but when I sent people to investigate, I found an exception. "

When it comes to this, Nara Luojing's expression looks a little downtown. "I didn't find any information about him, there is no information about him."

"Any information? That time I come to participate in the Chinese tolerance of the Testament of the exam? Is there any information about them?" The people also feel some unexpected.

Luo Long slowly shake his head, "that is not, the other two can investigate the information and intelligence about their information, it is sinister."

The people slowly rub their own chin. "In this case, this person will pay a little more."

It's just a neutral, in which it seems to be more influenced, even if it is a shadow, it seems that there is anything in the face.

However, this person will give him a little more or less, and a little strange is familiar with it.

At this point, it is worth a little more attention to some.

Only he knows, in this ninja world, there are a lot of things that he knows, and others don't know.

Although it has been a long time, many things have been blurred, but he can make this familiar and unfamiliar, it must be with the original or less contact, which is enough to pay him attention.


These are the especially values ​​that need to be paid in this inner tentative exam, but what is your original purpose is not for this to endure exam, is your goal not? "Nara Luo is helpless.

Although he also knows that the relationship between the things and other hidden villages, it is definitely this to endure the exam, there is no way, and the people will be responsible for this, he will pay attention to this time.

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