Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 657

It is also a bit miserable, and it has been in the top of the hairdress. When you are ready to launch a coup, they will join, because they are clear, if they let the three generations continue to go, their ghost lights will finally decline.

But I didn't expect that after the end of the coup, they did not have a decline in control.

The nail in the three generations of water is a ghost light family. Even if the coup is heavy, he will bite a piece of meat from the ghost light.

The genius of the ghost lamp is sent to the genius knife, the ninja ghost lamp is full of death in this coup, and the overall strength of the ghost light is reversed.

Some fog hidden villages in the scent of oranges, and finally they can breathe in the misty village. It is not necessary to face the two mountains in the foggy village.

This is certainly declined for the overall strength of the fog hidden village, and it may even drop a lot.

However, it is certainly good for the development of fog hidden villages.

All of this, all the misty village residents look in their eyes.

Even in their eyes, now look up at the sky, there is a lot less in the air, and the air in the fog hidden village has changed again into the wet but fresh taste.

So, as this starting the ghosts of the first gun, it is no longer, in their eyes, is a hidden village hero.

At the same time, many people after it refused to mention the peach that has already passed the world, using a very respectful tone.

For example, the only one of the remaining people in the ghost light, the ghost lights of the ghost lights, and he didn't even have a very respect, and even if he choosed the weapon, he did not choose the double knife used by his brother, but Choose the broken knife and red cutting knife who don't use it!

Of course, the big cutting knife is still in the fog hidden village, and the hidden hand is in the hands of the peach, it is a long knife.

After a while, the people in the whole hotel will finish all, only the people still have a remember, and the peach that is ready to eat will never eat.

In fact, there is still a curious thing for people who have a mask with a mask.

However, the perception of no longer is very keen, as if it is a sense of sight, it looks at his direction.

I don't have to wrinkled, I watched the direction of the air, and he was clear that it was true that the sight of a person was true.

The man stretched a lazy waist and walked on the street.

"Really, the little guy now, is it so powerful? Just just look at the line, it is not something that is obvious."

I have a little less than the strength of the peach, and there is less awareness.

"Not bad, let him stay, or the words, it should be able to participate in this, tentative exam, stop water, there is a strong enemy, this is very good.

The more powerful opponents, the more you can inspire his potential.

The fog hidden people will never don't pay anything about the other wooden leaves, the jade is written, and the written eye and the fog have the initial collision of the murder, but it is very concerned. "

The house is completely a feeling of full feelings with a bystander's mindset.

The fog hidden village is still a little novel, this sneak into the first day of the foggy village, so you have walked over the street, feel the humanities of the foggy village and different customs with wooden leaves.

In the memory of the person in the memory, he took a rest for one night.

Although the house is more old, but after a series of modifications adjusted inside the house, it is still very broken outside, but the internal is completely large.

No way, the advantage of Muja is so big.

The next day, the people did not have a destination.

He began looking for the first goal of this foggy village.

The six tail of the village in the village, the foam (high)!

Now the entire endure is nine tail beasts, and the people have only left the six-tail rhelling and seven-tailed Chat. Chakra.

He really wants to see if it is set the nine tail of Chakra, even if there is no ten-tailed body of the body, what will be integrated.

Originally, the top of the house is the most important thing to pay attention to the two tails, which combines the cats of different tail bervara, jointly display banned "Supo", so that the second end is stronger the power of.

However, as his wooden resilience is a step-by-step awakening, the more skilled in the open-eyed eyes, this card slowly has become a place where there is not much used, more actually as a set of Chakra Use.

However, he still wants to see, if you can set the nine tail beast, you will not usher in a qualitative change.

So, it is now the main combat power of the Wood and Kaleidoscope, and he will not give up the collection of tail beast.

After all, the more you win the end of the beast, the more you can consume the power of the outer road.

If you don't think it is possible to completely resurrect into ten tails.

As long as the black hand is not resolved, then he will definitely try to make the ten tail, let the big tube will be resurrected again.

The most is the problem that this time will not come.

Therefore, if it is possible to weaken, we will weaken a little.

The six-tubular columnar foam is also a small famous gas in the fog hidden village. He is also one of the main strengths of the oranges.

In the hidden mission of the hidden village, the six tails became a short-lived beast in the misty village. As the six-tail column, the bubble selection stationed in the sikika sauce, and became the one who won one party. One of the main reasons for the secondary coup.

To know that in most people's hearts, the beast is the kind of horror that they can't confront, even if they don't participate in the battle, the deterrence in the invisible is very horrible.

The people went to a corner of no one, taking a lot of cats that can collect intelligence through the training, and a piece of snake.

Then, there is a non-numerous pub in a misty village.

Regardless of which place is hidden in Hidden Village, the bar is often the most intelligence.

Silently sit in a corner.

Time is fast.

Just when I felt that I couldn't help but sleep, I finally got my own.

"I heard that the column of the sixth tail column, but with the help of the four-generation shadow adults, the efforts of the efforts to exercise the power of the six tail."

"Cut, what is so surprised, he is the successful hero and character of the four generations of spleen, helping him from expecting things with the good temper and character of the four generations of shadows."

"I don't know what happened. Since the three tails were missing by the three generations of water shadows, the six tails were the last tail beast in our fog hidden village ..."

"I heard that the last time I always floated out some of the big bubbles, I don't know if there is any relationship with these ..."

The corner sitting in the house, and finally only one empty chair and a few coins put on the table.

Fog Hidden Hill ...

Several people came to the back mountain several.

The figure of the small second is switched on his shoulder.

Perceived ability is fully open.

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