Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 653

Yishibo family is proud, but their proud is also restricted.

A assistant, almost all the people of Unecao will not be opposed, because the people are also written by the written eye, and is still more powerful than their talents.

This makes them proudly a better venting, they are not others, it is the kaleidoscope written in the Unexpeed Wave.

So this time, the nine tail of the ruty, and their Unexpea is also the ability to use all the best.


As a family of Urcho, the house of Unexpello Fu Yue, or two Unexpell members guarded.

"Trouble you tell Fu Yue ..."

"Four generations!"

If you are, you just said half, Yuxi Bofue is with live nimeigi, and there is a small baby.

It is still a little unexpected to see that their four people are all come out.

"Walk away, hurry to go in, Meiqin has been born out of the child, don't come out to blow.

, Take your brother and mother to enter the house, I will give your father some words, you will go. "

"Okay, teacher!"

"I am rude." Yu Zhiwu Meiqin is slightly owed, in the help of the water, walk towards the house.

Laughing and looking at each of them returning to the room, the people and Yizhi Bokuyue went to the yard.

"Fu Yue, what happened? It seems that the second son of you is not very satisfied?" The people looked at him with a face.

As the age increases, the corner of Yuxi Wue's mouth is getting more and more drooping, and there is no appearance of the situation when he is young.

"Hey ... Sasuke this child's potential and some gaps are still." Yu Zhibo Fu Yue sighed.

Since I know that there is a kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye, Unechebouria will open the burden of the kaleidoscope to write the eyes of his son, especially the Yuxi.

"Your guy, don't be too unbelievable, you think that you are talented, can be born, it is definitely a dog, now Sasuke is not as good as the talent, but I believe there is a help, afterwards Strength is absolutely not weak than you. "

what is this?

Isn't this typical to sell ?

Just like being a score of the study at each exam, he will regret it, "It's unfortunately, this time I only examined 99 points, I thought I could take one hundred points."

I have to hear the classmates of this way, I don't want to say anything.

This is the case.

An Yuxi Pub is already excellent enough, coupled with the second pillar, Yuxi Bofue wants to know the upper limit of the second pillar, it is definitely a dream to smile.

"It is also, I am too greedy, myki is already excellent, and I can help him good to help him good." Yu Zhibu Fu Yue thoughtfully nodded.

The house is white.

I heard the words, Yu Zhibo Fu Yue eyes bright, "The water has opened the three hooks and jade, with his current age, and there will be no chance to open the open eye.

In this way, the water is added, and the Yisha Wapo is finally ushered in new improvement? "

"You slowly fantasize."

Said, the people sat down at the stone table in the yard.

Yuxibo Fuyue recovered the water, almost lost his people in front of the house, lost his great image of the Yi Zhiyuyi family.

"Cough, the people, you are here ..."

Seeing that he finally said that returning, the people didn't have a good air: "I originally want to take training, how can you use such a big battle to meet, there is no way, you can only talk to you."

After the end of the bill: "You will pay the loss of Yushuyi family, although there may not be any compensation, but I believe that your Yisi Bo is not lacking, I will let the leaves to promote your Yishusai The contribution of this tail incident is to help you save the image in the eyes of the wooden leaves. "

I heard the people said that Yuxi Bifu's face immediately called joy.

"Yes, there is one thing, you also know, I also know that I also went to the day, from the day, I had to have ten days to the old people's white eye ninja.

Your Zhibo family also said it. "

"No problem, our Unexpo can also provide ten people."

Yischo Fu Yue must have much brittle.

Now Yishabo family, family members are still more, just ten inherent words, not difficult.

"Yes, I have to open your eyes."

If you don't open your eyes, it is useless to come.

Is the most important thing in Unexpea? Is it their writing?

Yuxi Bo Fu Yue did not be so decisive this time, a little hesitated, after a bit bite, "Good!"

Chapter 298 and then in the fog [ask month]

From the day, I have to go to ten white eyes, from the Yishabo family to ten write wheel eye.

In addition, from other big small families, the ninja, which has a variety of family secrets, and some early reserve reserve, then complete the root expansion, even the improvement of strength, it is not one Difficulties.

After doing these, the people don't think about Yue Zhibo Fu Yue.

Into the house called Yu Zhi and Yuxi Water, leaving it directly.

On the way to the training ground, the people looked at a lovely unscrupulous foot, smiled and asked: "The younger brother is very cute?"


I nodded under the consciousness, followed by slightly feeling, some unwilling to be slightly red.

"Hahaha, there is nothing shy, he is your brother, like your younger brother, want to protect your brother, isn't it normal?

It is because of something that wants to guard, a talent will become more and more stronger toward this goal. "

On the side of the Sui Zhishui and the water heard the people, he nodded.

"So, if you want to guard your very important person, you! Water! You have to become stronger!" The people looked at their two disciples, or more recognized.

"Yes! Master of people!"

The moment is full of fullness.

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