Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 634


A ninja next to it immediately left.

At the same time, more and more wooden ninja woke up from the sleep and rushed toward the cue of the leaves.

The distance is the nearest wooden, ninja, has been fighting with the powerful nine tail.

It is said that it is fighting, but it is actually slaughtered on the ground.

The moon is in the middle, under the illumination of the moonlight, no matter whether it is hair or claws in the end of the nine, it is very clear.

In the eye full of violent eyes, there is a three hooks that are hidden in the future.

And the people who are fighting with Yuxi Bouvet have also noticed the nine tails in the distance, and the whole face is black.

"Yuxi Bo belt, if there is a problem with anyone of the water gates and Ni Ni, then I will not take you anything, I have encountered anything, you have to pay the price!" The people made a decision in the heart.

Yuxi Boli saw the nine tail of the appearance, but also the eyes of the eyes.

"It seems that it is successful! So you intend to consume my Chakra's plan, even if it is completely failed."

Said, under the control of Yuxibo spots, it must be able to start printing.

"Tongling - Nine Lama!"

Fall into the voice

The smoke is trunked, and a fire-red nine-tailed appeared in the middle of the house and Yisi.


The nine tail angry.

However, there is a nine tail, but the nine tails in the center of the leaves are disappeared.

Two nine tails? !

However, these two nine nine tails are slightly different. One color is relatively deep, and the other color is relatively shallow.

The eyebrows of Yuxibo spheres, obviously he is also unhappy.

But after a little feeling, I understand the reason.

"With this guy, I know that I will pass the end of the nine, so put it into Chakra into two in advance? One left it for me, one is used to destroy the leaves, but some little smart"

Since the words say, the three black hooks in the Yisi Bolki eye rotate.

"But the problem is not big, such Chakra is also enough for me."

Subsequently, I saw that the nine tails in the roaring suddenly were suddenly awkward.

"As my psychic beast, I have to have a spiritual beast."

Just a blink, the eyes of the nine tail have also become a three hook jade.

Roar again.

At the same time, Yuxi Bottled Blue must be able to fuse directly with the nine tail of the ground.

Just like the people put on the woodman, Yuxi Bou is also put on the armor.

"To know, invented the wear - people who must be Sasone, but I am"

At this point, Yuxi Bottom is restored to his current best, and it is the strongest combat force he should have at this time.

Roar! ! !

The nine-tailed is a crow, and even its nine tails are all wrapped up.

"If you can live in the attack in this state, then I will look forward to our next meeting."

Yuxibo spots appeared very confident, from Chakra, which would not rush on the end of Nine, so that he was originally resumed by Chakra that was exhausted.

Looking at this scene, the people don't know how to stop at all.

Deep sucking one breath and can only actively attack again.

At the same time, in the seal space, his consciousness is sitting on the second end, and there is a small window in front of them, and the situation can be seen outside.

"A lot of beautiful, how many Chakra do you have, and the face is denweered.

The expression of the second tail is also very serious.

As a tail beast, especially a omitted tail, it is not a crane, which clearly knows the gap between it and the nine tail chakra.

"Not much, the other party's Chakra is not much, insisting on consumption of him should have no problem, but now there is more than one nine tail, you should understand how horror in Chakra, Nine."

"I know, this seems that spelling is going to be in a disadvantage?"

I nodded in the second, "I am afraid it."

The eyes blinks, but he did not give up.

Since there is no way around now, then you will come up with some ways.

"I understand, it seems to be like that."


The line of sight returning to Yizhibo spheres is really a war weapon after complete control.

I saw it expanding his mouth, a small tail beast jade instantly agglomerated, directly spitting it.

Such small tail beast jade, the cohesive time is relatively short, the same power will weaken, but the win is able to instantly.

If you think, this small tail beast jade has just left the nine-tailed mouth, and he was grasped by the wood, and the face of the nine tail was directly swearing.

It's a unrescrimatic counterattack, it has played a role.

Unfortunately, there is almost no harm to the nine tail at this time.

The house fell into the bottom of the slight, and Chakra was also consumed quickly, so it will definitely consume nine.

Seeing the other nine tails in the distance, it is destroyed around, and a lot of wooden, ninja is generous to death, the wave of the water gates, and the Sinna also has a three-person incense.

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